Dual tarif

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Dual tarif

Post by willem9136 »

I finished a smart meter reader using a PI3
Selfmade P1 cable. It seems to work except for the dual tarief.
I choosed the P1 over USB by using an FTDI.

How can I see the 2 different tarif meters?
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Re: Dual tarif

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @willem9136

You wrote:
It seems to work except for the dual tarief.
How do you know that?

If I look to your screenshot I see 3 values:

1. Low tariff (Usage 1) = 3468308
2. Normal tariff (usage 2) = 3854940
3. Actual Consumption =283

Time of the day = 19:04.
At that time of the day it is dark on your location and consequently solar panels will not produce anything (if you have them).
So the 3 other values are "0", so that is quite normal.

If you monitor under "Devices" your P1 meter, you will see that currently the last value (283) fluctuates, but the second value (3854940) will count up.
This is an incremental counter and will only count up. (The same as the counter in your Smart meter).
The first figure (3468308) will not count up and will start to count after the start of the "Low tariff" time. For my supplier after 23:00 h.
Then the first counter start to count up, while the second stops counting.

So at any time of the day, only one counter counts up, not both.

These incremental values are not shown in the P1 sensor widget in the "Utility"screen.

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Re: Dual tarif

Post by willem9136 »

I think you don’t understand what I mean.
There are no separate meters available voor the high and low tarief.
IDX1 receives 6 parameters. The first 2 are Hi and Low.
So where can I see the meter for the Hi with on the upper row the daily use and where for the Lo.
Or maybe I make a mistake. I know in the dashboard view there is a 2 color graph.
Blue and green. For High and Low.
I will wait till the low tarif will become active. See what happens.
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Re: Dual tarif

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @willem9136,
I think you don’t understand what I mean.
Then I like to ask you to explain your problem somewhat clearer.

What I understand:
How can I see the 2 different tariff meters?
It seems to work except for the dual tariff.
I conclude that you want to see 2 different tariff meters and that you don't see these currently,
There are no separate meters available for the high and low tariff.
Correct, separate meters for low and normal tariff do not exist. The first and second value of a total of 6 represent the low and normal tariff as incremental counters. You will not find these values in the P1 sensor widget, but in the log and report.
IDX1 receives 6 parameters. The first 2 are Hi and Low.
Correct, but the first is Low tariff and the second is Normal tariff, at least in the Netherlands.
In other countries these have other meanings.

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Re: Dual tarif

Post by willem9136 »

Ok, thanks. Let close this issue......
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