Python Event scripts

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Python Event scripts

Post by jammiejammie »

I'm using the beta versions of Domoticz and some time ago someone seems to have added a python interpreter. This is awesome as python is a lot easier for me tan lua.

But... How far along is it ? Is it somehow bug free ? The demo file added gives some details about how to use us, but i would also like to know if more people have examples.

Please let me know if this part if domoticz is declared "Stable"
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Re: Python Event scripts

Post by MaartenB »

The code is ready, but the cmake file was missing some part (don't know why they were removed)
You can try our this:
Until my pull request gets through ( )
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Re: Python Event scripts

Post by Holland »

If 'm correct the 363 is closed. Will this work in a similar way to LUA, e.g or and place this in the domoticz/scripts/python directory?

I tried the above, but without success. Running 2.4347 on Raspi 2
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Re: Python Event scripts

Post by sumo89 »

I just gave this a try... I get the Python option in the Event GUI. But...

2016-07-26 23:28:57.604 Domoticz V3.5382 (c)2012-2016 GizMoCuz
2016-07-26 23:28:57.604 Build Hash: 7071bfc-modified, Date: 2016-07-26 14:06:52
2016-07-26 23:30:09.508 EventSystem: reset all events...
This will only show up in the shell where you start domoticz
Segmentation fault

Basically, whatever I have in the Python-script always ends with "Segmentation fault" and then Domoticz dies. Above I only have "print('This will only show up in the shell where you start domoticz').

Any ideas? :)
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