A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

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A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by scsc3 »


I would like to automate certain functionalities of our heating system. It offers 5 buttons to control the whole functionality of the heating system (each button has a context specific functionality depending on what is displayed on the control screen, the menu is pretty static).

So pressing these buttons in a certain order, activates a certain functionality of the heating system.

I would like to automate the pressing of certain buttons combinations ( button one (b1) first, one second later b5, three seconds later b2, each single morning at 7:00 a clock).

So what I am looking for is a single Z-wave device that can control these 5 buttons (once the wiring has been done accordingly) and
after searching the web, I found the "HELTUN Relay Switch Quinto HE-RS01" device that can control 5 outputs.

However, I could not find the information that Domoticz fully supports this device.
If it doesn't, then is there a similar device (offering at least 5 ouput/switches that can be controlled individually) that Domoticz supports?

I know that I could solve my problem using 5 single z-wave switch devices but due to the physical size of each device and the associated cost for each single one, my preference would be to have a single z-wave device that can control 5 outputs (my 5 buttons).

Kind regards
Circuit diagram
Circuit diagram
HELTUM-HE-RS01.png (66.4 KiB) Viewed 2655 times
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by waltervl »

You should check zwavejsui if it supports it as that is what Domoticz will interface with. It seems it does: https://devices.zwave-js.io/?jumpTo=0x0 ... 0x0009:0.0

Next to that it seems that the output switches are not potential free. So if you connect this to your heating system it could damage it.
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by habahabahaba »

I can recommend this one
https://aliexpress.ru/item/400099906982 ... 3555389052
Not Z-wave but ETHernet, WIFI or RS485
2,4,8 - channels
Have 3 of that devices fo more then 1 year, works great. Fully compartible with Domoticz with their own plug-in.
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by jursat »

I don't have the file HE-RS01.xml in my database in config, where can I find it?
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by waltervl »

jursat wrote: Thursday 30 November 2023 16:01 I don't have the file HE-RS01.xml in my database in config, where can I find it?
Openzwave (deprecated!!) or Zwave-JS-UI?
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by jursat »

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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by waltervl »

jursat wrote: Thursday 30 November 2023 16:28deprecated
Then you have work to do....
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by jursat »

So it won't be possible?
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by waltervl »

If you are still using openzwave current Domoticz 2023.2 stable is the last version supporting OpenZwave. So you better start migrating now to Zwave-JS-UI before it is to late and you press on update early next year to find out Zwave is not working anymore.

If you still want to use openzwave you can find if there is an xml config file for openzwave on the openzwave project and move it in the Domoticz environment.there probably are already a lot of topics about this in the Domoticz zqave subforum viewforum.php?f=24
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by jursat »

Yes, I have version 2023.2, I'm just afraid of the transition, I have a lot of devices and I don't know if I understood it correctly. If the migration could simply be done with the settings, that would be great
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by jursat »

I added to the database, I can see the switches and they work, but the name was not found, probably an error in the configuration file?

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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by lost »

jursat wrote: Wednesday 13 December 2023 20:48 I added to the database, I can see the switches and they work, but the name was not found, probably an error in the configuration file?
Did you also modified manufacturer_specific file at Config/ base directory? This is this file that makes the link between device IDs (manufacturer+device) and config file. If you missed it, your new xml config file for the device cannot be used.

You have to restart Domoticz (or just zwave, by selecting then disabling/re-enabling your zwave controller in HW tab) for new config being used.
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Re: A single Z-Wave device for 5 switches ?

Post by jursat »

Yes, I added it <Product config="heltun/he-rs01.xml" id="0009" name="Heltun RS01" type="0004"/>
I just don't know if I have the correct Heltun/he-rs01.xml, I downloaded it from the Internet
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