Here is the config file for the ZMEE05462 flush mountable switch

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Here is the config file for the ZMEE05462 flush mountable switch

Post by rvugts »


I recently bought a flush mountable switch (ZMEE05462) and discovered that it was not yet supported by domoticz.
I created a config file based on the documented parameters but found that the documentation was not quite correct.

After some experimentation I have now managed to get all functions working correctly and want to share the device config file so it can be included in a later release (attached).

This is the line I needed to add to the file manufacturer_specific.xml under manufacturer Popp / Duwi (id="0064")

Code: Select all

<Product type="1000" id="0009" name="ZMEE05462 Flush Mounted Switch" config="" />
For those interested, the switch is actually made by POPP and has number 004803.

-- Rob
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Re: Here is the config file for the ZMEE05462 flush mountable switch

Post by rvugts »

Is this actually the right procedure to get new device files added to openzwave?
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Re: Here is the config file for the ZMEE05462 flush mountable switch

Post by gcoupe »

Could you possibly post this info to the Device Information subforum here, using the template in the forum? That would be very helpful, and get this info into the proper forum (it'll get lost here in the Z-wave forum over time). Thanks.
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