What Sensor Type is your device SolarEdge Power Kwh
I do have Sensor Type Electric (Instant+Counter) and with from device the update command needs to be an other than below?
urlmessage = 'http://'+domoip+':'+domoport+'/json.htm?type=command¶m=udevice&idx='+str(domoidx)+'&svalue='+str(domovalue)
I'm a newbie to domoticz and scripting - but i finally got the perl script working on my rasperry connected to a SolardEdge Se7k by modbus TCP. Actually, there is only one problem: How can I get the real power value (describing in/out of power to the grid) or alternatively incoming and outgoing grid power into the script and finally into domoticz?
Name: common Sunspec Id: 1 Label: Common
Manufacturer (Mn) SolarEdge
Model (Md) SE4000
Version (Vr) 0003.2221
Serial Number (SN) 73133F27
Device Address (DA) 1
Name: inverter Sunspec Id: 101 Label: Inverter (Single Phase)
Amps (A) 1.74 A
Amps PhaseA (AphA) 1.74 A
Phase Voltage AB (PPVphAB) 236.0 V
Watts (W) 383.1 W
Hz (Hz) 50.02 Hz
VA (VA) 412.5 VA
VAr (VAr) 152.88 var
PF (PF) 92.87 Pct
WattHours (WH) 9371992 Wh
DC Amps (DCA) 1.0329 A
DC Voltage (DCV) 376.5 V
DC Watts (DCW) 388.9 W
Heat Sink Temperature (TmpSnk) 41.79 C
Operating State (St) MPPT
Vendor Operating State (StVnd) 0
Vendor Event Bitfield 1 (EvtVnd1) 1
Vendor Event Bitfield 4 (EvtVnd4) 0
I can install it on my Pi where also Domoticz is running on that's no problem but it is not clear to me how to get it in Domoticz.