Support for Siemens QAX95.4 EnOcean temperature sensor

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Support for Siemens QAX95.4 EnOcean temperature sensor

Post by StephaneG »


I am running the current stable release on a Pi B, and newly experimenting EnOcean with an ESP3 EnOcean USB stick.

For the moment, i only have a single temperature sensor, a Siemens QAX95.4. It is a 0 to 50°C room sensor, which is stated here : ... s/10223905

Puzzling is that the product doc says it uses the EEP 07-10-01 profile, which seems to imply that it is a 0 to 40 °C sensor...

The sensor does not show in the domoticz device list ; the log shows :

2015-12-10 21:30:32.929 EnOcean: 01 (0A/07) A5 E8 80 83 0F 01 86 62 DD 00 01 FF FF FF FF 3A 00
2015-12-10 21:30:32.929 EnOcean: destination: 0xffffffff<br>RSSI: 42
2015-12-10 21:30:32.929 EnOcean: 4BS data: Sender id: 0x018662dd Status: 00 Data: 83
2015-12-10 21:30:32.931 EnOcean: Need Teach-In for 018662DD

i've searched a bit about EnOcean frames, and lookes into domoticz source code. It seems that the domoticz log rightfully identifies a 4 BS frame, but that Domoticz doesn't know the manufacturer, the product id nor maybe how to decode a 0 to 50°C frame.

Is it possible to add support for this product? Assuming the frame decodes same as 0 to 40°C, then the data byte should be scaled from 0 to 255 to 0 to 50°C but i'm not sure because [PDF]EnOcean Equipment Profiles EEP 2.6.3 doesn't mention 0 to 50 but rather 0 to 40...

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Re: Support for Siemens QAX95.4 EnOcean temperature sensor

Post by StephaneG »

Replying to myself,

The sensor VERY LIKELY has a 0/40 range and not a 0/50 as shows on the web product page.

I have done several comparative measurements today, and the hex data byte value from the domoticz log matches the temperature measured with another sensor when scaled to 0/40.

So i guess adding support for it should be a matter of adding entries for Siemens in the manufacturer table, and product type in the product table ; then eventually routing the byte decode to the already existing 0/40 scaling code, all that into the enocean domoticz code.

I am considering trying to do that myself, as a starting point for some spare time effort to help the domoticz dev team.

Before i get started, Gizmocuz, do you validate my findings?

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Re: Support for Siemens QAX95.4 EnOcean temperature sensor

Post by StephaneG »

Replying to myself again,

Forget it, i've made it to work.

The Siemens website which states that the measurement range is 0 to 50°C is wrong, it is 0 to 40.

The issue is that domoticz does not handle the "variations" of the Teach-In message sent by the remote units when their Learn button is pressed. These variations are in the EnOcean spec, and the QAX95.4 uses one of those variations.

So i will post a patch.

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