Lets start from the beginning.... As i have a rather basic implementation with the support of Nayr!
I have the following setup:
3 PI's connected by wire seperate VLANs spread over multiple floors and cabinets... Using a Raspbian SDcard Image as a basic startingpoint, with addons like ser2net, kodi, domoticz, several scripts for monitoring the PI's etc.
So rolling out a new PI would be easy, as a copy transfers always the latest version.
What we need to know where/what you know/have and where to go to.
Back to my setup:
Pioneer VSX920
port: 8102 (<>telnet portnumber 23)
Raspbian (Debian 8 based)
installed: ser2net, kodi, domoticz, mosquitto, node-js, perl, python
Raspbian (Debian 8 based) (Again, Not the Domoticz SDcard Image)
installed: ser2net, kodi (disabled), domoticz, perl, python
Setting up the PI to connect to the Pioneer AV-Receiver
On the RPI-KODI i installed nodejs, mosquitto, npm with as superuser or sudo:
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs mosquitto npm -y
apt-get install git -y
Download the "latest" version from github with:
git clone
https://github.com/nayrnet/domoticz-htc.git htc
Change into directory htc and configure it:
cd htc/
cp config.example config.js
nano config.js
Enable it with npm and start it as a daemon (backgrounding permanently):
npm install
./server.js {test it !!! CTRL-X or CTRL-C or key to stop}
sudo service daemon start
In case of maintenance etcetera Stop/Start it with:
~/htc/daemon.js stop
~/htc/daemon.js start
Configuration for 2 RPis (remote):
RPI-KODI contains the following settings in ~/htc/config.js:
var options = {
powermate : false, // Enable PowerMate Volume Knob
sharptv : false, // Enable SharpTV Sync & OSD
host : '', // MQTT Broker Host (Domoticz) {{ ip.add.re.ss from domoticz }}
avrPort : 8102, // Serial Port (String) or TCP Port (Int) of Pioneer {{ serialport like /dev/serTTY01 or 23 }}
avrHost : "", // IP Address of Pioneer (if Int used for avrPort) {{ ip.add.re.ss Pioneer else empty }}
maxvol : 161, // 0dB, issue telnet: 3SUD for hard enforcment.
defaultVolume : 30, // Default Volume (%) on Input Change
// tvPort : "/dev/ttyUSB-TV", // Serial Port for TV
tvPort : false, // Serial Port for TV
idx : [ ], // Init IDX Array
request : false, // Required for MQTT
status : 'htc/connected', // MQTT Status Path
syslog : false, // Log to Syslog
log : false, // Extra Debug Logging
// Domoticz Switches - NAME : IDX (false = Disabled)
var switches = {
inputs : 288, // Input Selector Switch (Required) {{ see below, the IDX belonging to InputSelector }}
modes : 290, // Mode Selector Switch {{ see below, the IDX belonging to SndModeSelector }}
volume : 292, // Volume Dimmer {{ see below, the IDX belonging to MasterVolume }}
voldisp : 95, // Volume Decibel Display
zone2 : false, // Zone2 Input Selector
z2volume : false, // Zone2 Volume Slider
z2voldisp : false, // Zone2 Volume Decibel Display
zone3 : false, // Zone3 Input Selector
tuner : 296, // AM/FM Tune Selector
displayText : 294, // Front Display Text
modeText : 291, // Audio Mode Text
lights : false, // Lights to dim w/PowerMate
// Domoticz Input Selector - LEVEL : [INPUT, NAME]
var inputs = {
0 : [ 0, 'Power Off' ],
10 : [ 25, 'Kodi Media' ],
20 : [ 19, 'HDMI1-DVD_HDDr' ],
30 : [ 20, 'HorizonTVbox' ],
40 : [ 21, 'PlayStation3' ],
50 : [ 01, 'CD/Audio Kodi' ],
60 : [ 02, 'Tuner/Radio' ],
70 : [ 15, 'DV/BDRecorder' ],
80 : [ 10, 'Video1' ],
90 : [ 14, 'Video2Front' ],
100 : [ 05, 'Televisie' ],
110 : [ 04, 'DVD-Decoder' ],
120 : [ 17, 'iPod/USB Front' ],
130 : [ 26, 'Internet Radio' ],
// Domoticz Audio Mode Selector - LEVEL : [MODE, NAME]
var modes = {
10 : [ '0006', 'Auto Surround' ],
20 : [ '0151', 'Auto Level Control' ],
30 : [ '0007', 'Stream Direct' ],
40 : [ '0001', 'Stereo' ],
50 : [ '0012', 'ProLogic' ],
60 : [ '0014', 'ProLogic Music' ],
70 : [ '0112', 'Extended Stereo'],
80 : [ '1103', '[)(] DIGITAL EX'],
90 : [ '0605', 'Stream Direct (Straight Decode)'],
Setup RPI-DOMOTICZ with the following IN Domoticz:
Create new hardware:
Name: MQTT GW Pioneer {Anything representing to your liking}
Type: MQTT Client GW with LAN-interface
Data Timeout: Disabled
Remote Address: { or host and domainnames like rpi-kodi.localnet.intranet / or localhost}
Port: 1883 { to be sure, u can use: netstat -nat | more, to find out which ports are listening on }
After that when not already created a Dummy {Virtual Switches} create that one also.
Then create some dummy devices:
- Name: InputSelector, Type SelectorSwitch
- Name: SndModeSelector, Type SelectorSwitch
- Name: Master Volume, Type: DimmerSwitch
- Name: TunerStationSelect, Type: SelectorSwitch
- Name: FrontDisplayTxt, Type: Text
- Name: AudioModeTxt, Type: Text
Zone2 and Z2Volume are not working correctly, so better not to be used, unless Nayr updated it between 04/2016 and 10/2016.
Also i'm not sure if i have embedded it myself are the voldisp/z2voldisp to display the actual Volume Level of the MasterZone or 2nd/3rd/4th Zone when available.
I think with the above info you must be able to get in running, even when your running locally.
And @justintime, perhaps start over ?? or try running as SuperUser (su -??) however i wouldn't recommend it, only to sort out some strange effects perhaps.