device issues with Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB dongle plus-P

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device issues with Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB dongle plus-P

Post by lostodos »

Hello all,

I have been running my new Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB dongle plus-P since last weekend and I noticed that several devices (mainly sensors like temp/hum and smoke sensors) stop responding (or at least sending updates) after a while. Tried to pair these devices again and at that time i do get another update/response but then it stops again rigth after. I have a feeling it might be related to wifi interference but not sure.

The Sonoff dongle is set to channel 15, i tried changing it to 26 for example but after restarting the Zigbee for Domoticz plugin the channel changes back to 15.

So can anyone maybe tell me more or help me with:

- any idea why several devices stop responding/updating?
- How can i change the channel from the Sonoff without it jumping back after the plugin restart?
- One last question is how to change the signal strength of the Sonoff. I understand there is an amplifier in this module so was wondering if something could be done there to?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: device issues with Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB dongle plus-P

Post by pipiche »

To change the channel, you have to use the webui admin > coordinator and then the channel change .

While there is a good chance tha routers will follow the change, end device and especially aqra/Xiaomi will not and you will have to reset and repair them

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Re: device issues with Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB dongle plus-P

Post by lostodos »

Hi Pipiche,

Thank you, found it and works perfectly! Channel has been changed.

As for the signal power, is there any information on the current signal power of the coördinator (Using the Sonoff dongle with the CC2652P chip)? I see the setting in the Settings screen of the plugin but no option to see the current output, is that available somewhere?

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