1wire one of many sensors lost but still in OWFS Topic is solved

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1wire one of many sensors lost but still in OWFS

Post by oskarnn »

Since a few days back I have lost one 1wire sensor. Still registering the other 4 sensors but one refuses to come back.
Logs shows the following

Code: Select all

2016-01-03 11:40:16.479 (1 Wire) Temp (Sovrummet 2)
2016-01-03 11:40:17.972 (1 Wire) Temp (Vardagsrummet)
2016-01-03 11:40:19.353 (1 Wire) Temp (Källaren)
2016-01-03 11:40:20.733 (1 Wire) Temp (Sovrummet)
If I check /mnt/1wire I can see all 5 sensors and the one not shown in Domoticz is visible and temperature updated accordingly.

Code: Select all

ls -l /pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ls -l /mnt/1wire/
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan  3 11:42 10.11197E020800
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan  3 11:42 10.B04883020800
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan  3 11:42 10.C69E7C020800
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan  3 11:42 10.CF2483020800
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan  3 11:42 10.F12183020800
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ more /mnt/1wire/10.CF2483020800/temperature
Setup->Devices gives (sorted by hardware, only 4 1 Wire sensors found)

Code: Select all

  	15	1 Wire	F121	33	Sovrummet	Temp	TFA 30.3133	23.9 C	12	100	[Remove Device] [Rename Device]   [Log] 	2016-01-03 11:47:19
  	14	1 Wire	1119	25	Källaren		Temp	TFA 30.3133	6.3 C		12	100	[Remove Device] [Rename Device]   [Log] 	2016-01-03 11:47:17
  	30	1 Wire	C69E	158	Vardagsrummet	Temp	TFA 30.3133	28.8 C	12	100	[Remove Device] [Rename Device]   [Log] 	2016-01-03 11:47:16
  	31	1 Wire	B048	72	Sovrummet 2	Temp	TFA 30.3133	23.6 C	12	100	[Remove Device] [Rename Device]   [Log] 	2016-01-03 11:47:14
Since the sensor failed I deleted it from the dashboard to see if that would help but didn't (of course), tried "Accept new Hardware Devices" and not to hide deleted sensor but still it's not shown in Domoticz.
Is it possible to debug the 1wire interface more between Domoticz and OWFS?
Could it be that the sensor also reports some error codes and therefore not shown? (I don't think so since it shows the correct temperature in OWFS)

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Re: 1wire one of many sensors lost but still in OWFS

Post by birchman »

A long shot.
I think that domoticz reads the uncached version of the temperature from owfs. You are checking the cached temperature. Search the directory structure and look if you a temperature value in the uncached structure. If not your sensor network may have some problems. You could have bad connection or signal collision. The cached always have a value present.

Hope you get it working.
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Re: 1wire one of many sensors lost but still in OWFS

Post by fantom »

For a few days, 1wire by OWFS reading cached temeprature.
Pls download thje latest beta and test it.

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