selector switch in events, count down

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selector switch in events, count down

Post by JaOfBa »

In the current event scripts, I can switch on/off devices and that works well.

The new devices have a different control, either selector switch or dimmable

The current code for on/off is simple:
if (str(domoticz_.Devices["Light coffeemachine"].n_value_string)=="On"):
domoticz_.Command("Light coffeemachine","Off")

However I couldn't find an selector example that f.e. sets to level 20 after a trigger.
Maybe someone has coded this or can refer to an example I haven't found yet.

Other item is, in same scripts I want to start counting down after trigger which is also reloaded if the trigger reoccurs before 0 is achieved
At 0, a device should be switched off.
Is these some sample code for this too?
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Re: selector switch in events, count down

Post by waltervl »

I think you refer to Python Event scripts.
I do not use it myself and I tried to get as much as possible information on the wiki but your question I cannot answer.
If it stays quiet in this topic please consider to switch to dzVents, almost as simple and muche better documented and used by others: ... _scripting
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Re: selector switch in events, count down

Post by FlyingDomotic »

To read selector level:

Code: Select all

domoticz.devices('my selector').level)
To define selector level to 30:

Code: Select all

domoticz.devices('my selector').setLevel(30)
To switch a device off in 12 seconds (the cancelQueuedCommands ensure previous delayed commands will be destroyed):

Code: Select all

domoticz.devices('my device').cancelQueuedCommands()
domoticz.devices('my device').switchOff().afterSec(12)
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Re: selector switch in events, count down

Post by JaOfBa »

switching to dzVents is indeed an option, I prefer to fix it in the current approach but as plan B it is an option

I now changed the code based upon this topic:
(script is triggered by switch to toggle between High and Mid, Low goes by timer at night)

domoticz_.Log(domoticz_.Devices["Nibe - Ventilation speed"].n_value_string)
if (domoticz_.Devices["Nibe - Ventilation speed"].n_value_string=="MID"):
domoticz_.Devices["Nibe - Ventilation speed"].setLevel(30)
domoticz_.Log("Python event script2: Bathroom FAN HIGH")

I get:
2023-02-19 11:04:46.782 Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-02-19 11:04:46.783 Error: File "Buttons and sensors", line 124, in <module>
2023-02-19 11:04:46.783 Error: AttributeError: 'DomoticzEvents.PDevice' object has no attribute 'setLevel'

Seems to me, the syntax is not 100% OK yet
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Re: selector switch in events, count down

Post by waltervl »

I think flyingDomoticz is referring to Dzvents syntax. So it is possible it does not work with Python events as you have noticed.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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