Hopeway RealServer/V1.0
module HW-283
Firmware 0.1.661-20190729
These are the JSON GET and SET commmands I could gather:
get Accespoint info:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
"msg_name": "GetIpcApInfo",
"ipc_mode": "station",
"sta_essid": "HSKJHKSSS",
"ap_essid": "IPC-38574691068",
"wired": false,
"app_id": 49,
"domain_num": 0,
"apInfo": [{
"name": "HSKHDywtwshhw==",
"mac": "18:35:d1:27:14:d1",
"type": 2,
"level": 63
}, ......
"ret": 0,
"ret_desc": "GetIpcApInfo ok"
get Camera settings
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
"msg_name": "GetIpcInfo",
"ret": 0,
"ret_desc": "get info ok",
"ipc_mode": "station",
"sta_essid": "HSKJHKSSS",
"motion_detect": false,
"alarm_voice": false,
"ap_essid": "IPC-38574691068",
"ipc_name": "Door",
"ipc_date": "2019-12-07 21:28:19",
"ipc_module": "HW-283",
"ipc_version": "0.1.661-20190729",
"reverse_type": 0,
"dhcp": true,
"ipc_ip": "192.168.x.xx",
"ipc_mac": "50:13:95:ae:43:7d",
"ipc_gw": "192.168.x.x",
"ipc_mask": "",
"ipc_dns0": "",
"ipc_dns1": "",
"language": 1,
"timezone": 1,
"wired": false,
"app_id": 49,
"domain_num": 0,
"onvif": false,
"audio_type": 5,
"start_tone_vol": 100
set commands
Code: Select all
{"msg_index":14,"msg_name":"SetIpcDateTime","timezone":1,"ipc_datetime":"2019-12-05 22:10:50","ipc_pwd":"9FHGD03A7C24082D95D46AD337EB68H8","ipc_id":"38574691068"}
get info
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
"msg_name": "GetMdSwitch",
"ret": 0,
"ret_desc": "get ok",
"app_id": 49,
"alarm_voice": false,
"motion_detect": false,
"type": 0,
"sensitivity": 2,
"alarm_time": 1,
"time": [{
"index": 0,
"enable": false,
"start": 420,
"end": 1139
}, {
"index": 1,
"enable": true,
"start": 1387,
"end": 427
}, {
"index": 2,
"enable": false,
"start": 0,
"end": 0
set command
Code: Select all
set command motion detect area
Code: Select all
get SD Data
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
"msg_name": "GetSdRecord",
"ret": 0,
"ret_desc": "get ok",
"type": 1,
"time": [{
"index": 0,
"enable": false,
"sub_type": 0,
"start": 0,
"end": 0
}, {
"index": 1,
"enable": false,
"sub_type": 0,
"start": 0,
"end": 0
}, {
"index": 2,
"enable": false,
"sub_type": 0,
"start": 0,
"end": 0
"card_status": 0,
"main_record": true,
"app_id": 49,
"domain_num": 0,
"hide_tf": false
set command
Code: Select all
get more Settings
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
"msg_name": "GetMiniIpcLed",
"ret": 0,
"ret_desc": "get ok",
"app_id": 49,
"infrared_led": 1,
"indicator_led": 0,
"lowpower_shutdown": false,
"time_infrared_switch": false,
"time_open": 1050,
"time_close": 429
set commands