Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results  [Solved]

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Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results

Post by vandermark1977 »

I have a script which controls my heatpump. The idea is that based on different temperatures and compressor frequencies it lowers the setpoint of the target temperature so the heatpump won't start too fast. The problem is that some steps follow each other too soon. It is triggered by the frequency of the compressor. I would like to add a delay in the form of: Only change when last change was => 1 minute ago. Can I add some sort of code to accomplish this? This is the code:

Code: Select all

return {
    on = {
        devices = { 
            49, --Pana Compressor_Freq
    data = {
        -- compressor state
        -- 1: compressor off
        -- 2: compressor startup
        -- 3: compressor relaxing
        -- 4: compressor continuous operation
        state = { initial = 1 }
    logging = {
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- change to LOG_ERROR when OK - was LOG_DEBUG
        marker = scriptVar,
    execute = function(domoticz, triggeredItem)
        local heatshift = domoticz.devices(82)
        local target_temp = domoticz.devices(66)
        local outlet_temp = domoticz.devices(65)
        local CompressorFreq = domoticz.devices(49)

        if(CompressorFreq.sValue == "0") then
            domoticz.log('State: compressor off', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
   = 1
            correction = 0
        elseif( == 1 or == 2) then
            domoticz.log('State: compressor startup', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
   = 2
            correction = outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature + heatshift.setPoint -1
            if(tonumber(CompressorFreq.sValue) > 22) then
       = 3
        elseif( == 3) then
            domoticz.log('State: compressor relaxing', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            correction = outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature + heatshift.setPoint -1
            if((outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature) >= 1) and (tonumber(CompressorFreq.sValue) < 23) then
       = 4
        elseif( == 4) then
            domoticz.log('State: continuous operation', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            if((outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature) >= 0) then
                domoticz.log('Continu met voorwaarde Shift+1 voldaan', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
                correction = heatshift.setPoint + 1
                correction = heatshift.setPoint
                domoticz.log('Continu zonder aanpassing Shift', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            domoticz.log('State: undefined', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
   = 1
            correction = 0
        if correction < -5 then correction = -5 end
        if correction > 0 then correction = 0 end
        if heatshift.setPoint == correction then
            domoticz.log('No correction', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            domoticz.log('Correction set to ' .. tostring(correction), domoticz.LOG_INFO)
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Re: Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results

Post by twoenter »

Yes you can. Check the lastupdate of your device. See wiki of dzvents and search for lastupdate
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Re: Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results

Post by waaren »

vandermark1977 wrote: Tuesday 26 January 2021 20:51 I have a script which controls my heatpump. The idea is that based on different temperatures and compressor frequencies it lowers the setpoint of the target temperature so the heatpump won't start too fast. The problem is that some steps follow each other too soon. It is triggered by the frequency of the compressor. I would like to add a delay in the form of: Only change when last change was => 1 minute ago. Can I add some sort of code to accomplish this?
What I use in similar situation is something like

in the persistent data section add a lastChange var

Code: Select all

    data = 
        -- compressor state
        -- 1: compressor off
        -- 2: compressor startup
        -- 3: compressor relaxing
        -- 4: compressor continuous operation
        state = { initial = 1 },
	lastChange = { initial = 0 },
And make setState a function that will check the last time the lastChange was updated ( os.time() returns the number of seconds sine 1/1/1970 )

Code: Select all

local minimalStatechangeTime = 60

		local function setState(state)
			if < ( os.time() - minimalStatechangeTime ) then = state = os.time()
				return true
			return false
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Re: Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results

Post by vandermark1977 »

Thanks @waaren, that looks like a simple and elegant solution. I will try to integrate it in the script and let you know on the results
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Re: Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results

Post by vandermark1977 »

There is one issue: The 'state' is not the changing variable. I have another idea. Can i set a local variable which is just a simpel on/off switch. At the end when the result happens where minimum time of 1 minuite is needed I add the code:

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And as a extra condition for earlier rules I add:

Code: Select all

SimpleOnOffSwitch.lastUpdate.minutesAgo => 1
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Re: Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results

Post by waaren »

vandermark1977 wrote: Wednesday 27 January 2021 9:52 Can i set a local variable which is just a simple on/off switch.
That's of course also possible. I usually prefer local persistent data above using devices or domoticz uservariables because devices and vars can be influenced by other scripts or GUI actions.
If you use a var or a device then consider using silent()
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Re: Need time (=> 1 minute) between two results  [Solved]

Post by vandermark1977 »

I have added a dummy device with simple On/Off switch. This switch is not used anywhere.

New toggle:

Code: Select all

 local Toggle = domoticz.devices(148)
Extra result when script make change to temperature setpoint:

Code: Select all

And condition which i added in three lines:

Code: Select all

and (Toggle.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= 1)
This is the new script now:

Code: Select all

return {
    on = {
        devices = { 
            49, --Pana Compressor_Freq
    data = {
        -- compressor state
        -- 1: compressor off
        -- 2: compressor startup
        -- 3: compressor relaxing
        -- 4: compressor continuous operation
        state = { initial = 1 }
    logging = {
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- change to LOG_ERROR when OK - was LOG_DEBUG
        marker = scriptVar,
    execute = function(domoticz, triggeredItem)
        local heatshift = domoticz.devices(82)
        local target_temp = domoticz.devices(66)
        local outlet_temp = domoticz.devices(65)
        local CompressorFreq = domoticz.devices(49)
        local Toggle = domoticz.devices(148)

        if(CompressorFreq.sValue == "0") then
            domoticz.log('State: compressor off', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
   = 1
            correction = 0
        elseif( == 1 or == 2) then
            domoticz.log('State: compressor startup', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
   = 2
            correction = outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature + heatshift.setPoint -1
            if(tonumber(CompressorFreq.sValue) >25) and (Toggle.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= 1) then
       = 3
        elseif( == 3) then
            domoticz.log('State: compressor relaxing', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            correction = outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature + heatshift.setPoint -1
            if((outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature) >= 1) and (tonumber(CompressorFreq.sValue) < 26) and (Toggle.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= 1) then
       = 4
        elseif( == 4) then
            domoticz.log('State: continuous operation', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            if((outlet_temp.temperature - target_temp.temperature) >= 0) and (Toggle.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= 1) then
                domoticz.log('Continu met voorwaarde Shift+1 voldaan', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
                correction = heatshift.setPoint + 1
                correction = heatshift.setPoint
                domoticz.log('Continu zonder aanpassing Shift', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            domoticz.log('State: undefined', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
   = 1
            correction = 0
        if correction < -5 then correction = -5 end
        if correction > 0 then correction = 0 end
        if heatshift.setPoint == correction then
            domoticz.log('No correction', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            domoticz.log('Correction set to ' .. tostring(correction), domoticz.LOG_INFO)
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