domoticz crashing after wrong sensor configuration

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domoticz crashing after wrong sensor configuration

Post by Duggel »


This morning I created a HTTP/HTTPS poller, but exidently put in a 0 (zero) as refresh value.
Since then domoticz is dead. I removed the domoticz.db file and rebooted the raspberry pi. Domoticz comes back online, so I can upload/restore a database backup. I tried the last 2 hourly and latest monthly automatic backup, but as soon the restore process finishes, domoticz crashes.
I don't even get the "domoticz offline" page.

What can I try to repair domoticz?

Hope someone has suggestions.
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Re: domoticz crashing after wrong sensor configuration

Post by Duggel »

Starting domoticz manually I get the following error:

Code: Select all

Error: WebServer(HTTP) startup failed on address with port: 8080: bind: Address already in use
2022-10-14 13:57:30.957  Error: WebServer(HTTP) check if no other application is using port: 8080
I tried sudo netstat -tulpn | grep '8080\|433' with the following result:
tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 1085/java

Does this mean java is running on port 8080?
If yes, how come and how to repair?
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Re: domoticz crashing after wrong sensor configuration

Post by gizmocuz »

It seems domoticz is still running but probably extremely bussy handing your refresh requests
If it's a cronjob disable it
Next reboot your device, or issue a 'sudo service domoticz restart' command
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