There is Somfy in the air!!

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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by PieterS »

I know about IO...
They have another feature! A receiver even reflects to the transmitter if something goes wrong. My screen has IO with sun- and windsensor

I thought ALSO that RTS is on 433.42 MHz. But today I learned it is also alvailable on a different bandwith as you stated. See ... rigin-rts/
This is written on Somfy-site:

This is what I did this afternoon when I try to pair the motor to Domoticz:

Curtains are fully open.
When I push the program button on the back of the remote controller, the motor moves the curtains twice a little bit to the middle.
Than I send a RFY-command to the motor, but nothing happens on the motor. In the log of Domoticz I read that a command was send.
During that time, when I push on one of the 3 buttons on the Smoove, they do not send any command to the motor.
After a while, i guess two minutes, the motor wipes the curtains fully open again. And the buttons on the Smoove are back in bussiness again...

And a command from the new made switch in Domoticz which is send by the RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver Version: Pro1/1044 is not working on the motor. :roll: How comes?
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by b_weijenberg »

You have to send a Program command (not any command)
Easiest way is to use RFXmngr.
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by PieterS »

In the manual of the Smoove remote control I found: Frequency: 433.050 MHz - 434.790 Mhz... So there must be a chance to get it running.

So I downloaded RFXmngr on my Windows system and I connected the RFXcom by USB.

Followed the steps in the RFXtrx_Userguide, chapter 9
I configured on the RFY-tab in the manager
Type: RFY
ID: 0 05 05
Unit Code: 1
Command: Program
rfu1: 0
rfu2: 0
rfu3: 0
I press the Program button > 2 seconds on the original Somfy remote -> the motor wipes the curtains twice..
I press Transmit in the RFXmngr and this are the results:

Code: Select all

9-2-2022 05:04:05:048= RFY command: 0C 1A 00 05 00 05 05 01 07 00 00 00 00 
Packettype    = RFY
subtype       = RFY
Sequence nbr  = 5
id1-3         = 000505 decimal:1285
Unit          = 1
Command       = program
rfu1          = 00
rfu2          = 00
rfu3          = 00
Signal level  = +10 dBm
9-2-2022 05:04:05:697= 0402010500
Packettype        = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype           = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr      = 5
response          = ACK, data correct transmitted
This is the status:

Code: Select all

9-2-2022 09:43:11:152= Get Status: 0D 00 00 0B 02 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
9-2-2022 09:43:11:253= 1401000B02532C0A20AE000103FF05550000000000
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = Interface Response
Sequence nbr      = 11
response on cmnd  = Get Status
Transceiver type  = 433.92MHz
Firmware version  = 1044
Firmware Type     = Pro1
Noise level       = 85
Transmit power    = 10dBm
Hardware version  = 1.3  RFXtrx433E
Undec             off
Imagintronix      disabled
Byron SX          disabled
RSL               disabled
Lighting4         enabled
FineOffset        disabled
Rubicson          enabled
AE Blyss          disabled
BlindsTx          disabled
BlindsT0          disabled
Legrand           disabled
La Crosse         disabled
Hideki            disabled
AD LightwaveRF    disabled
Mertik            disabled
Visonic           enabled
ATI,Cartelectroni disabled
Oregon Scientific enabled
Meiantech         disabled
HomeEasy EU       enabled
AC                enabled
ARC               enabled
X10               disabled
HomeConfort,Fan   disabled
KeeLoq            disabled
2 questions:
I am wondering what response I should get from the Somfy motor... Because nothing happens after sending a PROGRAM command from the RFXtrx. The userguide is not clear about that.

I have made a new switch but are not sure what type I must select in Domoticz.. Blinds, Venetian Blinds US, Ventian Blinds EU.
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by PieterS »

:D H Bert,

Thanks a lot for PM. Your final hint to give a Program command > 7 sec was the trick!! :D
You made my day!

Code: Select all

11-2-2022 11:51:15:115= RFY command: 0C 1A 00 06 00 05 05 01 09 00 00 00 00 
Packettype    = RFY
subtype       = RFY
Sequence nbr  = 6
id1-3         = 000505 decimal:1285
Unit          = 1
Command       = > 7 seconds: program
rfu1          = 00
rfu2          = 00
rfu3          = 00
Signal level  = +10 dBm
11-2-2022 11:51:24:477= 0402010600
Packettype        = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype           = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr      = 6
response          = ACK, data correct transmitted
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by Ragdag »

Looking for some guidance.
We have a sunroof from Deponti which is controlled by a Somfy RTS motor.
Have bought the RFXCom RFXtrx433XL but have a hard time figuring out how to set this up.
Online, I seem to find a 1000 different ways to do or not do this.

Any help would be appreciated :)
Last edited by Ragdag on Wednesday 22 June 2022 12:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by b_weijenberg »

See chapter 9 in the RFXtrx User Guide.

Or create a RFY device in Domoticz, select a random ID and a unit number 1 to 4.
Set the motor in learning mode to add a new remote (see the Somfy user guide)
Press the TEST button in the Domoticz screen that you use to create the RFY device.
(the TEST button transmits a Somfy RTS program command so that the RFY device is added in the motor as a second RTS remote)
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by Ragdag »

Okay will give the second option a try.
In my case the first channel on the remote controls the roof and the second channel controls the light.
How is that translated in Domoticz?

Sorry, for all the questions. Pretty fluent in Z-Wave but this is a first for me :)
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by jantje88 »

Just succesfully send a Program command with my RFXCOM-XL using rfxmngr to my Somfy TILT 50 RTS, it responds and after that I am able to move the motor up and down.
The LED is still blinking at that time.
After some time, I am not able to control the Somfy motor anymore. LED is not blinking anymore but is steady on.
When repeating these steps (put Somfy motor in pairing mode, send Program command via rfxmngr) I am able to control it again with rfxmngr, but after some time, it stops responding again.

Is it necessary to do something more after sending the Program command to make it final/close pairing/or something else?
I do not have or use a Somfy remote, only the RFXCOM-XL with rfxmngr.
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by b_weijenberg »

Contact support RFXCOM
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by plugge »

jantje88 wrote: Thursday 30 June 2022 20:56 Is it necessary to do something more after sending the Program command to make it final/close pairing/or something else?
I do not have or use a Somfy remote, only the RFXCOM-XL with rfxmngr.
Yes, according to page 4 of the manual at ... load_1.pdf you need
"Using a paperclip or pen, press and hold the PROGRAM button on
the back of the transmitter until the blind jogs once. TRANSMITTER

I don't know what the equivalent is via RFXCOM. RFXCOM support may know.
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by jantje88 »

b_weijenberg wrote: Thursday 30 June 2022 21:31 Contact support RFXCOM
Done :)
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Re: There is Somfy in the air!!

Post by jantje88 »

jantje88 wrote: Thursday 30 June 2022 20:56 Just succesfully send a Program command with my RFXCOM-XL using rfxmngr to my Somfy TILT 50 RTS, it responds and after that I am able to move the motor up and down.
The LED is still blinking at that time.
After some time, I am not able to control the Somfy motor anymore. LED is not blinking anymore but is steady on.
When repeating these steps (put Somfy motor in pairing mode, send Program command via rfxmngr) I am able to control it again with rfxmngr, but after some time, it stops responding again.

Is it necessary to do something more after sending the Program command to make it final/close pairing/or something else?
I do not have or use a Somfy remote, only the RFXCOM-XL with rfxmngr.
Somehow I did not realise that also with the RFXCOM it is necessary to start with step 1 when programming the Somfy motor. Fixed now :) ... load_1.pdf
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