Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"  [Solved]

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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by Tjeerd13 »

@dizzeenl did you test the script when the washer/dryer was running? It was a whyle ago but i believe that the data is only send when the machine is running.
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by dizzeenl »

Hy Tjeerd,
No it wasn't (it was powered but not running). Perhaps I will try it again soon.

I only wanted to get an on/off status to send messages (smartthings doesn't like me :( )

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A6003 met Tapatalk

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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by Robinjoo94 »

Well it does send correct information back whilst the machine(s) are powered on only, this is how I decoded the tables of my machines, I did not run each program :D

So unfortunately I cannot see where these deviations come from.

I do have another general dzVents/Domoticz question:
I have set a notification (telegram) when the percentage reaches 100%. This works fine the first time, a consecutive program (on the same machine) on the same day/hour/whatever, does not send a notification. The next day it works again for the first program.
To overcome this, I have moved the notification into the dzVents script, into the setting of the 100% value, so only once every cycle since it only updates when not already set.
This sometimes gives better notifications, but definitely not stable.
Another option for me is to send it when the status switch, switches to off. But I have not succeeded to check the status of the switch to only send on change. In other words, the following if statement seem not to work:

Code: Select all

If device.status == 'Off' then

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by sammyke007 »

Using this script with my new Samsung washing machine. Works great. I used this one from page 3 and translated it to dutch / NL. I left out drDevice, because my dryer is not a Samsung device (yet). For anyone who cares:

Code: Select all

-- API key from (You'll need to register first and ensure your machine is on the same account)
-- Device ID from (click on your machine, then use the number in the URL after the last /) 

local API = 'XYZ'
local wmDevice = 'XYZ'
local drDevice = ''

-- eg. local API = '1a1a1a1a-1a1a-1a1a-1111-1a1a1a1a1a1a1'

-- Create virtual sensors in Domoticz Hardware settings that will show the output from the washing machine. 
-- Names are suggested [in square brackets], you need to input the device IDX in (brackets) below. 

local TEST_SWITCH = (713)  -- Virtual on switch to activated the script manually for testing.

local WM_PROGRAM = (714) -- Virtual device showing washing machine Program - Device type = text
local WM_COMPLETION = (715) -- Virtual device showing washing cycle completion time - Device type = text
local WM_SPIN = (716) -- Virtual device showing washing spin state - Device type = text
local WM_REMAINING = (717) -- Virtual device showing time remaining on wash - Device type = text
local WM_TEMP = (718) -- Virtual device showing washing machine Temperature - Device type = text
local WM_STATUS = (719)  -- Virtual device showing washing machine On/Off - Device type = on/off switch
local WM_PERCENT = (720) -- Virtual device showing washing machine percentage - Device type = percentage
local WM_STATE = (721) -- Virtual device showing washing cycle state - Device type = text

local DR_PROGRAM = (56) -- Virtual device showing dryer Program - Device type = text
local DR_COMPLETION = (57) -- Virtual device showing drying cycle completion time - Device type = text
local DR_REMAINING = (58) -- Virtual device showing time remaining on wash - Device type = text
local DR_STATUS = (61)  -- Virtual device showing dryer On/Off - Device type = on/off switch
local DR_PERCENT = (62) -- Virtual device showing dryer percentage - Device type = percentage
-- ------------------------

local wmScriptVar = 'WashingMachine'
--local drScriptVar = 'Dryer'
local LOGGING = true

--Convert Table_00_Course_* and WashingState to English
local function codeToEnglish(dz, code)
	local translationcode = 
		   Table_00_Course_D0 = 'Katoen',
		   Table_00_Course_D1 = 'Eco Katoen',
		   Table_00_Course_D2 = 'Synthetisch',
		   Table_00_Course_D3 = 'Fijne was',
		   Table_00_Course_D4 = 'Spoelen+centrifugeren',
		   Table_00_Course_D5 = 'Trommelreiniging',
		   Table_00_Course_D6 = 'Beddengoed',
		   Table_00_Course_D7 = 'Outdoor',
		   Table_00_Course_D8 = 'Wol',
		   Table_00_Course_D9 = 'Donkere Was',
		   Table_00_Course_DA = 'Super Eco Was',
		   Table_00_Course_DB = 'Super Speed Was',
		   Table_00_Course_DC = '15\' Snelle Was',
		   Table_00_Course_BA = 'Centrifugeren',
		   Table_02_Course_1B = 'Katoen',
		   Table_02_Course_1C = 'Eco 40-60',
		   Table_02_Course_1D = 'Super Speed Wash',
		   Table_02_Course_1E = '15\' kort programma',
		   Table_02_Course_1F = 'Intens Koud',
		   Table_02_Course_20 = 'Hygiënisch stomen',
		   Table_02_Course_21 = 'Gekleurde was',
		   Table_02_Course_22 = 'Wol',
		   Table_02_Course_23 = 'Outdoor',
		   Table_02_Course_24 = 'Bedlinnen',
		   Table_02_Course_25 = 'Synthetisch',
		   Table_02_Course_26 = 'Fijne was',
		   Table_02_Course_27 = 'Spoelen+centrifugeren',
		   Table_02_Course_28 = 'Afvoeren/centrifugeren',
		   Table_02_Course_29 = 'Trommelreiniging',
		   Table_02_Course_2A = 'Spijkerbroeken',
		   Table_02_Course_2B = 'All Wash',
		   Table_02_Course_2D = 'Stille was',
		   Table_02_Course_2E = 'Babykleding',
		   Table_02_Course_2F = 'Sportkleding',
		   Table_02_Course_30 = 'Bewolkte dag',
		   Table_02_Course_32 = 'Overhemden',		   
		   Table_02_Course_33 = 'Handdoeken',
		   Table_03_Course_16 = 'Katoen',
		   Table_03_Course_17 = 'Super Speed',
		   Table_03_Course_18 = 'Synthetisch',
		   Table_03_Course_19 = 'Fijne was',
		   Table_03_Course_1A = 'Wol',
		   Table_03_Course_1B = 'Bedlinnen',
		   Table_03_Course_1C = 'Overhemden',
		   Table_03_Course_1D = 'Handdoeken',
		   Table_03_Course_1E = 'Outdoor',
		   Table_03_Course_1F = 'Gekleurde was',
		   Table_03_Course_20 = 'Strijkdroog',
		   Table_03_Course_21 = 'Hygiënisch stomen',
		   Table_03_Course_23 = '35\' Snel Drogen',
		   Table_03_Course_24 = 'Koude Lucht',
		   Table_03_Course_25 = 'Warme Lucht',
		   Table_03_Course_26 = 'Air Wash',
		   Table_03_Course_27 = 'Time Program',
		   none = 'Nothing',
		   weightSensing = 'Weight Sensing',
		   wash = 'Wassen',
		   rinse = 'Spoelen',
		   spin = 'Centrifugeren',
		   finish = 'Beëindigd',
	local code = tostring(code)
	local translatedCode = translationcode[code]
	if translatedCode == nil then 
		dz.log('codeToEnglish: Found unknown code: ' .. tostring(code),dz.LOG_ERROR )
	return translatedCode or '?'

--Update text devices only when status is changed to prevent too many irrelevant log rows
local function updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, textSensorName, newText)
	if textSensorName ~= nil then
		local textDevice = dz.devices(textSensorName)
		if textDevice.text ~= newText then

--Update percentage devices only when status is changed to prevent too many irrelevant log rows
local function updatePercentageOnlyWhenChanged(dz, percentageSensorName, newPercentage)
	if percentageSensorName ~= nil then
		local percentageDevice = dz.devices(percentageSensorName)
		if percentageDevice.percentage ~= newPercentage then
		 --   percentage.updatePercentage(newPercentage)

--Update switch devices only when exists
local function updateSwitchOnlyWhenExists(dz, switchName, newState)
	if switchName ~= nil then
		local switch = dz.devices(switchName)
		if newState == 'ON' then

--Convert the time to Hour,Minute,second.
local function convertTime(dateString)
	local pattern = '(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)(%.*)' -- %d+ = 1 or more digits , %.* = 0 or more any character
	local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds = dateString:match(pattern) -- split the string using the pattern
	local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds})
	local tmp_time = os.time()
	local d1 ="*t",  tmp_time)
	local d2 ="!*t", tmp_time)
	d1.isdst = false
	local zone_diff = os.difftime(os.time(d1), os.time(d2))
	return'%H:%M:%S', convertedTimestamp + zone_diff)

-- This function should make a nested (serialized) JSON behave like a normal one when converted to a Lua table
local function deSerializeJSON(json)
	return json:gsub('\\"','"'):gsub('"{','{'):gsub('"%["','["'):gsub('"%]"','"]'):gsub('}"','}'):gsub('"%[{"','[{"'):gsub('"}%]"','"}]'):gsub('%]"}',']}')

    on = 
        timer = 
            'every minute', -- just an example to trigger the request
        devices =
            TEST_SWITCH, -- Just on Switch to activated the script manually for testing.
        httpResponses = 
            wmScriptVar, -- must match with the callback passed to the openURL command
			drScriptVar, -- must match with the callback passed to the openURL command
    logging = 
        level = domoticz.LOG_ERROR,
        marker = 'SamsungWashingMachines',

    execute = function(dz, item)
        if item.isTimer or item.isDevice then
            if wmDevice ~= nil and wmScriptVar ~= nill then 
					url = ''.. wmDevice .. '/states',
					headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '.. API },
					method = 'GET',
					callback = wmScriptVar, -- httpResponses above.
			if drDevice ~= nil and drScriptVar ~= nill then 
					url = ''.. drDevice .. '/states',
					headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '.. API },
					method = 'GET',
					callback = drScriptVar, -- httpResponses above.
        elseif item.ok then
            if (item.isJSON) then
				-- when recognized as json then dzVents will convert it to a table for you
				-- again after deserializing the nested JSON 
				item.json = dz.utils.fromJSON(deSerializeJSON(
                rt = item.json.main
				local endProgram = 'Geen actief programma'
				local values =
				local remainingTime = values.payload.remainingTime or values.payload[""] or 'not found'
				local progressPercentage = values.payload.progressPercentage or values.payload[""] or 'not found'
				local completionTime = convertTime(rt.completionTime.value)
				local switch = rt.switch.value
				-- Check whether it is a dryer or a washing machine	
				if rt.n.value == "[dryer] Samsung" then
					local dryerCycle = rt.dryerCycle.value
					if switch == ('on') then
						-- Turn on Domoticz switches updates only when Washer is Active.
						dz.log('Debug if switch on:' ..  switch, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
						updateSwitchOnlyWhenExists(dz, DR_STATUS, 'ON')     --turn on dz DR status switch
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_REMAINING, remainingTime)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_COMPLETION, completionTime)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_PROGRAM, codeToEnglish(dz, dryerCycle)) 
						updatePercentageOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_PERCENT, progressPercentage)
						--Update text devices with endProgram when switch is off
						dz.log('Debug if switch off:' ..  switch, dz.LOG_DEBUG)					
						updateSwitchOnlyWhenExists(dz, DR_STATUS, 'OFF')     --turn off dz DR status switch
						dz.log('dryerMode if switch off:' ..  endProgram, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_REMAINING, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_COMPLETION, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_PROGRAM, endProgram) 
						updatePercentageOnlyWhenChanged(dz, DR_PERCENT, 100)						
					local washerWaterTemperature = rt.washerWaterTemperature.value
					local washerJobState = rt.washerJobState.value
					local washerCycle = rt.washerCycle.value
					local washerSpinLevel = rt.washerSpinLevel.value
					if switch == ('on') then
						-- Turn on Domoticz switches updates only when Washer is Active.
						dz.log('Debug if switch on:' ..  switch, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
						updateSwitchOnlyWhenExists(dz, WM_STATUS, 'ON')     --turn on dz WM status switch
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_TEMP, washerWaterTemperature )
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_STATE, codeToEnglish(dz, washerJobState))
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_SPIN, washerSpinLevel)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_REMAINING, remainingTime)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_COMPLETION, completionTime)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_PROGRAM, codeToEnglish(dz, washerCycle)) 
						updatePercentageOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_PERCENT, progressPercentage)
						--Update text devices with endProgram when switch is off
						dz.log('Debug if switch off:' ..  switch, dz.LOG_DEBUG)					
						updateSwitchOnlyWhenExists(dz, WM_STATUS, 'OFF')     --turn off dz WM status switch
						dz.log('washerMode if switch off:' ..  endProgram, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_TEMP, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_STATE, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_SPIN, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_REMAINING, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_COMPLETION, endProgram)
						updateTextOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_PROGRAM, endProgram)
						updatePercentageOnlyWhenChanged(dz, WM_PERCENT, 100)							
                dz.log('result was not recognized as a JSON', dz.LOG_ERROR)
            dz.log('result was not OK', dz.LOG_ERROR)
        dz.log(item, dz.LOG_ERROR) -- dump all to log as one long string

Tnx everyone!
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by sammyke007 »

This script worked great for some months, but now it keeps throwing a big error in the logs. Anyone with a solution or update please?
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by Robinjoo94 »

sammyke007 wrote: Thursday 16 June 2022 13:07 This script worked great for some months, but now it keeps throwing a big error in the logs. Anyone with a solution or update please?
Also just as of now found out it is not running anymore, after some debugging I found a solution :) It might not be perfect and future proof, but does the job, you just have to extend the substitute function which is called "deSerializeJSON".

Code: Select all

-- This function should make a nested (serialized) JSON behave like a normal one when converted to a Lua table
local function deSerializeJSON(json)
	return json:gsub('\\"','"'):gsub('"{','{'):gsub('"%["','["'):gsub('"%]"','"]'):gsub('}"','}'):gsub('"%[{"','[{"'):gsub('"}%]"','"}]'):gsub('%]"}',']}')

Code: Select all

-- This function should make a nested (serialized) JSON behave like a normal one when converted to a Lua table
local function deSerializeJSON(json)
	return json:gsub('\\"','"'):gsub('"{','{'):gsub('"%["','["'):gsub('"%]"','"]'):gsub('}"','}'):gsub('"%[{"','[{"'):gsub('"}%]"','"}]'):gsub('"%[%]"}','[]}'):gsub('%]"}',']}')
So the addition is just

Code: Select all

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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by sammyke007 »

Robinjoo94 wrote: Thursday 16 June 2022 16:16
sammyke007 wrote: Thursday 16 June 2022 13:07 This script worked great for some months, but now it keeps throwing a big error in the logs. Anyone with a solution or update please?
Also just as of now found out it is not running anymore, after some debugging I found a solution :) It might not be perfect and future proof, but does the job, you just have to extend the substitute function which is called "deSerializeJSON".

Code: Select all

-- This function should make a nested (serialized) JSON behave like a normal one when converted to a Lua table
local function deSerializeJSON(json)
	return json:gsub('\\"','"'):gsub('"{','{'):gsub('"%["','["'):gsub('"%]"','"]'):gsub('}"','}'):gsub('"%[{"','[{"'):gsub('"}%]"','"}]'):gsub('%]"}',']}')

Code: Select all

-- This function should make a nested (serialized) JSON behave like a normal one when converted to a Lua table
local function deSerializeJSON(json)
	return json:gsub('\\"','"'):gsub('"{','{'):gsub('"%["','["'):gsub('"%]"','"]'):gsub('}"','}'):gsub('"%[{"','[{"'):gsub('"}%]"','"}]'):gsub('"%[%]"}','[]}'):gsub('%]"}',']}')
So the addition is just

Code: Select all

Wow, that was a very quick fix, tnx! Working great!
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by Xavier82 »

Picking up a somewhat older thread...

Is it possible to add power usage to the script?
In the SmartThings app I can see the power consumption.
I would like to know how much power the samsung washer is consuming.
Would be great if there is a possibility to do this by script instead of adding a powermeter device.

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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by diegoflyer »

Thanks Guy for the great Job, I am running the script quite correctly but I would like to add the power consumption.
I am not so expert on DzVents, is there a efficient way to parse this string:

2023-03-23 23:33:02.908 Status: dzVents: > value: {"energy":163700,"deltaEnergy":0,"power":0,"powerEnergy":0.0,"persistedEnergy":0,"energySaved":0,"start":"2023-03-23T13:45:07Z","end":"2023-03-23T14:15:29Z"}
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by gizmocuz »

If you are only interested in power usage and a notification when your washing is ready, there are way simpeler solutions that also work for other hardware (Dryer, dishwasher etc)

It is called 'a powerplug' .... you can use a ZigBee one for instance.
If the power is below a certain level for a certain time, your washing is ready.

Together with a dzVents script you're done:

Code: Select all

-- Script to check if appliances are ready. Based on the work of Felix63
-- Revisions:
--   20 August 2020, GizMoCuz some modifications
-- In this script the 'SC-Wasdroger verbruik' is the energy device, and 'Wasdroger' is a virtual dummy switch
    ['SC-Wasdroger verbruik'] = 'Wasdroger',		-- You need to have a inline wall plug that measures energy,
    ['SC-Wasmachine verbruik'] = 'Wasmachine',  	-- here you make the link between the energy device and the wall plug.

local USAGE_SwitchTimeOutMinutes = {
    ['Wasdroger'] = 10,						-- Here you define how long no power is used per device.
    ['Wasmachine'] = 5,						-- The period is in minutes. Adjust to your needs. Between every add a ",".

local USAGE_MaxWatt = {
    ['Wasdroger'] = 150,						-- Here you define the maximum amount of power a device uses when it is in standby.
    ['Wasmachine'] = 3,						-- Some devices uses a little amount of power. Test it and a slightly higher usage.

local USAGE_Notify = {
    ['Wasdroger'] = 'Yes',						-- In some cases you want to be notified when a device is turned on and off.
    ['Wasmachine'] = 'Yes',					-- Adjust to your needs. Between every line you need to add a ",".

return {
 	logging = {
-- 		level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, 			-- Uncomment to override the dzVents global logging setting
-- 		marker = 'POW'

 	on = {
		timer = { 'every 1 minutes' },
 		devices = {						-- Make sure that the devices are the same as above
 			'SC-Wasdroger verbruik',
 			'SC-Wasmachine verbruik',
 	data = { 								-- use exact device names to match USAGE_DEVICES
 		['SC-Wasdroger verbruik'] = { history = true, maxMinutes = 10 },
 		['SC-Wasmachine verbruik'] = { history = true, maxMinutes = 10 }

 	execute = function(domoticz, device)
		for usage, machine in pairs(USAGE_DEVICES) do
            local actual = domoticz.devices(usage).WhActual
 			local threshold = USAGE_MaxWatt[machine]
            local switch = domoticz.devices(machine)
            local history =[usage]
            local average = history.avg()
            local timeout = USAGE_SwitchTimeOutMinutes[machine]

--            domoticz.log(machine .. " actual = " .. actual)
--            domoticz.log(machine .. " average = " .. tostring(average))
--            domoticz.log(machine .. " switch state = " .. tostring(
--            domoticz.log(machine .. " switch last update: " .. tostring(switch.lastUpdate.minutesAgo))

            if ( then
                if (history.avg() <= threshold and actual <= threshold and switch.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= timeout) then
                    domoticz.log(machine .. " machine in idle state, we assume it's ready, turning switch off.")
                if (actual > threshold) then
                    domoticz.log(machine .. " power usage is over treshold, turning switch on.")
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Re: Samsung Washmachine read status from json "SOLVED"

Post by diegoflyer »

gizmocuz wrote: Friday 24 March 2023 12:49 If you are only interested in power usage and a notification when your washing is ready, there are way simpeler solutions that also work for other hardware (Dryer, dishwasher etc)

It is called 'a powerplug' .... you can use a ZigBee one for instance.
If the power is below a certain level for a certain time, your washing is ready.

Together with a dzVents script you're done:

Code: Select all

-- Script to check if appliances are ready. Based on the work of Felix63
-- Revisions:
--   20 August 2020, GizMoCuz some modifications
-- In this script the 'SC-Wasdroger verbruik' is the energy device, and 'Wasdroger' is a virtual dummy switch
    ['SC-Wasdroger verbruik'] = 'Wasdroger',		-- You need to have a inline wall plug that measures energy,
    ['SC-Wasmachine verbruik'] = 'Wasmachine',  	-- here you make the link between the energy device and the wall plug.

local USAGE_SwitchTimeOutMinutes = {
    ['Wasdroger'] = 10,						-- Here you define how long no power is used per device.
    ['Wasmachine'] = 5,						-- The period is in minutes. Adjust to your needs. Between every add a ",".

local USAGE_MaxWatt = {
    ['Wasdroger'] = 150,						-- Here you define the maximum amount of power a device uses when it is in standby.
    ['Wasmachine'] = 3,						-- Some devices uses a little amount of power. Test it and a slightly higher usage.

local USAGE_Notify = {
    ['Wasdroger'] = 'Yes',						-- In some cases you want to be notified when a device is turned on and off.
    ['Wasmachine'] = 'Yes',					-- Adjust to your needs. Between every line you need to add a ",".

return {
 	logging = {
-- 		level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, 			-- Uncomment to override the dzVents global logging setting
-- 		marker = 'POW'

 	on = {
		timer = { 'every 1 minutes' },
 		devices = {						-- Make sure that the devices are the same as above
 			'SC-Wasdroger verbruik',
 			'SC-Wasmachine verbruik',
 	data = { 								-- use exact device names to match USAGE_DEVICES
 		['SC-Wasdroger verbruik'] = { history = true, maxMinutes = 10 },
 		['SC-Wasmachine verbruik'] = { history = true, maxMinutes = 10 }

 	execute = function(domoticz, device)
		for usage, machine in pairs(USAGE_DEVICES) do
            local actual = domoticz.devices(usage).WhActual
 			local threshold = USAGE_MaxWatt[machine]
            local switch = domoticz.devices(machine)
            local history =[usage]
            local average = history.avg()
            local timeout = USAGE_SwitchTimeOutMinutes[machine]

--            domoticz.log(machine .. " actual = " .. actual)
--            domoticz.log(machine .. " average = " .. tostring(average))
--            domoticz.log(machine .. " switch state = " .. tostring(
--            domoticz.log(machine .. " switch last update: " .. tostring(switch.lastUpdate.minutesAgo))

            if ( then
                if (history.avg() <= threshold and actual <= threshold and switch.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= timeout) then
                    domoticz.log(machine .. " machine in idle state, we assume it's ready, turning switch off.")
                if (actual > threshold) then
                    domoticz.log(machine .. " power usage is over treshold, turning switch on.")
Ok, I know how to do that (I have already zigbee2mqtt with smart pluygs) but why add a plug if I have informations coming directly from the machine?
Are there no elegant way to implement a parse of the string?
I will try and post the result....
Raspberry Pi 3b+ - Domoticz 2023.1
Solaredge inverter
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