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Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Tuesday 20 March 2018 20:38
by davidrq78
zak45 wrote: ↑Sunday 26 November 2017 23:48
you need to adapt to your env.
in your case, this should be :
nohup python3 /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/ $1 $2 $3 &
do not forget to give +x
Dude im super newbie i need a step by step instructions. Plz help
ill should go to :
cd /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2
and than type sudo chmod +x ? Or what?
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Saturday 07 April 2018 18:36
by Estyaah
Hi everyone ! I've read the entire topic, but i'm stuck with the "Error Connecting to Broadlink device..." message
Code: Select all
2018-04-07 18:20:48.838 (Broadlink Mini 3) Initialized version 3.0.0, author 'zak45'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) Debug log level set to: 'true'.
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'HardwareID':'8'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'HomeFolder':'/home/seb/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Version':'3.0.0'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Author':'zak45'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Name':'Broadlink Mini 3'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.841 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Address':''
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Port':'0'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Key':'BroadlinkRM2'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Mode1':'780f77006f9f'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Mode2':'/home/seb/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Mode3':'yes'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Mode4':'yes'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Mode5':'9000'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'Mode6':'Debug'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'DomoticzVersion':'3.8944'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'DomoticzHash':'9df30fb0'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) 'DomoticzBuildTime':'2018-02-23 23:42:52'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device count: 4
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device: 1 - ID: 42, Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Command', nValue: 0, sValue: 'Off'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.842 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device ID: '42'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Command'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device nValue: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device sValue: 'Off'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device LastLevel: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device: 2 - ID: 43, Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Temp', nValue: 0, sValue: ''
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device ID: '43'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Temp'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device nValue: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device sValue: ''
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device LastLevel: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device: 254 - ID: 44, Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Remote', nValue: 0, sValue: ''
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device ID: '44'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Remote'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device nValue: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.843 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device sValue: ''
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device LastLevel: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device: 255 - ID: 45, Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Import', nValue: 0, sValue: 'Off'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device ID: '45'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device Name: 'Broadlink Mini 3 - Import'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device nValue: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device sValue: 'Off'
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device LastLevel: 0
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 (Broadlink Mini 3) Connecting to:
2018-04-07 18:20:48.844 Error: (Broadlink Mini 3) Error Connecting to Broadlink device....
2018-04-07 18:20:48.845 (Broadlink Mini 3) Device Number begin to : 2
2018-04-07 18:20:48.845 (Broadlink Mini 3) Entering work loop.
2018-04-07 18:20:48.868 (Broadlink Mini 3) No ini file :/home/seb/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/remote/plugin_remote_8.ini
2018-04-07 18:20:48.869 (Broadlink Mini 3) Custom Commands for Remote not managed
2018-04-07 18:20:48.869 (Broadlink Mini 3) Heartbeat interval set to: 30.
2018-04-07 18:20:58.388 (Broadlink Mini 3) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-04-07 18:20:58.389 Error: (Broadlink Mini 3) Error Connecting to Broadlink device...
Domoticz runs on an Ubuntu server 17.10 with python 3.6, and I try to reach the RM mini 3.
I've installed the last version of (v3), I've copied all the content of crypto, broadlink & pyaes in /usr/lib/python3.6/
The RM mini 3 is well seen by the e-control app on android, and from my other PC, with advanced IP scanner, I have the line :
"OK NBS Payment Solutions Inc. 78:0F:77:00:6F:9F"
which corresponds to the rule I set in my dhcp server settings.
To be sure, I've run the discovery thing, and the IP and the MAC was well the ones above.
I don't understand why I still have this message...
P.S: @davidrq78 : yes, you have to go to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2, then type sudo chmod +x
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Sunday 08 April 2018 17:49
by ian13010
I have the same issue as you. Hope it's not a problem of compatibility with the newer version of Broadlink.
I continue to search and post a message if there's any evolution.
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Sunday 08 April 2018 22:36
by Estyaah
I've read the topic
viewtopic.php?f=65&t=21645&hilit=broadlink&start=120 and I tried to use python3.4 instead of 3.6, but nothing better.
For information, if someone needs to install python3.4, i've used this : ... untu-16.04
Then : ... bian-linux (the part with update-alternatives).
From my side, I've re-set the python version to 3.6.
Then, while I write this post, I thank to the post of the person who talk about changing the plugin for Ubuntu 18.04 :
Paint wrote: ↑Sunday 01 April 2018 22:18
I am running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and using the latest python 3.6 broadlink module (v0.8). I believe the script needs to be slightly updated to comply with the updated connection string. We now have to pass a devtype ID as well with the host and MAC address. Here is a sample line:
Code: Select all
def broadlinkConnect():
global device, brohost, bromac, devtype
devtype = 0x279d
device = broadlink.rm(host=(brohost,80), mac=bytearray.fromhex(bromac), devtype=devtype)
print( "Connected to Broadlink device.")
print( "Error Connecting to Broadlink device....")
return True
Please see my modified and files below.
After reboot, I've some errors, but I think it works. I've tried to learn an IR command and it seams working !
Edit : It works ! I managed to learn some commands, then to play it from domoticz !
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Monday 09 April 2018 18:27
by ian13010
Hello everybody !
I have the same issue since 1 week. Impossible to connect the Broadlink device with Domoticz.
I tried to install the plugin in a Synology NAS and follow this procedure (thanks to zak45 for the sharing). ... on%20Echo/
I'm in 3.5.1 for Python version and I tested the modified and files from Paint but still the same error.
Code: Select all
2018-04-09 18:17:52.288 (Broadlink) Connecting to:
2018-04-09 18:17:52.288 Error: (Broadlink) Error Connecting to Broadlink device....
2018-04-09 18:17:52.294 (Broadlink) No ini file :/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/remote/plugin_remote_3.ini
2018-04-09 18:17:52.294 (Broadlink) Custom Commands for Remote not managed
2018-04-09 18:17:52.294 (Broadlink) Device Number begin to : 2
2018-04-09 18:17:52.294 (Broadlink) Processing 'PollIntervalDirective' message
2018-04-09 18:17:52.294 (Broadlink) Heartbeat interval set to: 30.
2018-04-09 18:18:01.898 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-04-09 18:18:01.918 (Broadlink) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2018-04-09 18:18:01.918 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-04-09 18:18:01.919 Error: (Broadlink) Error Connecting to Broadlink device....
Thanks in advance for your help !
Edit : It's working ! So, what I did :
- uninstall my old version of broadlink
- git clone --> isntall the final version (0.8)
- follow ... on%20Echo/
- change the and with the Paint version
- restart domoticz service
I can continue to resolve the other problems (web server,...)
Do you know if RF codes are functionnal with broadlink plugin ? (to pilot 433MHz devices )
Thanks for the BIG work and see you later
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Monday 09 April 2018 21:55
by parrotface
Tried all sort of things found in this forum and just cant get broadlink to work.
Using a Raspberry Pi
Domoticz Version: 3.8153 V3
sudo pip3 install broadlink
this also installed -- Successfully installed broadlink pyaes
All pugins copied to domoticz/plugins/BroadLinkRM2
All plugins are executable
Should all the plugins scripts be executable or not?
when I have executable (chmod +x) some times I can't connect with web browser even after restart domoticz.
Reboot Pi I can connect but can't get any broadlink devices. Command, - Remote - Import etc
Also it stops producing graphs until I remove the and the graphs start working again.
At a loss as what to do
Many Thanks
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Wednesday 30 May 2018 20:17
by jdecelis
Dear all i'm having problem with the plugin i tried all the above but i;m still getting the following once i add the RM PRO
2018-05-30 20:13:56.643 Error: (BroadlinkRM2) failed to load '', Python Path used was ':/usr/lib/'.
2018-05-30 20:13:56.643 Error: (RM PRO+) Module Import failed, exception: 'ImportError'
2018-05-30 20:13:56.644 Error: (RM PRO+) Module Import failed: ' Name: plugin'
2018-05-30 20:13:56.644 Error: (RM PRO+) Error Line details not available.
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Wednesday 30 May 2018 23:28
by zak45
jdecelis wrote: ↑Wednesday 30 May 2018 20:17
Dear all i'm having problem with the plugin i tried all the above but i;m still getting the following once i add the RM PRO
2018-05-30 20:13:56.643 Error: (BroadlinkRM2) failed to load '', Python Path used was ':/usr/lib/'.
2018-05-30 20:13:56.643 Error: (RM PRO+) Module Import failed, exception: 'ImportError'
2018-05-30 20:13:56.644 Error: (RM PRO+) Module Import failed: ' Name: plugin'
2018-05-30 20:13:56.644 Error: (RM PRO+) Error Line details not available.
Python version 3.x required & Domoticz version 3.90xx or greater.
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Wednesday 30 May 2018 23:34
by jdecelis
Thanks for your reply. I have python 3.5 installed and domoticz 3.9540
Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Wednesday 26 June 2019 15:37
by Creaky
I'm getting the distinct feeling that this plugin just doesn't work anymore on recent versions of Domoticz.
I've tried getting it to work on my Synology Domoticz installation and on a Pi domoticz installation. In both cases it is impossible to get the plugin to work.
Either the plugin is broken and we've all wasted hours of our lives getting it to work, or truly detailed instructions on how to get it to work are missing.
Maybe someone can shed some real light on this issue and not just reply with 'You need to install Python 3.x.x.x.x', which, as you can see in all former post, is of no help.
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Thursday 26 September 2019 19:15
by Hypermobile
Creaky wrote: ↑Wednesday 26 June 2019 15:37
I'm getting the distinct feeling that this plugin just doesn't work anymore on recent versions of Domoticz.
I've tried getting it to work on my Synology Domoticz installation and on a Pi domoticz installation. In both cases it is impossible to get the plugin to work.
Either the plugin is broken and we've all wasted hours of our lives getting it to work, or truly detailed instructions on how to get it to work are missing.
Maybe someone can shed some real light on this issue and not just reply with 'You need to install Python 3.x.x.x.x', which, as you can see in all former post, is of no help.
Same Problem here, on a Synology:
2019-09-26 19:11:45.918 Error: (BroadlinkRM2) failed to load '', Python Path used was '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/:/volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/lib/'.
2019-09-26 19:11:46.161 Error: (Broadlink IR) Module Import failed, exception: 'ImportError'
2019-09-26 19:11:46.161 Error: (Broadlink IR) Module Import failed: ' Name: broadlink'
2019-09-26 19:11:46.162 Error: (Broadlink IR) Error Line details not available.
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Tuesday 12 November 2019 20:19
by spider2
I have the same problem on synology nas:
Error: (BroadlinkRM) failed to load '', Python Path used was '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/BroadlinkIR/:/volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/lib/'.
2019-11-12 20:08:23.881 Error: (Broadlink) Module Import failed, exception: 'ImportError'
2019-11-12 20:08:23.881 Error: (Broadlink) Module Import failed: ' Name: broadlink'
2019-11-12 20:08:23.881 Error: (Broadlink) Error Line details not available.
What can I do with this?
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Thursday 23 April 2020 14:34
by markjgabb
exact same issue here, i just had to do the buster upgrade on RPI and now no longer works
(BroadlinkRM) failed to load '', Python Path used was '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkIR/:/usr/lib/'.
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Monday 27 April 2020 15:01
by dheuts
Re: Python Plugin: Broadlink RM2
Posted: Wednesday 18 October 2023 12:37
by tarrybrad
Dominick98 wrote: ↑Tuesday 19 December 2017 8:58
Your devices whether smartphones or pc and also laptop computers. Instagram Apk you regulate hen's motion through your voice and this application.
yeah, but executing python will be better option by commands.