All commits are listed in GitHub, but setting up that reverse proxy is much simpler and faster to implement.
I've tested it in a standalone docker container for fun and it's really easy to create this work-around.
I can share the details in case there is a real interest.
jvdz wrote: ↑Friday 03 January 2025 17:47
All commits are listed in GitHub, but setting up that reverse proxy is much simpler and faster to implement.
I've tested it in a standalone docker container for fun and it's really easy to create this work-around.
I can share the details in case there is a real interest.
I have Domoticz running in a Raspberry Pi 3B+, can you also share steps I need to take then?
This is what I have set up in docker using portainer as docker GUI, but you can also use composer as well:
Create a persistent storage directory for this container on your PI. I use /data/docker/domo_rev_oldapi as the base directory.
Create subdirectory templates and add the file default.conf.template from the attached zip.
Use the below Docker compose info to create a new stack in portainer or file for docker compose, and update any of the required info:
The DomoticzURL to be used for both http and https input ports.
Update the input ports to what you like to use (only the left port number, do not change the right port number!).
I have added a 1 to my actual ports use by domoticz to keep it simple.
Add an # in front of the port in case you don't want to use it.
Update the volume section to point to the correct directory on your PI.
When you want to use https, a cert is required, and I have pointed that to the original supplied domoticz pem file.
Define here what you use.
The extra_hosts definition is what docker is using to connect to its HOST server.
Now you can create the container and check if it is running by pointing your browser to the defined input port(s).
When that works, you can try to update the pilot app to point to this new input port and the proxy should now do the translation from the old API format to the new.
image: nginx:stable-alpine-slim
### Define the target url for domoticz either the http or https version
### use host.docker.internal when running docker on the same host as Domoticz
DomoticzURL: 'https://host.docker.internal:8443'
### or use the actual HOSTNAME or ip address for the domoticz server
#DomoticzURL: ''
### define a free input port for the http url to proxy to domoticz url
- "18080:8080"
### define a free input port for the https url to proxy to domoticz url
- "18443:443"
### Define template directory used by the docker container. (required)
- /data/docker/domo_rev_oldapi/templates:/etc/nginx/templates
### target directory for the generated default.conf in case you like to see the result. (optional)
#- /data/docker/domo_rev_oldapi/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d
### Define ssl directory used by the docker container. (required for reverse proxy of https. use same files as used by domoticz)
- /home/pi/domoticz/server_cert.pem:/etc/nginx/ssl/server_cert.pem
### Define log directory used by NGINX.
- /data/docker/domo_rev_oldapi/log:/var/log/nginx
### Extra host to reverse proxy back into the Docker HOST server.
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
waltervl wrote: ↑Monday 30 December 2024 23:26
Depends from what version you updated. It cannot be from a 2024.x version. You post that post in June 2023. 2023.2 is released in July 2023. So it is definitely related to the Domoticz API update of 2023.2.
Hmm, weird. Same issue here. Pilot worked fine with Domoticz 2024.7 from July 2024, but stopped working with build 16401.
Exactly the same things for me !
Worked fine under Domoticz 20024.7 but stop to work since i updated Domoticz to Beta, at the beginning of january i thing, because i wanted to solve an issue with the persistance of login to the netatmo server for my thermostat connected.
Finally my first bad idea of the new year...
mvveelen wrote: ↑Sunday 29 December 2024 20:40
Unfortunately, since the last Beta update of Domoricz (2024.7 (build 16401)), I see no devices anymore in Pilot. I can see the log, so there is a connection, but I can't see any devices.
I hope it can be fixed, because I rely on Pilot for some switches and also geofencing.
This is not related to latest Domoticz beta but an API update in Domoticz 2023.2. So more than a year ago. So I hope for you the app will be updated (but is not updated for a long time now).
And it was working until a few days ago. After updating Domoticz from the prior last version to the current last version (beta). So it must have something to do with the latest beta update and I see that I'm not the only one with this problem.
I've sent an email to the creator of Pilot, but I'm not sure if I will get a reply, especially during this time of the year.
Installing reverse proxies etc. is not my cup of tea....
Hi mvveelen,
Did you received an answer from the creator of Pilot ?
I am still on 2024.7 so still working however this is quite annoying as I have my pilot app set as a subscription every year to support the developer but if he is not updating then i will be cancelling that.
mvveelen wrote: ↑Wednesday 15 January 2025 12:31
No, he didn't answer. Meanwhile I made a new installation with an older Domoticz version which I didn't update and Pilot works.
Too bad it isn't updated to work with the latest Beta.
I also sent an e-mail to this address “[email protected]” but received no reply.
So I went ahead and installed the HomeBridge-eDomoticz plugin.
I got the essential functions I was interested in.
zxdscp wrote: ↑Sunday 19 January 2025 14:53
I also sent an e-mail to this address “[email protected]” but received no reply.
So I went ahead and installed the HomeBridge-eDomoticz plugin.
I got the essential functions I was interested in.
HomeBridge-eDomoticz is indeed a good plugin, but i looks that it also not maintained any more for a while
Also the Groups function is not available
-= HP server GEN8 Xeon(R) E3-1220L_V2 -=- OZW -=- Toon2 (rooted) -=- Domoticz v2024.7 -=- Dashticz v3.12b on Tab8" =-
Question: what can the Pilot app do which you cannot do with Domoticz own UI? (Or other apps)?
One RPi with Domoticz, RFX433e, aeon labs z-wave plus stick GEN5, ha-bridge 5.4.0 for Alexa, Philips Hue Bridge, Pimoroni Automation Hat
One RPi with Pi foundation standard touch screen to display Dashticz