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RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by SweetPants »

Hi, I have both an RFXcom and RFLink both on separate Domoticz systems, and have done some comparisson on received signal and it looks like the RFLink is more sensitive than the RFXcom. The RFXcom is equiped with a GP antenna https://www.conrad.nl/nl/aurel-65020031 ... 90073.html, the RFLink with a small antenna from ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/201005647110.

I'm looking at the weakest signal which is the outside temp/hum sensor.

The RFlink is almost two times further away from the outside sensor but it receives the sensors more times in the same timeframe than the RFXcom does.

RFLink: (almost sees the sensor every time compared to the others i have)

2015-11-07 13:50:14.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:50:33.417 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:50:57.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:50:58.213 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:51:14.259 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:51:18.417 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:51:40.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:51:43.213 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:51:57.259 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:52:03.417 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:52:23.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:52:28.213 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:52:40.259 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:52:48.418 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:53:06.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:13.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:23.545 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:33.418 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:53:49.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:58.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:54:06.259 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:54:18.418 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:54:32.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:54:43.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:55:03.419 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:55:15.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:55:28.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:55:32.402 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:55:48.419 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:55:58.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:56:13.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:56:15.259 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:56:33.419 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:56:41.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:57:18.419 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:57:24.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:57:41.402 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:57:43.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:58:03.420 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:58:07.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:58:28.214 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:58:48.420 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Buiten) <--
2015-11-07 13:58:50.455 (RFLink) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)

RFXcom (almost never sees the outside sensor and misses the others sometimes)

2015-11-07 13:50:14.444 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:50:57.588 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:51:43.204 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:51:57.250 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:52:23.587 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:06.444 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:13.204 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 13:53:49.587 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:54:32.587 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:56:15.249 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Woonkamer)
2015-11-07 13:56:41.587 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:58:07.730 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:58:50.730 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 13:59:33.588 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 14:00:16.730 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 14:00:43.206 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)
2015-11-07 14:01:42.445 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 14:02:25.445 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 14:04:34.588 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 14:05:17.588 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Badkamer)
2015-11-07 14:05:58.206 (RFXcom) Temp + Humidity (Slaapkamer)

Swapping antennas does not make much of a difference.


It looks like the RFLink is much more sensitive than the RFXcom?
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by jannl »

Did you switch the positions and check again? Reception is also depending on surroundings.

Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by SweetPants »

jannl wrote:Did you switch the positions and check again? Reception is also depending on surroundings.
As i said, the RFLink is almost twice the distance away from the sensor then the RFXcom.
Even with an extra wall in between the RFlink and the sensor, the RFlink still receives the outside sensor while the RFXcom does not.
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by jannl »

I know, you said that. But rf signals can be reflected, hence my question.
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by gizmocuz »

My wind sensor is less detected by RFLink then with the RFXTRX433e
Also my rain sensor

i guess it is the way the protocols are implemented/handled

Edit: temp sensors seems to be picked up easier on the RFLink
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by SweetPants »

gizmocuz wrote:temp sensors seems to be picked up easier on the RFLink
Can I have both on one Domoticz system so I can choose which to use, like Temp + Hum sensors on RFlink and others on RFXcom?
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by idonl »

Thanks for the fun read. And also the link to ebay for the external antenna, just ordered it :)
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by maxmizer »

I purchased both RFXcom that RFlink by Nodo.
the RFLink by Nodo is more sensitive, but less specific in describing the devices it finds.
RFLink also seems to have problems with Oregon, in fact I have UVN800, but I always scores 0, while RFXcom correct marks for example 2
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by Stuntteam »

maxmizer wrote:I purchased both RFXcom that RFlink by Nodo.
the RFLink by Nodo is more sensitive, but less specific in describing the devices it finds.
RFLink also seems to have problems with Oregon, in fact I have UVN800, but I always scores 0, while RFXcom correct marks for example 2
If you could supply some debug data we could fix this.
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by SweetPants »

Recently received version 93 from RFXcom (thanks to Bert) and with this version the Cresta sensors are received better. Still have one issue with the outside sensor, but maybe moving the antenna to a different position will help in this case.
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Re: RFXcom vs RFLink

Post by eyerule »

I'm currently investigating which RF device to buy. Is there a difference in sensor/system compatibility between RFXcom and RFLink? In other words, does one of these two supports more devices than the other?
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