Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

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Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Patricen »


I installed a sensor on my water meter, I can then detect water consumption and flow.
When a stable positive flow is detected, this is really suspicious and looks like a water leak.

How is it possible to code with DzVents something like if the waterflow is stable and not equal to zero for more than x min?
I can't find out how to use maybe lastupdate() or any other solution.

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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by HvdW »

Your water meter has a counter?
Just read the log.
No dzvents needed.
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Patricen »

The metering is issued from an ECO-Devices, screenshot below.
Screenshot_20240526-105744.png (295.53 KiB) Viewed 740 times
Screenshot_20240526-105429.png (333.34 KiB) Viewed 740 times
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Kedi »

You could put every minute the waterflow value in a data set like:

Code: Select all

        data = {
            waterflow = { history = true, maxItems = 20 }
then when the max is reached you could compare the last value with the average.
If the difference between those 2 value is less then x you have a constant flow and could act on it.
Make of course an exception for zero.
You should take into account long showers and watering the garden. ;)

See: ... stent_data
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Patricen »

Kedi wrote: Sunday 26 May 2024 11:58 You could put every minute the waterflow value in a data set like:

Code: Select all

        data = {
            waterflow = { history = true, maxItems = 20 }
then when the max is reached you could compare the last value with the average.
If the difference between those 2 value is less then x you have a constant flow and could act on it.
Make of course an exception for zero.
You should take into account long showers and watering the garden. ;)

See: ... stent_data

I'll try this
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Patricen »


No success with history, I then tried avgSince but it is not working either.

Code: Select all

2024-05-27 19:20:06.933 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) water leak: .../pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Fuite.lua:25: attempt to call a nil value (field 'avgSince')
Can somebody help me?


Code: Select all

    on =
        devices = 
            -- change to name of Sensor
   data = 
    logging = 
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, --LOG_DEBUG, -- change to domoticz.LOG_ERROR when script is tested and OK
        marker = 'water leak',

    execute = function(dz, item)
        local avg = dz.devices('Eau-débit').avgSince('00:05:00')
        dz.log('\nDevicename: ' .. .. ', nValue: ' .. item.nValue .. ', sValue: ' .. item.sValue .. 
               '\nDevicetype: ' .. item.deviceType .. ', deviceSubType: ' .. item.deviceSubType )

        if (item.nvalue>0) then
            dz.log('Mobile average ' .. avg)
            dz.log('Flow ' .. item.nValue)
            if(item.nvalue==avg) then
                domoticz.notify('Water stable flow : ' .. avg .. ' since 5 min')
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Kedi »

Something like this. I did not test it.

Code: Select all

local maxValues = 30        -- number of minutes over which an average is taken
local devWater = 'Water'
local deviation = 0.001     -- deviation from average

-- Don't change anything below this line

return {
    active = true,
--  active = false,

    on = {
        timer = {
            'every minute',
    logging = {
--      level = domoticz.LOG_INFO,
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
        marker= 'WFA'
    data = {
        waterflow = { history = true, maxItems = maxValues },

    execute = function(dz, item)
        local _f =                    -- data set
        local nCounter = dz.devices(devWater).counter   -- get last watermeter value
        local flow = 0                                  -- initialize flow
        if _f.size > 0 then
            flow = nCounter - _f.getLatest().data
        _f.add(nCounter)                                -- add counter to data set

        dz.log('Counter: '..nCounter..' Flow: ',3)..' - Avg: ',3)..' Set: '.._f.size, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
        -- only after full data set
        if _f.size == maxValues then
            -- only if there is flow and less then average +/- deviation
            if flow > 0 and (nCounter - deviation < _f.avg() and nCounter + deviation > _f.avg()) then
                dz.notify('Waterlekkage!', 'Er is waterlekkage in de leiding!!', dz.PRIORITY_EMERGENCY, dz.SOUND_SIR$
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Patricen »


I did change the dz.devices name but got the following error:
2024-05-29 18:17:00.294 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) WFA: Item data is not a number type. Type is nil
2024-05-29 18:17:00.294 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) WFA: An error occurred when calling event handler leak
2024-05-29 18:17:00.294 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) WFA: /home/pi/domoticz/dzVents/runtime/HistoricalStorage.lua:289: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'sum')
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Re: Stable waterflow detection to detect a leak

Post by Kedi »

This script expects a number from "dz.devices(devWater).counter"
Perhaps you have to change the counter with what your device has in its output.
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