Tasmota power plug name change Topic is solved

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Tasmota power plug name change

Post by avdlaan1967 »

relative newbie here....very versatile and simple product Domoticz, kudo's ! made a donation as I expect to be using it frequently

Besides the P1 meter so far I am using power plugs from mylocalbytes which come preflashed with Tasmota 10dot0dot0
Running 2023dot1 on an Odroid C4 with "MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway with LAN interface" as Hardware and using my NAS as the MQTT server
The power plug devices appear nicely and automatically in the list with "Setoption19 1" applied in the Tasmota console

What steps to follow if I want to change the device name. I reset/renamed one plug through the Tasmota GUI and deleted the devices in Domoticz using the old name - also restarted Domoticz
When connecting the plug to power its auto discovered with the old name. I can manually change the name of all 11 auto discovered device of course on all yet is there no way Domoticz picks up the new name dynamically in this setup

Thanks !
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Re: Tasmota power plug name change

Post by waltervl »

I am not using tasmota mqtt ad but I would check the MQTT settings in Tasmota.
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Re: Tasmota power plug name change

Post by avdlaan1967 »

Thank you - that resolved it. A stop/start of the MQTT server and the new name is seen - have to remove the old device(s) first though
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