Hello @HarryHase,
As you wrote:
thx, that is a partitial solution for the direct connected tasmota switches; Partitial, because:
I conclude, that you have 2 issues, which you describe in one post.
These issues have no relationship and are quite different.
1. Did the change of the setting of "Prevent Loop" to "False" solved the issue with the Tasmota device?
Can you confirm?
2. The issue with the bash script is another issue.
I do not know the contents of drei_ein.sh or drei_aus. sh. Obviously the two scripts are on an USB stick.
These scripts should be in the script directory. Then it could point to another location.
There could be several causes.
1. Perhaps a stupid question to start with: Is the USB stick mounted?
2. Do the access rights match with the Domoticz user?
3. Are the scripts executable?
4. Have you tried to run the scripts from the command line in the script directory. and do they work?
If not what are the error messages?
Please ignore the post of @waltervl.
This represents the MQTT command (payload) from an external source into Domoticz and this is not what you are looking for.