nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

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nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by user4563 »

In conditionals in Lua I read nil is considered false: ... making.htm

For example if this sensor battery level is nil then this should be false and not fire:

Code: Select all

        if domoticz.devices('Garage side door sensor').batteryLevel < 100 then
        -- do something
Instead it errors out:

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2023-07-13 19:00:00.304 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) An error occurred when calling event handler Low battery notification
2023-07-13 19:00:00.304 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) ...s\dzVents\generated_scripts/Low battery notification.lua:61: attempt to compare nil with number

I did workaround it:

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        if domoticz.devices('Garage side door sensor').batteryLevel ~= nil and domoticz.devices('Garage side door sensor').batteryLevel < 100 then
        --do something
I noticed that dzVents / Lua is somewhat lagging Lua itself so I'm not sure if that is the issue?
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Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by habahabahaba »

Not all sensors supports .batteryLevel
Have few motion sensors with such problem.
Check documentation on sensor

Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by plugge »

user4563 wrote: Friday 14 July 2023 2:48 In conditionals in Lua I read nil is considered false: ... making.htm

For example if this sensor battery level is nil then this should be false and not fire:
Wrong assumption: you are not evaluating the sensor battery level, but are comparing nil with a number. That raises -correctly- an error.
Read the Lua manuals and try it yourself in Lua.
There's a diffence between:
1. evaluates correctly

Code: Select all

local a = nil
if a then print('ok') else print('not ok') end
2. raises an error

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local a = nil
if a < 10 then print('ok') else print(not ok') end
Try it.
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Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by user4563 »

I see what you mean. I assumed nil is false regardless but it's actually only like a boolean false.

Thank you for the information!
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Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by boum »

i don't see your point. it would not work anyway. Neither nil nor false are automagically converted to numbers.

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> print( false > 17 )
input:1: attempt to compare number with boolean
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Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by user4563 »

"Lua programming language assumes any combination of Boolean true and non-nil values as true, and if it is either boolean false or nil, then it is assumed as false value. It is to be noted that in Lua, zero will be considered as true."
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Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by boum »

Yes. It works only one way. All values are implicitly converted to boolean. Most convert to "true".
But boolean and nil values are not converted to numbers. They cannot be compared to number values without error.
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Re: nil is supposed to be false in conditionals but errors in dzVents

Post by user4563 »

Thank you everyone for your knowledge!
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