Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters Topic is solved

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Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by zebron »

Hi there,

I'm new on domoticz and I installed an Aeotec Siren Gen5 on my domoticz installation (Raspberry Pi with ZME UZB Stick). I included my siren with the "include node" function and everything is ok. But this siren has a parameter to configure the ring and the volume of the ring. I would like to be able to make ring the siren with the appropriate ring and volume according to the events handled.

Would you know how to make it ? I did not found any topics on the forum that discuss on these parameters. Should I post on the topic "Getting your device supported ?" ? or maybe in the "Suggestions" forum ?

the parameters are indicated there: Image

Thank you all for your help
La construction de notre maison RT2012 avec Trecobat

Domoticz running on Raspberry B+ with ZME-UZB Stick (using OpenZWave)

Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by trixwood »

Did you

click on menu setup
click on menu hardware
click on openzwave hardware
click on setup
click on siren node
scroll down...

You should get this for your device:
Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 00.20.43.png
Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 00.20.43.png (161.1 KiB) Viewed 15704 times

That's where you can configure your siren.
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by zebron »

Thank you for tour answer ! I did not look at the configuration menu.
correct me if I understand it wrong: that means the parameter 37 cannot be set using blocky scripts and it is set "permanently" in the configuration menu ? Could it be called using LUA scripts (i did not read any doc about lua scripts so my question might sound silly, sorry) ?

thank you
La construction de notre maison RT2012 avec Trecobat

Domoticz running on Raspberry B+ with ZME-UZB Stick (using OpenZWave)

Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by trixwood »

Not possible with basic blocky. Anyway you want different alarm sounds for different alarm situations, I get it. Not really possible.

Eventhough you could script it. The biggest question would be if the config update will be preformed immediately by a powered z-wave device and if it's handled before the on switch.

Anyway scripting open-z-wave is beyond me :-) I imagine it will take like: cloning the page http://dom_ip:8080/ozwcp/cp.html and change it to your behaviour... (you know defaulting config, lot of work. Or maybe there are other options...
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by zebron »

ok, thank you for your detailed answer ! I close the topic
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by leoncornelissen »

I think configuration should be possible via a script. I also have a gen5 siren and I want to change the sound depending of the situation. warning / alarm etc.
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by zebron »

You mean a LUA script, right ?

Keep us in touch if you do succeed ! :-)
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by leoncornelissen »

I mean in Lua yes, I see several solutions in php and bash but I'm looking for a simple url command which to use via lua
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by SimonH »

+1 I've also been trying to find a way to do this in Lua.
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by leoncornelissen »

I managed to change the alarm via python, I captured the POST command and recreated it with python. Now I need to make a nice interface. like calling script:// -Sound 2 -level high
I'll keep you informed about the progress
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by atatistcheff »

+1 here too. Just got the Aeotec doorbell which also has customizable sounds. Would love to be able to select the sound when triggering!
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by frankfelder »

Did anyone made any progress with this one? I would also like to adjust the volume and siren sound from LUA.
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by geezerrr »


Just read this topic and thought that this solution might work as well.
I use t to activate the animation program of my led strips.
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Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by geezerrr »


Just read this topic and thought that this solution might work as well for changing the sound of the aeon siren.
I use t to activate the animation program of my led strips.

One remark, its quite difficult to find the right IDX of the node, so read the complete post Image
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by JosuaK »

I have another problem with that device. I just bought this Siren Aeotec Gen5 and have included it without any problems.
But if I want to change the parameter "37. Siren sound and Volume" and apply that configuration for this device I always get the message "Problem updating Node Configuration". So it's not possible for me to change the sound or volume.
Do you have a suggestion what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by FritzzJan »

I have the same probem: when you try to change parameter 37, I get the error JosuaK describes.
If you do the same thing by the OZW-panel it is also not working.
In both cases Domoticz CRASHES, and has to be started again.
The Siren is normally working with the "old" sound.
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by geezerrr »

Look like a similar issue as with the aeotec door sensor viewtopic.php?t=14825
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by JosuaK »

Thanks for the info. Good to know, that I'm not alone :)
Is there anything we could do in addition to find the problem?
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by ropske »

I also have the same problem with this siren, i can not change volume/sound :(
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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters

Post by mrdata »

sur Domoticz j'ai réussi à faire en sorte de configurer le type de sonnerie en fonction d'un événement...
Dans un 1er temps il faut sur mettre sur réglages - matériels - puis selectionner le noeud Aeotec ZW080 Siren Gen5 correspondent à l'alarme.
Sur Google Chrome appuyer alors sur F12 cela fera apparaitre une fenetre à gauche ou en bas suivant votre configuration (pour moi elle est a gauche)
Dans le haut de cette nouvelle fenetre il y a des onglets, selectionner l'onglet "NETWORK"
puis cliquer sur le parametre 37 et choisir le 1er soit : Sound 1 - Low Volume et cliquer sur "Appliquer la configuration sur le dispositif"
une ligne json.htm... apparaît alors dans la fenêtre network
il suffit de copier cette ligne en cliquant bouton droite et faire copy link.
coller ça dans un fichier texte en attente
repeter l'opération pour toutes les sonneries et les volumes.
Ensuite il faut créer un capteur virtuel example "volume sonnerie alarme"de type "interrupteur selecteur"
aller ensuite dans l'onglet interrupteur de Domoticz
Editer le capteur virtuel créée précedement et modifier pour mettre un icone Alarme.
Puis renommer les niveaux deja existent par :
0 Off
10 Sound 1 88 dB
20 Sound 1 100 dB
30 Sound 1 105 dB
40 Sound 2 88 dB
50 Sound 2 100 dB
60 Sound 2 105 dB
70 Sound 3 88 dB
80 Sound 3 100 dB
90 Sound 3 105 dB
il faudra creer un 2eme capteur virtuel pour le reste des valeurs, cela ne marche pas si on en met trop...
penser a cliquer sur le bouton sauvegarder!
puis aller dans Reglages - Evenements
et creer un nouvel evenement
BLOCK : IF THEN ELSE avec l'engrenage :
IF switch capteur virtuel "volume sonnerie alarme" ="OFF"
DO switch "nom de votre dispositif AEON ALARME" = OFF
ELSE IF switch capteur virtuel "volume sonnerie alarme" = "Sound 1 88 dB"
DO (choisir MESSAGE - Open URL et coller les adresses json mises de coté dans le fichier texte) exemple OPEN URL "http://IP:PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=41&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMSAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D_80_Tm90aGluZw%3D%3D_200_QWVvbiBMYWJzIFN0YW5kYXJkIFByb2R1Y3Q%3D_252_RGlzYWJsZQ%3D%3D_255_Tm9ybWFs_"
cela renvoie la programmation complète avec le sound 1 et le volume 88db et les autres parametres ne sais pas comment faire pour ne renvoyer que le parametre 34...
et ainsi de suite en rajoutant des ELSE IF
avec les URL des parametres correspondants a chaque sonneries et volumes.
Il faudra refaire la meme chose avec un autre capteur virtuel pour les sonneries 4 à 5 et un 2e evenement aussi
cela permettra à la fin de pouvoir modifier la valeur du capteur virtuel en fonction d'un evenement et donc d'envoyer la config à l'alarme.
Capture1.JPG (46.88 KiB) Viewed 14433 times
Capture2.JPG (40.53 KiB) Viewed 14433 times
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