DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

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DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Hi everybody!

I have installed a DS2438 in my 1-wire network. It is a chip that reads humidity and temp and belongs to 1-wire family 26. Everything looks fine in OWFS and I can read temp and humidity with for example cat /mnt/1wire/26.B42592010000/humidity with correct output.

However in domoticz it only shows up in the device-list as type: general, subtype: pressure with a value of 936,6 bar and ID 00000000.

I have looked for a solution but I cant find any. Anyone have any clue of what the problem can be? Isn't DS2438 supported by domoticz? As far as I have understood it should be.

I've just updated Domoticz to version 2.4540 and owfs to 3.1.p1 but that didn't solve the problem.

I hope you understand my question! :)
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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

Pls see this https://github.com/domoticz/domoticz/is ... -183891375
I trying help for you

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Working nice now, thanks Fantom!

Howerver, since my DS2438 started working, i started having problem with my TSL252R sensor. It is a light-sensor that gives a Volt-output based on how light it is. It is mounted on a DS2450S, wich is a family 20 card. It have now started to give very jumpy values in domoticz. Sometimes it briefly shows the correct value, for example 63 mV when its dark. But then it changes to 4590 mV. And then sometimes shows the correct value briefly again.

I always get correct values in OWFS. I have tried different versions of OWFS, both installed via apt-get and compiled myself. I'm running Domoticz 2.4684. Anyone knows what the problem can be, or experience the same thing?

Maybe I should move this to the Bugs-section?

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

I see in module, that it reading 4 values for this DS2450.
Please test only for bash, for a long time, whether these values in the file are correct.

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Actually I think it is supposed to read

At least from what I understand. The values that you wrote doesnt exist on that chip in OWFS. The value it returns from the TSL252R sensor is volt.B.

And what do you mean with "Please test only for bash, for a long time, whether these values in the file are correct". I'm quite a rookie with this, so sorry if I dont understand you :D

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

Ok. My fault. It reading from volt.A to volt.D

Pls many time call from bash :
cat /mn1/1wire/20.*****/volt.B
And check those values. Always good, or sometimes wrong.

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Its ok :)

I have now called the sensor from bash many times, and it always shows good values there. So it seems to be something wrong in domoticz right?

It mostly shows wrong in Domoticz, only a few times the correct value. And another strange thing is that it doesnt always show the same faulty value. It be for example 4540mV or 4590mV or 4600mV. But always values around there. I wonder where domoticz get those values from?

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

When do you called from bash, domoticz is working or not ?

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Domoticz was not working when I called from bash. It showed wrong values.

This is how the log of the sensor looks. The low values are the correct ones. As you can see it doesnt looks normal :)
ljussensor logg.jpg
ljussensor logg.jpg (78.12 KiB) Viewed 6708 times
When looking in the domoticz log it looks like this:

2016-02-25 09:30:14.428 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:14.430 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Ljussensor ute NV)
2016-02-25 09:30:14.432 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:14.433 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:15.467 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:15.504 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.551 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.588 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.625 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.662 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.699 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.736 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.766 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.906 (1-Wire) Humidity (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.908 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.909 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Ljussensor ute NV)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.965 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:16.995 (1-Wire) General/Solar Radiation (Solar Radiation)
2016-02-25 09:30:47.788 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:47.791 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Ljussensor ute NV)
2016-02-25 09:30:47.794 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:47.795 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:48.842 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:48.879 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:49.927 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:49.963 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.000 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.037 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.075 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.112 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.142 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.283 (1-Wire) Humidity (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.284 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.286 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Ljussensor ute NV)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.313 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:30:50.315 (1-Wire) General/Solar Radiation (Solar Radiation)
2016-02-25 09:31:21.356 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:21.358 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Ljussensor ute NV)
2016-02-25 09:31:21.361 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:21.363 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:22.414 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:22.471 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.671 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.725 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.780 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.835 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.889 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.943 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:24.991 (1-Wire) Temp (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:25.131 (1-Wire) Humidity (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:25.133 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:25.135 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Ljussensor ute NV)
2016-02-25 09:31:25.166 (1-Wire) RFXSensor (Unknown)
2016-02-25 09:31:25.169 (1-Wire) General/Solar Radiation (Solar Radiation)

It is the one called "Ljussensor ute NV" that I doesn't work.

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

Uuuuu, RFXSensor.
I can't help. I don't have and don't know how it working.

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Ok, thanks anyway Fantom!
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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

In the last version, in 1wire is fixed some bugs (one for pressure). Please check. Maybe now is working properly ?

ps. ID should no longer be equal 00000000
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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by LazyLizzard »

Just updated to 3.4860, and its still the same.


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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

Do pressure still not work ?

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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by term »

Just wanted you to know that I have the exact same issue with my ds2438:s.
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Re: DS2438 not showing correct in Domoticz

Post by fantom »

What is exactly dont work ?

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