Switch ignores commands from Domoticz

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Switch ignores commands from Domoticz

Post by taxelrod »

I've just started using Domoticz, and have what is doubtless a simple problem. My controller is a Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 Plus, and I have a single switch device, an EcoNet Bulldog Valve Robot. I have included the switch as a node, and if I open or close the switch manually with its hardware button, Domoticz shows the changed status. However, if I click on the lightbulb icon from the switches page, it reports on or off immediately, but there is no response from the hardware. The log shows all events, both those triggered manually on the hardware and those from the switches panel. I'm stumped.
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Re: Switch ignores commands from Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

So a Zwave issue. How did you integrate Zwave in Domoticz? With OpenZwave or ZWave2JS2MQTT?
What does the log file say (menu Setup log) when you switch it from Domoticz? Error, warnings shown?
Can you switch it from the node control (OpenZwave or ZWave2JS2MQTT)?
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Switch ignores commands from Domoticz

Post by taxelrod »

I followed the Z-Stick vendor's instructions for Domoticz integration: [https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/so ... h-domoticz]. Basically, it's just going to Setup->Hardware, identifying the COM port, and clicking Add. That all worked without obvious issue.

The log file entries are all like this for on/off from the web interface:

2022-05-12 11:25:44 On Admin (IP:
2022-05-12 11:03:21 Off Admin (IP:

For control by the hardware button they are like

2022-05-12 10:58:50 Off 2 Cranes

2 Cranes is the name I assigned to the Z-Stick controller. I don't yet know about OpenZwave or ZWave2JS2MQTT. I will check them out. Thanks.
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Re: Switch ignores commands from Domoticz

Post by taxelrod »

I gave Axial Control a try. Works without issue so far, so I guess I'll go with it for a while.
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