I have built a bunch of sensors based on ESP8266/NodeMCU hardware. They report to a Mosquitto MQTT server with topics like office/temperature and office/humidity, or shed/temperature and shed/batteryvoltage. This all works, and I can see the published data with mosquitto_sub. (I looked for existing protocols for sensors, and MQTT seemed to be the thing to use.) For example:
Code: Select all
office/temperature 65
office/humidity 39
shed/temperature 33
shed/humidity 64
shed/batteryvoltage 12.75
The next step is to provide web graphs and, hopefully, alarms. Domoticz looked good because it does not rely on PHP or Java, but the MQTT graphic in the wiki (
https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/MQTT) has me wondering if it is the right tool for the job.
I can add the broker (running on the same machine as Domoticz), but then don't see a way to add sensors attached to that broker. It appears that setting this up might involve Lua, Node.js, JSON, and reprogramming all the sensors. I was hoping to just add the topics in a GUI, though.
Maybe there is a plugin or add-on that simplifies this?