Using this bot you can ask him for an switch/scene/group/utility switch. After the bot found the device it will ask you what you want to do with it (on,off)
To secure the bot you must place usernames in the array unames: unames = ['username1', 'username2'] by using this the bot will only react to the users which are in the array.
If the device is an selector switch the bot will build special keyboard in telegram where you can find you're selector options from domoticz.
But sometimes you don't know the full name of the device or you forget an character, in that case the bot will look for devices that could be the device that you want and will come with suggestions.
So for example if you have 2 switches called livingroomSpeaker, livingroomLights
If you type livingroomspeaker to the bot it will come with the switch and asks you what you want to do (on or off)
but if you type living the bot will make an suggestions and asks if you meant one of the following devices and comes with livingroomSpeaker and livingroomLights.
Systemd script
Thanks to so help someone made an easy service file so you can easy run the bot using the systemd service. The example is in the repo. You can use it using the following steps Copy code to /etc/systemd/system/messagebot.service Edit the values in the example script:
Code: Select all
Description=Telegram Bot for Domoticz
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home//scripts/telegram/dynamicTelegramBot/
Code: Select all
sudo chmod 655 /etc/systemd/system/messagebot.service
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl enable messagebot.service
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl start messagebot.service
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl status messagebot.service
On the first run it will ask you some information:
- url: <domoticz_url> (
- bot_token
- unames (usernames seperated by an comma): user1, user2, user3
- car_location_idx: can be an idx number of an text utility which as the lat,long in it.
after that an config.ini will be created and it will run.

Selector Switch:


Car Location:

The code can be found on github:
I made an python2 and python3 version.
I hope that it can be of use for you.