I've just connected an Enocean PI (from http://www.g-media.fr/enocean-pi-raspberry.html) on my raspberry pi 2, and added it as an "EnOcean USB (ESP3)" on /dev/ttyAMA0
Then I made a discovery on a NODON indoor temperature sensor STP-2-1-05. It was well detected and gives me good temperature measurements, but it gave me this warning:
Code: Select all
2015-05-13 13:23:12.642 EnOcean: 01 (0A/07) A5 08 28 46 80 01 8A 2D 88 00 01 FF FF FF FF 39 00
2015-05-13 13:23:12.643 EnOcean: destination: 0xffffffff
RSSI: 43
2015-05-13 13:23:12.643 EnOcean: 4BS data: Sender id: 0x018a2d88 Status: 00 Data: 46
2015-05-13 13:23:12.643 EnOcean: 4BS, Teach-in diagram: Sender_ID: 0x018A2D88
Manufacturer: 0x46 (>>Unkown... Please report!<<)
Profile: 0x02
Type: 0x05 (Temperature.05)
Do I need to create a ticket for this?