Bug when creating python script

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Bug when creating python script

Post by HvdW »

Version: 2024.7
Platform: RPI 4
Script: self written, happens to any script

When a python script is created it is possible to choose a trigger.
Whateven trigger is chosen there is no option to fill out a trigger.

Code: Select all

Script voor het monitoren van EV laadgegevens
    - time = "At 09:00 on Sunday"
    - device = "Charging Level"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import DomoticzEvents as DE
import datetime
import csv
import os
from statistics import mean

class EVChargingMonitor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.BATTERY_CAPACITY = 79  # kWh
        self.CSV_FILE = '/home/hein/car-charging.csv'
        self.previous_level = None
        self.odometer_readings = []
        self.whtotal_readings = []
        self.temp_readings = []
    def on_start(self):
        # Initialize if file doesn't exist
        if not os.path.exists(self.CSV_FILE):
            with open(self.CSV_FILE, 'w', newline='') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
                writer.writerow(['datum', 'odometer', 'afstand', 'kWh', 'euro', 'average temp'])

    def calculate_weekly_consumption(self):
        if not self.odometer_readings or not self.whtotal_readings:
            return None
        # Calculate distance between first and last reading
        start_odometer = self.odometer_readings[0]
        end_odometer = self.odometer_readings[-1]
        distance = end_odometer - start_odometer
        # Calculate energy consumption
        start_whtotal = self.whtotal_readings[0]
        end_whtotal = self.whtotal_readings[-1]
        energy_consumed = (end_whtotal - start_whtotal) / 1000  # Convert Wh to kWh
        # Calculate average temperature
        avg_temp = mean(self.temp_readings) if self.temp_readings else None
        # Calculate cost (assuming €0.25 per kWh - adjust as needed)
        cost = energy_consumed * 0.25
        return {
            'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M'),
            'odometer': end_odometer,
            'distance': distance,
            'kwh': energy_consumed,
            'euro': cost,
            'avg_temp': avg_temp

    def save_to_csv(self, data):
        with open(self.CSV_FILE, 'a', newline='') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';')
                f"{data['avg_temp']:.1f}" if data['avg_temp'] is not None else ''

    def update_display(self, data):
        display_text = f"""Wekelijkse verbruiksrapportage:
Datum/tijd: {data['timestamp']}
Eindstand: {data['odometer']} km
Afstand deze week: {data['distance']} km
Verbruik deze week: {data['kwh']:.3f} kWh
Kosten deze week: €{data['euro']:.2f}
Gem. temperatuur: {data['avg_temp']:.1f}°C"""
        domoticz.devices['Charging Display'].Update(nValue=0, sValue=display_text)
        # Log to Domoticz
        domoticz.log(f"EV Weekly Report: {display_text}")

    def on_time(self):
        # Deze functie wordt alleen opgeroepen op zondag 09:00
        data = self.calculate_weekly_consumption()
        if data:
            # Reset weekly data
            self.odometer_readings = []
            self.whtotal_readings = []
            self.temp_readings = []

    def on_charging_level_change(self):
        # Deze functie wordt alleen opgeroepen bij wijziging van Charging Level
        current_level = domoticz.devices('Charging Level').levelVal
        if self.previous_level != current_level:
            # Sla huidige metingen op
            self.previous_level = current_level

# Global instance
monitor = EVChargingMonitor()

def onStart():

# Wordt alleen opgeroepen op zondag om 09:00
def onTime():

# Wordt alleen opgeroepen bij wijziging van Charging Level
def onDeviceChanged(unit, device):
    if device.name == 'Charging Level':
Bugs bug me.
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Re: Bug when creating python script

Post by waltervl »

There is no option to set specific triggers in Python scripting like in dzvents.
As stated in the wiki https://wiki.domoticz.com/Python_Events the triggers are:
All - Will run whenever anything happens that triggers the event system to run a script
Device - Will run whenever ANY device state/value change
Security - Will run whenever there is a security event
Time - Will run once per minute. Scripts are executed one at a time.
User Variable - Will run when User Variables are updated

You have to check in the script yourself if time is as set. So if you want to run the script at 21:00 the first part of the script will be the check if time = 21:00. If not stop the script else continue.
The same for a device change, first check it the changed device is the one you want to handle. If so continue, else stop.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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