Domoticz v2.3530: unhandled switch type: RTS

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Domoticz v2.3530: unhandled switch type: RTS

Post by Oliv5 »


I purchased a RF link board recently, upgraded it to the latest firmware and tried it.
First, on my PC with domoticz v2.4xxx, it detects correctly my somfy thelis 1 remote, as well as the neighbourhood oregon devices ( :lol: ).
Then on my raspberry pi, with domoticz v2.3530, but it detects nothing, not a single device. Pressing a button of my remote produces the following error message "Error: RFLink: Unhandled switch type: RTS". Moreover, the RF link version doesn't get printed in the logs, while I see it on the serial link using minicom.

It seems it has to do with domoticz, but I've been looking in the revision history, and between v2.3530 and v2.4xxx, I see nothing related to the RF link gateway. I wanted to rollback to an older version, but there is only a single image of domoticz available for the raspberry pi at one time, so I couldn't.

How can I debug this issue? Should I build an up-to-date revision from sources?

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Re: Domoticz v2.3530: unhandled switch type: RTS

Post by Stuntteam »

You will need a more recent Domoticz version. Did you enable beta versions?
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Re: Domoticz v2.3530: unhandled switch type: RTS

Post by Oliv5 »

I didn't, assuming the previous revisions should support somfy devices anyway, but I'll give it a try.
Just to mention I used the latest domoticz image available for raspberry pi.
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Re: Domoticz v2.3530: unhandled switch type: RTS

Post by Oliv5 »

Setting up the beta version works indeed. I'm surprise I didn't find any comment about this in Domoticz release notes. Anyway, the latest beta runs well here. Thks
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