Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module Topic is solved

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Ok. I check how it works.

Question : where did you get this green icon ? is changing its color when violated zone? ?

ps. I see, that this code, must be this same as in settings panel. So I can't do it that way as you showed.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by proohu01 »

I know it is not possible the way I showed. But I ment something 'like' that.

The icon is a custom icon I downloaded somewhere on the Internet. Yes it changes color when the state changes. I my case it is gray when disarmed and green when armed. The screenshot is from a PiFace input that is also connected to my Satel. That is the way I used to connect to my Satel before you came along ;-)

PS. You know that you can use custom icons for switches in Domoticz by using the "custom icons" from the menu right? ;)
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Yes. I know.
But if you want use custom icon for satel module for zones, you must use 3 states:
xxx_0 - normal
xxx_3 - violate
xxx_4 - alarm.

Original is using Alert48_x.png

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by proohu01 »

Yes, but not for switching it on or off. It is armed or disarmed.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Yes. Not for arming but .... maybe i add more option for it (for example 'mode' from 0 to 3).
Or i replace one "arm" switch by four switches (one for each mode)

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Today I did support for alert icon on devices tab. Now will be correct colors icons.

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by tcviper »

Ok, since there is almost no info posted here on how to use/install this Satel integration I wanted to ask a few questions:

What is the default port for this connection (7094?) and what password should be set? The one from a user? the master one or another??
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

I don't know how you set port in ETHM1 - but default is 7094
Password (user code) needed only for arming/disarming now. This is code (for one user) which you use on security keyboard for arming/disarming.

Let me know how the tests. In the logs you have information about connecting, errors, etc.

The newest version with many my changes for Integra is 2.3011

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by tcviper »

Could it be that you can only connect the Integra to one Domotica system? We also have it connected to our Fibaro HC2. Or should it be possible to add it to both at the same time? :)

2015-09-13 17:13:16.033 Satel Integra: Create instance
2015-09-13 17:13:16.034 Satel Integra: connected to 192.168.1.xx:7094
2015-09-13 17:13:16.035 Satel Integra: busy
2015-09-13 17:13:16.035 Error: Satel Integra: Get info about Integra is failed
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

ETHM1 accepts only one connection

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

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To bad :(
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by rdebruijn »

Hi, I recently bought an Integra 32 with ETHM1-PLUS, and your plugin/code works like a charm! I know it's also possible with the FIbaro to use Z-wave sensors as sensors for the Integra. Will this be also implemented in Domoticz plugin? Would be perfect if we can use other sensors in Domoticz as input for zones on Integra.

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

I don't know how working Fibaro with Integra. Do You give me a more information ?

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by rdebruijn »

On this page it is described at bullet "3)"

Unfortunately it is in Dutch however i think Google translate can make it well readable.

Basically it describes that with the Fibaro home center integration for Satel alarm panels,
The z-wave sensors connected to Fibaro HC can be used as sensors in the Satel,
And the Satel sensor states can be shown and used in Homecenter.

So this last part you already accomplished (show Satel sensor status in Domoticz) but I'm eager to know
if the use of sensors in Domoticz as sensors for the Satel panel
would be possible ... integratie
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by proohu01 »

Hi, rdebruijn,

As far as I'm aware, of all the home automation protocols and device types out there, Satel is only able to communicate with KNX bus directly. The Satel is not able to communicate with zwave devices and visa versa. However, if you put a homeautomation gateway in the middle (such as a Fibaro Homecenter or Domoticz or etc etc) you can probably create some additional functionality.

I think what you are looking for is a way to trigger input zones or output zones on the Satel from within Domoticz right? That should be possible and would actually be very nice to have.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by rdebruijn »

Hi proohu01, fantom,

Yes proohu01 this is exactly what i mean. Would be a very nice feature, and this also how the integration with Fibaro Homecenter is described. To use Z-wave devices via the home-automation gateway (in this case Domoticz) to trigger input or output zones for the Satel alarm system.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

I do not understand anything.
Please, teel me what You want, and I will develop this :)

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by proohu01 »

fantom wrote:I do not understand anything.
Please, teel me what You want, and I will develop this :)


In the first post, I supplied a link to the technical ETHM-1 document. On page 7, the section "Part 2 - INTEGRA control" describes that you can also change the output state on/off (0x88 and 0x89) and trigger alarms. It would be nice to have this intergrated into Domoticz.

This way, you can use any domotica event (not only Fibaro zwave devices) to trigger an alarm or change the state of one of the Satel outputs.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Hmmm, I think that understand what you say, but this functionality exists in module Satel for domoticz now.

For this moment module can :
1) add to domoticz zones with name from Integra - alert type
2) add to domoticz outputs with name from Integra - switch type (and text type for not switchable outputs)
3) add to domoticz device "Arm" - switch type
4) add to domoticz device "alarm" - alert type
3) read zones states
4) read output states
5) read alarm state
6) read arm state
7) switch arm/disarm
8) switch outputs to on/off
9) read temperatures from ATD100 (only beta now)

In plans : reading events from Integra

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by proohu01 »

fantom wrote: 8) switch outputs to on/off
I don't see any switch capable devices except for the ARM/DISARM switch. How would I be able to switch an output?
satel_domoticz.png (72.77 KiB) Viewed 4344 times
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