Aspect ratio for the live view?

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Aspect ratio for the live view?

Post by Nautilus »


I have a couple of these Foscams with 1280x960 resolution and the Domoticz live view window is by the looks of it designed (at least by default) for 1280x720 (well, 16/9 aspect ratio in general). Is there any easy way to change it to see an undistorted image? I can change the image settings in the cam but then of course it cuts out part of the available image which I'd like to try to avoid :)
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Re: Aspect ratio for the live view?

Post by groovy »

Sorry for digging out this old post, but I just got my cams working and have the same problem.
My cams are all at 640x480px and the popup view is too wide, so the picture looks ugly.
I didn't found the right place in the code. Inspecting the css with firefox, it shows this for the picture (and says it's inline-code):

Code: Select all

Element {
    border: 1px solid rgb(30, 40, 50);
    width: 599px;
    height: 338px;
Where does this come from? Is it possible to change this?
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Re: Aspect ratio for the live view?

Post by albertopinguino »

Same problem for me... I have a XIAOMI Xiaofang with DAFANG hacks, set to 1280x720 that looks ugly in 4:3...
Is it possible to change the view ratio to 16:9?
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Re: Aspect ratio for the live view?

Post by sputnik3 »

search in the file domoticz.js
original line:

var AspectSource = 4 / 3;

modified line:

var AspectSource = 16 / 9;
or another desired aspect ratio.
By modifying this variable it is possible to see the cameras without deformations.
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