However the Managed Counter (tyoe Gas for this try out) is not updated in Domoticz
What am I doing wrong?
Warning: Newbie on Node-Red and Domoticz

Moderator: leecollings
Code: Select all
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Code: Select all
msg.payload = { "command": "udevice", "idx": 135, "svalue": msg.payload.gas_consumed.toString(), "parse": false};
return msg;
Code: Select all
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OK, that clarifies a lot of my mistakes.See the flow below. Test it and let me know.
Note: current usage is wrong. Should be: actual production,P1 Smart meter
The P1 Smart meter sensor allows you to show you power consumption, low and high usage, low and high return, actual consumption and actual return.
{"command":"udevice", "idx":1234, "svalue":"lu;hu;lr;hr;ac;ar"}
where lu is low tariff usage (in Wh so 1000 is 1 kWh), hu is high tariff usage (in Wh), lr is low tariff return (in Wh), hr is high tariff return (in Wh), ac is actual consumption (in W) and ar is current usage (in W).
Code: Select all
let us1 = msg.payload.P1_consumed.toString();
let us2 = msg.payload.P2_consumed.toString();
let ret1 = msg.payload.P1_generated.toString();
let ret2 = msg.payload.P2_generated.toString();
let cons = msg.payload.xxxxxxxx.toString();
let prod = msg.payload.yyyyyyyy.toString();
msg.payload = {"command": "udevice", "idx": 129, "svalue": us1 + ";" + us2 + ";" + ret1 + ";" + ret2 + ";" + cons + ";" + prod};
return msg;
Code: Select all
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Code: Select all
Ok, good to know, I was already planning to use the normal counter, still testing it.
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