Slave switch

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Slave switch

Post by rvweert »

Hi there,

I added a Qubino dimmers second button as slave button to another Fibaro relais but if I flip the switch it does make the master switch in Domoticz show the new state however it doesn't enable the device that is controlled by that switch. Anyone know how to accomplish that?


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Re: Slave switch

Post by klontje »

Hi, I also have the qubino dimmer. The second button triggers the signal 'on' as soon as you press the button. But as soon as you release the buton the state of the switch goes back to off again. So you really can't use it as slave device/switch. What I use it for is triggering a scene. You create a scene and then in the scene settings add it as triggering device when on is pressed. This way the short switch to the on position triggers the scene. That the switch falls back to off as soon as you release the button doesnt matter.
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Re: Slave switch

Post by rvweert »

Hey Klontje,

Well my device does keep the on/off state. I was unable to change the second switch from pulse to stable though through configuration so I just removed the spring from the physical switch to make it behave as a normal switch. This works okay however when I set it to on now, in Domoticz the other device I want to control shows as 'On', however it never really switches on... Is that the intended behaviour perhaps?

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