Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

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Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by kitopopo »

Hello dear friends and dear developers,

We are already many people who have domoticz and the IntesisHome system. We cannot have control over this device. Have you studied a possible implementation of Intesis home in domoticz? specifically with the "IS-IR-WIFI-1" device. It is a system that works fantastically well even it is controllable with alexa, but we would need an implementation in domoticz. Could this be possible? If there are more interested people can write here to request an implementation.

Thank you all and best regards
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Re: Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by NexoForo »

This integration of the Intesishome is very necessary, to be able to do the scenes with Dzevents, please look at it, since you would help us a lot, Thank you very much.
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Re: Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by salvacalatayud »

Great idea

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Re: Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by kitopopo »

Dear friends and developers,

From January 1st 2020 Intesis is part of HMS Networks AB as an own business unit. I have been talking to a technician from the technical service of HMS NETWORKS AB and he tells me that he finds domoticz interesting and that he will speak to the development department from HMS to tell them. Can you contact each other? I don't know what this idea would look like to @gizmocuz, but anyway thank you very much in advance. a cordial greeting
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Re: Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by sergiobcn »

I'm also very interested to manage my intesis home from Domoticz. Intesis recently had an Alexa skill, and it works fine. But it is very interesting to be able to add into Domoticz environment to integrate it into our automations.
There are many people using Intesis, since their system is compatible with different manufacturers of AA.
Thanks for your help!!
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Re: Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by ottoangel »

Any updates about this?
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Re: Intesis home implementation in Domotiz

Post by waltervl »

What about this? viewtopic.php?t=28194
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