Beware of Raspberry Pi SSH hijacks

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Re: Beware of Raspberry Pi SSH hijacks

Post by ben53252642 »

Actually it is relevant to SSH Hijacks because many attacks are successful because of leveraged kernel or application vulnerabilities, now were even starting to see CPU vulnerabilities eg Spectre for which there are now kernel patches.

I combine it with "unattended upgrades" to cover the system packages. ... dates.html

Obviously put SSH on a non-default port with either certificate auth or a very long complex password.

If you want to go the extra mile use port knocking. 8-)
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Re: Beware of Raspberry Pi SSH hijacks

Post by EddyG »

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Re: Beware of Raspberry Pi SSH hijacks

Post by poudenes »

I always change port to above 5000 and make use of SSH_KEY.
And change some settings in sshd_config to

PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM no
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Re: Beware of Raspberry Pi SSH hijacks

Post by Thunderbolt »

I'm a little confused, but did I got that right, that you left your ssh port of your pi accessible from the internet?
In my opinion, that port shouldn't be open at all. If I want to access the pi from outside, I would use a secured VPN connection.
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