Floorplan and other menus can not be set

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Floorplan and other menus can not be set

Post by Backbone »


I want to add and change a floorplan but it is not in the top menubar.
I cant select any menu to be active.
Is Domoticz trunkated?
Or do I look in the wrong place?

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Re: Floorplan and other menus can not be set

Post by waltervl »

Tab showing is a user setting so go to menu Setup - Users and enable the floorplan tab for the user(s) you use.

Edit: I saw that on the Floorplan wiki there still was an instruction for the old way of setting tabs... Now corrected. https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Floorplans
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Re: Floorplan and other menus can not be set

Post by Backbone »

Thanks Walter,

I will check this evening.

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