Reduce the log size

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Reduce the log size

Post by AnkeBerg »

Hello everybody,

my heatingcontrol transmits status information (pump state, mode, ...) every second via MQTT. This information is logged by Domoticz and fills up the database. Is it possible to configure to log only changed information?

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Re: Reduce the log size

Post by waaren »

AnkeBerg wrote: Tuesday 22 September 2020 16:13 my heatingcontrol transmits status information (pump state, mode, ...) every second via MQTT. This information is logged by Domoticz and fills up the database. Is it possible to configure to log only changed information?
Can you please elaborate a bit on this? What do you see in the log and what is the MQTT information send to domoticz/in ?
The domoticz log is not stored in the database so probably you mean something else. Are your domoticz devices updated every second?
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dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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