Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux  [Solved]

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Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by sailmich »

Hello, I have this simply script to open and close my roof windows.
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

--[[This script is for a roof window. 
    J_down = EnOcean switch blind down
    Velux = Dummy Blind
    Vrunter = Fibaro FGS222 switch first output 
    J_up = EnOcean switch blind up
    Vhoch = Fibaro FGS222 switch second output
    The Fibaro switch is connected to VELUX KLF 050 WW INTEGRA® Schalter-Interface
    One output of Fibaro switch is for close blinds and the other open blinds
    Stop blind by using again same output as before]]
return {
   on = {
      devices = {'J_down', 'J_up'}
   execute = function(dz, device)
        if dz.devices('J_down').state == 'On' and dz.devices('Velux').state == 'Open' then 
        elseif dz.devices('J_down').state == 'On' and dz.devices('Velux').state == 'Closed' then
        domoticz.log('Jalousie is already closed')
        if dz.devices('J_up').state == 'On' and dz.devices('Velux').state == 'Closed' then 
        elseif dz.devices('J_up').state == 'On' and dz.devices('Velux').state == 'Open' then
        domoticz.log('Jalousie is already open') 
This working as it should. Now I would like to use a virtual blind percentage switch to close or open the blinds. I searched the forum and found some solutions but to complicated for me to adapt to my needs. I need a variable for the percentage. I know the time for 1% up is 0.4 seconds and time for 1% down is 0.3 seconds. Compare old percentage with new percentage multiply with speed for 1% should deliver the time between the start and stop signal.
I already read the wiki about dzvents but I can't get it together. Lack of language and skill level.
Any Help appreciated :)
Last edited by sailmich on Thursday 23 April 2020 7:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by waaren »

sailmich wrote: Wednesday 22 April 2020 13:55 I have this simply script to open and close my roof windows.
This working as it should. Now I would like to use a virtual blind percentage switch to close or open the blinds.
I will try to come up with something but the problem with creating such a script is that the behavior of these blind percentage switches is not as expected. From percentage X to percentage Y is not very complicated but if you set the percentage to 0 the device will only show 'Off' and keeps the old percentage and the other way around if you set it to 100% it will show 'On' and keeps the old percentage.

So it might take some iterations before we will have a working script (if at all :) )
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by sailmich »

THX in advance!
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by waaren »

sailmich wrote: Wednesday 22 April 2020 16:23 THX in advance!
Can you have a look at this and revert with your findings?

Code: Select all

    This script is for a roof window.
    J_down  = EnOcean switch blind down   // Controller for Switch blind completely down
    J_up    = EnOcean switch blind up     // Controller Switch blind completely up
    Velux   = Dummy Blind                 // Controller to set blind percentage and follows when controlled by J_down or J_up
    Vrunter = Fibaro FGS222 switch        // Actuator
    Vhoch   = Fibaro FGS222 switch        // Actuator
    The Fibaro switch is connected to VELUX KLF 050 WW INTEGRA® Schalter-Interface
    One output of Fibaro switch is for close blinds and the other open blinds
    Stop blind by using again same output as before
   .The time for 1% up is 0.4 seconds and time for 1% down is 0.3 seconds. 
    on =
        devices = 
    logging =
        level  = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- Change to domoticz.LOG_ERROR when working as expected
        marker = 'blindPercentages',
    data =
        level = { initial = 0 },
   execute = function(dz, item)
        local Jdown = dz.devices('J_down')
        local Jup = dz.devices('J_up')
        local Vrunter =dz.devices('Vrunter')
        local Vhoch = dz.devices('Vhoch')
        local velux = dz.devices('Velux')
        local function createSomeLogging(dv)
            dz.log( ..    ': -->> device Type: ' .. ( dv.deviceType or "-") .. ', device switchType: ' .. ( dv.switchType or "-") ..
                                ', state: ' .. ( dv.state or "-") .. ', nValue '         .. (dv.nValue or "-")  ..
                                ', dv.level: ' .. ( dv.level or "-") ,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
        for _, device in pairs({Jdown, velux , Jup, Vrunter, Vhoch, velux}) do
        dz.log('level in data: ' ..,dz.LOG_DEBUG  )
        local function gotoLevel(newLevel, remote)
            local upSpeed = 0.3
            local downSpeed = 0.4
            if < newLevel then
                if remote then
                    local delay = upSpeed
                    for intLevel =, newLevel do
                        delay = delay + upSpeed
                Vhoch.switchOff().afterSec(( newLevel - * upSpeed ).silent()
            elseif newLevel < then
                if remote then
                    local delay = downSpeed
                    for intLevel =, newLevel, -1 do
                        delay = delay + downSpeed
                Vrunter.switchOff().afterSec(( - newLevel) * downSpeed ).silent()
   = newLevel
        -- Main..
        if item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.level > 1  then
            gotoLevel(0, true)
        elseif item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Open' then
            dz.log('Jalousie is already closed')
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.level < 99 then
            gotoLevel(100, true)
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Closed' then
            dz.log('Jalousie is already open')
        elseif item == velux then
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by sailmich »

I already tried your script. What is the best way to debug? Or can you worked with my trials?
Open to closed Vrunter = 40s
closed to open Vhoch = 30s
closed to 48% Vhoch on for 14s -- should be Vrunter
48% to 82% Vhoch on for 10s -- should be Vrunter
82% to 93% Vhoch on for 3s -- should be Vrunter
93% to 39% Vrunter on for 22s -- should be Vhoch
39% to open = nothing happen
12% to closed = nothing happen
I need also always 2 times the signal on. First is for start second for stop. For closed and open it doesn't matter because there is an electronic inside the blind.
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by waaren »

sailmich wrote: Thursday 23 April 2020 13:56 I already tried your script. What is the best way to debug? Or can you worked with my trials?
Open to closed Vrunter = 40s
closed to open Vhoch = 30s
closed to 48% Vhoch on for 14s -- should be Vrunter
48% to 82% Vhoch on for 10s -- should be Vrunter
82% to 93% Vhoch on for 3s -- should be Vrunter
93% to 39% Vrunter on for 22s -- should be Vhoch
39% to open = nothing happen
12% to closed = nothing happen
I need also always 2 times the signal on. First is for start second for stop. For closed and open it doesn't matter because there is an electronic inside the blind.
The best way to debug is to write down the sequence of your actions combined with what you see in the log and in the GUI. I reverted Vhogh and Vrunter and changed the switchOff to switchOn. See below
Please also try to understand what happens in the code and make your own modifications as you see fit.

Code: Select all

    This script is for a roof window.
    J_down  = EnOcean switch blind down   // Controller for Switch blind completely down
    J_up    = EnOcean switch blind up     // Controller Switch blind completely up
    Velux   = Dummy Blind                 // Controller to set blind percentage and follows when controlled by J_down or J_up
    Vrunter = Fibaro FGS222 switch        // Actuator
    Vhoch   = Fibaro FGS222 switch        // Actuator
    The Fibaro switch is connected to VELUX KLF 050 WW INTEGRA® Schalter-Interface
    One output of Fibaro switch is for close blinds and the other open blinds
    Stop blind by using again same output as before
   .The time for 1% up is 0.4 seconds and time for 1% down is 0.3 seconds. 
    on =
        devices = 
    logging =
        level  = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- Change to domoticz.LOG_ERROR when working as expected
        marker = 'blindPercentages',
    data =
        level = { initial = 0 },
   execute = function(dz, item)
        local Jdown = dz.devices('J_down')
        local Jup = dz.devices('J_up')
        local Vrunter =dz.devices('Vrunter')
        local Vhoch = dz.devices('Vhoch')
        local velux = dz.devices('Velux')
        local function createSomeLogging(dv)
            dz.log( ..    ': -->> device Type: ' .. ( dv.deviceType or "-") .. ', device switchType: ' .. ( dv.switchType or "-") ..
                                ', state: ' .. ( dv.state or "-") .. ', nValue '         .. (dv.nValue or "-")  ..
                                ', dv.level: ' .. ( dv.level or "-") ,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
        for _, device in pairs({Jdown, velux , Jup, Vrunter, Vhoch, velux}) do
        dz.log('level in data: ' ..,dz.LOG_DEBUG  )
        local function gotoLevel(newLevel, remote)
            local upSpeed = 0.3
            local downSpeed = 0.4
            if < newLevel then
                if remote then
                    local delay = upSpeed
                    for intLevel =, newLevel do
                        delay = delay + upSpeed
                Vrunter.switchOn().afterSec(( newLevel - * upSpeed ).silent()
            elseif newLevel < then
                if remote then
                    local delay = downSpeed
                    for intLevel =, newLevel, -1 do
                        delay = delay + downSpeed
                Vhoch.switchOn().afterSec(( - newLevel) * downSpeed ).silent()
   = newLevel
        -- Main..
        if item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.level > 1  then
            gotoLevel(0, true)
        elseif item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Open' then
            dz.log('Jalousie is already closed')
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.level < 99 then
            gotoLevel(100, true)
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Closed' then
            dz.log('Jalousie is already open')
        elseif item == velux then
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by sailmich »

I add some code and did some small changes. I understand the part for moving the blinds with dummy switch and it's working but needs double click for open or closed. Directions are right and fits to Vrunter and Vhoch.
The harder part is to understand and change the remote part. General problem is that J_up and J_down are toggle switches but act like on/off. I just need the on signals to switch Vrunter and Vhoch. e.g. J_up on start and push J_up on again (J_up send on to Vhoch and another on by pushing again.) whenever I want, should start the blinds moving up and stop the blinds before they reach the physical limit switch. Now J_up stays always on. Any suggestions? And thanks again for your help! It's looking amazing when the dummy blind changing the position :P
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by waaren »

sailmich wrote: Friday 24 April 2020 16:20 The harder part is to understand and change the remote part. General problem is that J_up and J_down are toggle switches but act like on/off.
How do J_up and J_down behave if you change them to push On buttons ? (edit the devices on the switches tab)
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by sailmich »

On the remote server they still have 'on/off/GroupOff'. I changed them also on main domoticz and I got just 'on'. :D
As you can see MainJ_up.png got two times on signal, because I toggled the remote switch. But Vhoch didn't get the second from J_up.
RemoteJ_up.png (23.71 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
MainVhoch.png (20.61 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
MainJ_up.png (25.87 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by waaren »

sailmich wrote: Friday 24 April 2020 21:27 On the remote server they still have 'on/off/GroupOff'. I changed them also on main domoticz and I got just 'on'. :D
As you can see MainJ_up.png got two times on signal, because I toggled the remote switch. But Vhoch didn't get the second from J_up.
In one of the recent Beta's (build 11959) a commit was applied that prevents the log of identical states of switches. Could that be the reason?
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by sailmich »

waaren wrote: Friday 24 April 2020 23:09
sailmich wrote: Friday 24 April 2020 21:27 On the remote server they still have 'on/off/GroupOff'. I changed them also on main domoticz and I got just 'on'. :D
As you can see MainJ_up.png got two times on signal, because I toggled the remote switch. But Vhoch didn't get the second from J_up.
In one of the recent Beta's (build 11959) a commit was applied that prevents the log of identical states of switches. Could that be the reason?
I don't thing so. According to the domoticz log the remote process is already finish calculated before the next switch on signal is comming. But the process can't stop.
For better understanding the log for J_down with a second push.
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

2020-04-25 09:35:54.180  Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command ( 196/J_down/On)
2020-04-25 09:35:54.197  (EnoceanRemote) Lighting 2 (J_down)
2020-04-25 09:35:54.206  Status: Incoming connection from:
2020-04-25 09:35:54.322  Status: dzVents: Debug: Dumping domoticz data to /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/domoticzData.lua
2020-04-25 09:35:54.441  Status: dzVents: Debug: Processing device-adapter for J_down: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:35:54.442  Status: dzVents: Debug: dzVents version: 3.0.2
2020-04-25 09:35:54.442  Status: dzVents: Debug: Event triggers:
2020-04-25 09:35:54.442  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Device: J_down
2020-04-25 09:35:54.492  Status: dzVents: Info: Handling events for: "J_down", value: "On"
2020-04-25 09:35:54.493  Status: dzVents: Info: blindPercentages: ------ Start internal script: Script #1: Device: "J_down (EnoceanRemote)", Index: 196
2020-04-25 09:35:54.499  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for J_up: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:35:54.501  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for Vrunter: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:35:54.503  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for Vhoch: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:35:54.506  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for Velux: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:35:54.506  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: J_down: -->> device Type: Lighting 2, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.506  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Velux: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Blinds Percentage, state: Open, nValue 0, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.506  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: J_up: -->> device Type: Lighting 2, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.507  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Vrunter: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.507  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Vhoch: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.507  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Velux: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Blinds Percentage, state: Open, nValue 0, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.507  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: level in data: 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.507  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: On
2020-04-25 09:35:54.507  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: On NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.508  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 0
2020-04-25 09:35:54.508  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 0 AFTER 0 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.508  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 0 AFTER 0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.508  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 1
2020-04-25 09:35:54.508  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 1 AFTER 0 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.509  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 1 AFTER 0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.509  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 2
2020-04-25 09:35:54.509  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 2 AFTER 0 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.509  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 2 AFTER 0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.509  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 3
2020-04-25 09:35:54.510  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 3 AFTER 1 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.510  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 3 AFTER 1 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.510  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 4
2020-04-25 09:35:54.510  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 4 AFTER 1 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.510  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 4 AFTER 1 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.511  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 5
2020-04-25 09:35:54.511  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 5 AFTER 1 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.511  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 5 AFTER 1 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.511  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 6
2020-04-25 09:35:54.511  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 6 AFTER 2 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.512  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 6 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.512  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 7
2020-04-25 09:35:54.512  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 7 AFTER 2 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.512  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 7 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.512  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 8
2020-04-25 09:35:54.512  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 8 AFTER 2 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.513  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 8 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.513  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 9
2020-04-25 09:35:54.513  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 9 AFTER 2 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.513  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 9 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.513  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 10
2020-04-25 09:35:54.514  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 10 AFTER 3 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.514  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 10 AFTER 3 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.514  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 11
2020-04-25 09:35:54.514  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 11 AFTER 3 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.515  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 11 AFTER 3 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.515  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 12
2020-04-25 09:35:54.515  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 12 AFTER 3 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.515  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 12 AFTER 3 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.515  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 13
2020-04-25 09:35:54.516  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 13 AFTER 4 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.516  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 13 AFTER 4 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.516  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 14
2020-04-25 09:35:54.516  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 14 AFTER 4 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.516  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 14 AFTER 4 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.517  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 15
2020-04-25 09:35:54.517  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 15 AFTER 4 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.517  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 15 AFTER 4 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.517  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 16
2020-04-25 09:35:54.517  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 16 AFTER 5 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.518  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 16 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.518  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 17
2020-04-25 09:35:54.518  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 17 AFTER 5 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.518  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 17 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.518  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 18
2020-04-25 09:35:54.519  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 18 AFTER 5 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.519  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 18 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.519  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 19
2020-04-25 09:35:54.519  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 19 AFTER 5 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.519  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 19 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.519  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 20
2020-04-25 09:35:54.520  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 20 AFTER 6 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.520  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 20 AFTER 6 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.520  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 21
2020-04-25 09:35:54.520  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 21 AFTER 6 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.520  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 21 AFTER 6 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.521  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 22
2020-04-25 09:35:54.521  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 22 AFTER 6 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.521  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 22 AFTER 6 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.521  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 23
2020-04-25 09:35:54.521  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 23 AFTER 7 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.522  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 23 AFTER 7 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.522  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 24
2020-04-25 09:35:54.522  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 24 AFTER 7 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.522  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 24 AFTER 7 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.522  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 25
2020-04-25 09:35:54.523  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 25 AFTER 7 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.523  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 25 AFTER 7 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.523  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 26
2020-04-25 09:35:54.523  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 26 AFTER 8 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.523  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 26 AFTER 8 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.524  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 27
2020-04-25 09:35:54.524  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 27 AFTER 8 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.524  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 27 AFTER 8 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.524  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 28
2020-04-25 09:35:54.525  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 28 AFTER 8 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.525  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 28 AFTER 8 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.525  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 29
2020-04-25 09:35:54.525  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 29 AFTER 9 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.525  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 29 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.525  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 30
2020-04-25 09:35:54.526  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 30 AFTER 9 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.526  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 30 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.526  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 31
2020-04-25 09:35:54.526  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 31 AFTER 9 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.526  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 31 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.527  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 32
2020-04-25 09:35:54.527  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 32 AFTER 9 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.527  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 32 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.527  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 33
2020-04-25 09:35:54.527  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 33 AFTER 10 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.527  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 33 AFTER 10 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.528  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 34
2020-04-25 09:35:54.528  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 34 AFTER 10 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.528  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 34 AFTER 10 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.528  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 35
2020-04-25 09:35:54.529  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 35 AFTER 10 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.529  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 35 AFTER 10 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.529  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 36
2020-04-25 09:35:54.529  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 36 AFTER 11 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.529  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 36 AFTER 11 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.529  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 37
2020-04-25 09:35:54.530  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 37 AFTER 11 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.530  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 37 AFTER 11 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.530  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 38
2020-04-25 09:35:54.530  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 38 AFTER 11 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.530  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 38 AFTER 11 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.531  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 39
2020-04-25 09:35:54.531  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 39 AFTER 12 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.531  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 39 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.531  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 40
2020-04-25 09:35:54.531  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 40 AFTER 12 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.532  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 40 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.532  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 41
2020-04-25 09:35:54.532  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 41 AFTER 12 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.532  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 41 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.532  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 42
2020-04-25 09:35:54.533  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 42 AFTER 12 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.533  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 42 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.533  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 43
2020-04-25 09:35:54.533  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 43 AFTER 13 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.533  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 43 AFTER 13 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.534  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 44
2020-04-25 09:35:54.534  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 44 AFTER 13 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.534  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 44 AFTER 13 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.534  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 45
2020-04-25 09:35:54.534  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 45 AFTER 13 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.535  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 45 AFTER 13 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.535  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 46
2020-04-25 09:35:54.535  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 46 AFTER 14 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.535  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 46 AFTER 14 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.535  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 47
2020-04-25 09:35:54.536  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 47 AFTER 14 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.536  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 47 AFTER 14 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.536  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 48
2020-04-25 09:35:54.536  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 48 AFTER 14 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.536  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 48 AFTER 14 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.536  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 49
2020-04-25 09:35:54.537  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 49 AFTER 15 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.537  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 49 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.537  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 50
2020-04-25 09:35:54.537  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 50 AFTER 15 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.537  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 50 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.538  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 51
2020-04-25 09:35:54.538  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 51 AFTER 15 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.538  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 51 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.538  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 52
2020-04-25 09:35:54.538  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 52 AFTER 15 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.539  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 52 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.539  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 53
2020-04-25 09:35:54.539  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 53 AFTER 16 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.539  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 53 AFTER 16 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.539  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 54
2020-04-25 09:35:54.540  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 54 AFTER 16 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.540  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 54 AFTER 16 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.540  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 55
2020-04-25 09:35:54.540  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 55 AFTER 16 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.540  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 55 AFTER 16 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.541  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 56
2020-04-25 09:35:54.541  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 56 AFTER 17 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.541  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 56 AFTER 17 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.541  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 57
2020-04-25 09:35:54.542  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 57 AFTER 17 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.542  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 57 AFTER 17 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.542  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 58
2020-04-25 09:35:54.542  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 58 AFTER 17 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.542  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 58 AFTER 17 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.543  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 59
2020-04-25 09:35:54.543  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 59 AFTER 18 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.543  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 59 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.543  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 60
2020-04-25 09:35:54.544  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 60 AFTER 18 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.544  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 60 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.544  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 61
2020-04-25 09:35:54.545  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 61 AFTER 18 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.545  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 61 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.545  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 62
2020-04-25 09:35:54.545  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 62 AFTER 18 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.545  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 62 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.546  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 63
2020-04-25 09:35:54.546  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 63 AFTER 19 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.546  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 63 AFTER 19 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.546  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 64
2020-04-25 09:35:54.546  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 64 AFTER 19 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.547  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 64 AFTER 19 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.547  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 65
2020-04-25 09:35:54.547  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 65 AFTER 19 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.547  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 65 AFTER 19 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.547  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 66
2020-04-25 09:35:54.548  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 66 AFTER 20 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.548  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 66 AFTER 20 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.548  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 67
2020-04-25 09:35:54.548  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 67 AFTER 20 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.549  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 67 AFTER 20 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.549  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 68
2020-04-25 09:35:54.549  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 68 AFTER 20 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.549  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 68 AFTER 20 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.549  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 69
2020-04-25 09:35:54.550  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 69 AFTER 21 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.550  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 69 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.550  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 70
2020-04-25 09:35:54.550  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 70 AFTER 21 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.551  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 70 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.551  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 71
2020-04-25 09:35:54.551  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 71 AFTER 21 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.551  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 71 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.551  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 72
2020-04-25 09:35:54.552  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 72 AFTER 21 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.552  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 72 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.552  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 73
2020-04-25 09:35:54.552  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 73 AFTER 22 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.552  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 73 AFTER 22 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.553  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 74
2020-04-25 09:35:54.553  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 74 AFTER 22 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.553  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 74 AFTER 22 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.553  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 75
2020-04-25 09:35:54.553  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 75 AFTER 22 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.554  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 75 AFTER 22 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.554  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 76
2020-04-25 09:35:54.554  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 76 AFTER 23 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.554  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 76 AFTER 23 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.555  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 77
2020-04-25 09:35:54.555  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 77 AFTER 23 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.555  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 77 AFTER 23 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.555  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 78
2020-04-25 09:35:54.555  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 78 AFTER 23 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.556  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 78 AFTER 23 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.556  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 79
2020-04-25 09:35:54.556  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 79 AFTER 24 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.556  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 79 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.556  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 80
2020-04-25 09:35:54.557  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 80 AFTER 24 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.557  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 80 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.557  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 81
2020-04-25 09:35:54.557  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 81 AFTER 24 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.558  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 81 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.558  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 82
2020-04-25 09:35:54.558  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 82 AFTER 24 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.558  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 82 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.558  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 83
2020-04-25 09:35:54.559  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 83 AFTER 25 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.559  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 83 AFTER 25 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.559  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 84
2020-04-25 09:35:54.559  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 84 AFTER 25 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.559  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 84 AFTER 25 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.560  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 85
2020-04-25 09:35:54.560  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 85 AFTER 25 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.560  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 85 AFTER 25 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.560  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 86
2020-04-25 09:35:54.561  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 86 AFTER 26 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.561  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 86 AFTER 26 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.561  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 87
2020-04-25 09:35:54.561  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 87 AFTER 26 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.561  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 87 AFTER 26 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.561  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 88
2020-04-25 09:35:54.562  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 88 AFTER 26 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.562  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 88 AFTER 26 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.562  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 89
2020-04-25 09:35:54.562  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 89 AFTER 27 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.562  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 89 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.563  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 90
2020-04-25 09:35:54.563  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 90 AFTER 27 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.563  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 90 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.563  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 91
2020-04-25 09:35:54.563  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 91 AFTER 27 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.564  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 91 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.564  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 92
2020-04-25 09:35:54.564  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 92 AFTER 27 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.564  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 92 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.565  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 93
2020-04-25 09:35:54.565  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 93 AFTER 28 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.565  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 93 AFTER 28 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.565  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 94
2020-04-25 09:35:54.566  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 94 AFTER 28 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.566  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 94 AFTER 28 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.566  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 95
2020-04-25 09:35:54.566  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 95 AFTER 28 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.566  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 95 AFTER 28 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.566  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 96
2020-04-25 09:35:54.567  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 96 AFTER 29 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.567  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 96 AFTER 29 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.567  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 97
2020-04-25 09:35:54.567  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 97 AFTER 29 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.567  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 97 AFTER 29 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.568  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 98
2020-04-25 09:35:54.568  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 98 AFTER 29 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.568  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 98 AFTER 29 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.568  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 99
2020-04-25 09:35:54.568  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 99 AFTER 30 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.569  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 99 AFTER 30 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.569  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 100
2020-04-25 09:35:54.569  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 100 AFTER 30 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.569  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: Set Level 100 AFTER 30 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.569  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: On
2020-04-25 09:35:54.570  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: On AFTER 30.0 SECONDS
2020-04-25 09:35:54.570  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Constructed timed-command: On AFTER 30.0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.571  Status: dzVents: Info: blindPercentages: ------ Finished Script #1
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: Commands sent to Domoticz: 
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Cancel = {["type"]="device", ["idx"]=274}
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Vrunter = On NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 0 AFTER 0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 1 AFTER 0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 2 AFTER 0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 3 AFTER 1 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 4 AFTER 1 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.572  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 5 AFTER 1 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 6 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 7 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 8 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 9 AFTER 2 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 10 AFTER 3 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 11 AFTER 3 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 12 AFTER 3 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 13 AFTER 4 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 14 AFTER 4 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 15 AFTER 4 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.573  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 16 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 17 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 18 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 19 AFTER 5 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 20 AFTER 6 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 21 AFTER 6 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 22 AFTER 6 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 23 AFTER 7 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 24 AFTER 7 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.574  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 25 AFTER 7 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 26 AFTER 8 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 27 AFTER 8 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 28 AFTER 8 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 29 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 30 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 31 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 32 AFTER 9 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 33 AFTER 10 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 34 AFTER 10 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 35 AFTER 10 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.575  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 36 AFTER 11 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 37 AFTER 11 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 38 AFTER 11 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 39 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 40 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 41 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 42 AFTER 12 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 43 AFTER 13 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 44 AFTER 13 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 45 AFTER 13 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.576  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 46 AFTER 14 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 47 AFTER 14 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 48 AFTER 14 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 49 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 50 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 51 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 52 AFTER 15 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 53 AFTER 16 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 54 AFTER 16 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 55 AFTER 16 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 56 AFTER 17 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.577  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 57 AFTER 17 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 58 AFTER 17 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 59 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 60 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 61 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 62 AFTER 18 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 63 AFTER 19 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 64 AFTER 19 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 65 AFTER 19 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 66 AFTER 20 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 67 AFTER 20 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.578  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 68 AFTER 20 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 69 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 70 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 71 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 72 AFTER 21 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 73 AFTER 22 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 74 AFTER 22 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 75 AFTER 22 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 76 AFTER 23 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 77 AFTER 23 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.579  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 78 AFTER 23 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 79 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 80 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 81 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 82 AFTER 24 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 83 AFTER 25 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 84 AFTER 25 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 85 AFTER 25 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 86 AFTER 26 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 87 AFTER 26 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 88 AFTER 26 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.580  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 89 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 90 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 91 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 92 AFTER 27 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 93 AFTER 28 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 94 AFTER 28 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 95 AFTER 28 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 96 AFTER 29 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 97 AFTER 29 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 98 AFTER 29 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.581  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 99 AFTER 30 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.582  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Velux = Set Level 100 AFTER 30 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.582  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Vrunter = On AFTER 30.0 SECONDS NOTRIGGER
2020-04-25 09:35:54.582  Status: dzVents: Debug: =====================================================
2020-04-25 09:35:54.637  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Vrunter)
2020-04-25 09:35:54.653  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:35:55.634  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:35:56.615  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:35:57.635  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:35:58.615  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:35:59.647  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:00.318  Status: dzVents: Debug: Dumping domoticz data to /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/domoticzData.lua
2020-04-25 09:36:00.395  Status: dzVents: Debug: Event triggers:
2020-04-25 09:36:00.395  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Timer
2020-04-25 09:36:00.633  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:01.653  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:02.633  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:03.654  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:04.635  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:05.656  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:06.636  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:07.630  Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (196/J_down/On)
2020-04-25 09:36:07.642  (EnoceanRemote) Lighting 2 (J_down)
2020-04-25 09:36:07.665  (Dummys) Light/Switch (Velux)
2020-04-25 09:36:07.756  Status: dzVents: Debug: Dumping domoticz data to /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/domoticzData.lua
2020-04-25 09:36:07.861  Status: dzVents: Debug: Processing device-adapter for J_down: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:36:07.862  Status: dzVents: Debug: dzVents version: 3.0.2
2020-04-25 09:36:07.862  Status: dzVents: Debug: Event triggers:
2020-04-25 09:36:07.862  Status: dzVents: Debug: - Device: J_down
2020-04-25 09:36:07.912  Status: dzVents: Info: Handling events for: "J_down", value: "On"
2020-04-25 09:36:07.912  Status: dzVents: Info: blindPercentages: ------ Start internal script: Script #1: Device: "J_down (EnoceanRemote)", Index: 196
2020-04-25 09:36:07.916  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for J_up: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:36:07.918  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for Vrunter: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:36:07.920  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for Vhoch: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Processing device-adapter for Velux: Switch device adapter
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: J_down: -->> device Type: Lighting 2, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Velux: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Blinds Percentage, state: On, nValue 2, dv.level: 42
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: J_up: -->> device Type: Lighting 2, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Vrunter: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Vhoch: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Push On Button, state: On, nValue 1, dv.level: 0
2020-04-25 09:36:07.922  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: Velux: -->> device Type: Light/Switch, device switchType: Blinds Percentage, state: On, nValue 2, dv.level: 42
2020-04-25 09:36:07.923  Status: dzVents: Debug: blindPercentages: level in data: 100
2020-04-25 09:36:07.924  Status: dzVents: Info: blindPercentages: ------ Finished Script #1
And the script
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

    This script is for a roof window.
    J_down  = EnOcean switch blind down   // Controller for Switch blind completely down
    J_up    = EnOcean switch blind up     // Controller Switch blind completely up
    Velux   = Dummy Blind                 // Controller to set blind percentage and follows when controlled by J_down or J_up
    Vrunter = Fibaro FGS222 switch        // Actuator
    Vhoch   = Fibaro FGS222 switch        // Actuator
    The Fibaro switch is connected to VELUX KLF 050 WW INTEGRA® Schalter-Interface
    One output of Fibaro switch is for close blinds and the other open blinds
    Stop blind by using again same output as before
   .The time for 1% up is 0.4 seconds and time for 1% down is 0.3 seconds. 
    on =
        devices = 
    logging =
        level  = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- Change to domoticz.LOG_ERROR when working as expected
        marker = 'blindPercentages',
    data =
        level = { initial = 0 },
   execute = function(dz, item)
        local Jdown = dz.devices('J_down')
        local Jup = dz.devices('J_up')
        local Vrunter =dz.devices('Vrunter')
        local Vhoch = dz.devices('Vhoch')
        local velux = dz.devices('Velux')
        local function createSomeLogging(dv)
            dz.log( ..    ': -->> device Type: ' .. ( dv.deviceType or "-") .. ', device switchType: ' .. ( dv.switchType or "-") ..
                                ', state: ' .. ( dv.state or "-") .. ', nValue '         .. (dv.nValue or "-")  ..
                                ', dv.level: ' .. ( dv.level or "-") ,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
        for _, device in pairs({Jdown, velux , Jup, Vrunter, Vhoch, velux}) do
        dz.log('level in data: ' ..,dz.LOG_DEBUG  )
        local function gotoLevel(newLevel, remote)
            local upSpeed = 0.3
            local downSpeed = 0.4
            if < newLevel then
                if remote then
                    local delay = upSpeed
                    for intLevel =, newLevel do
                        delay = delay + upSpeed
                Vrunter.switchOn().afterSec(( newLevel - * upSpeed ).silent()
            elseif newLevel < then
                if remote then
                    local delay = downSpeed
                    for intLevel =, newLevel, -1 do
                        delay = delay + downSpeed
                Vhoch.switchOn().afterSec(( - newLevel) * downSpeed ).silent()
   = newLevel
        -- Main..
        if item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.level > 1  then
            gotoLevel(100, true)                                                
        elseif item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Open' then 
            gotoLevel(100, true)                                                    
        elseif item == Jdown and Jdown.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Closed' then 
            dz.log('Jalousie is already closed')
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.level < 99 then 
            gotoLevel(0, true)
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Closed' then   
            gotoLevel(0, true)                                                      
        elseif item == Jup and Jup.state == 'On' and velux.state == 'Open' then
            dz.log('Jalousie is already open')
        elseif item == velux then
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux  [Solved]

Post by sailmich »

Here is my script with some changes to the original from waaren. For the remote EnOcean switch I decided to use own scripts with just open/close the roof windows by trigger the dummy blind. The blind dummy script for my roof windows are working except that I have to double tap open or close. When change the level with the slider the signal comes instantly.
In case someone would like to use the script here it is. Thanks again @waaren.

dummy blind percentage
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

    This script is for a Velux roof window.
    Velux   = Dummy Blind                   // Controller to set blind percentage
    DFrunter = Fibaro FGS222 switch          // Actuator
    DFhoch   = Fibaro FGS222 switch          // Actuator
    The Fibaro switch is connected to VELUX KLF 050 WW INTEGRA® Schalter-Interface
    One output of Fibaro switch is for close blinds and the other open blinds
    Stop blind by using again same output as before
    local upSpeed for 1% can be change accorrding to the time for a complete opening cycle.
    local downSpeed for 1% can be change accorrding to the time for a complete closing cycle.
    on =
        devices = 
    logging =
        level  = domoticz.LOG_ERROR,                            
        marker = 'blindPercentages',
    data =
      level = { initial = 0 },
   execute = function(dz, item)
        local DFrunter =dz.devices('DFrunter')                  --roof window down
        local DFhoch = dz.devices('DFhoch')                     --roof window up
        local velux = dz.devices('Velux')
        local delay = 1                                         -- time delay from actuator to relais
        local function createSomeLogging(dv)
            dz.log( ..    ': -->> device Type: ' .. ( dv.deviceType or "-") .. ', device switchType: ' .. ( dv.switchType or "-") ..
                                ', state: ' .. ( dv.state or "-") .. ', nValue '         .. (dv.nValue or "-")  ..
                                ', dv.level: ' .. ( dv.level or "-") ,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
        for _, device in pairs({velux , DFrunter, DFhoch}) do
        local function gotoLevel(newLevel)
            local upSpeed = 0.5
            local downSpeed = 0.5

            if < newLevel and DFrunter.state == 'Off' and DFhoch.state == 'Off' then
                DFrunter.switchOn().forSec(( newLevel - * downSpeed +delay ).silent()
       = newLevel
            elseif newLevel < and DFrunter.state == 'Off' and DFhoch.state == 'Off' then
                DFhoch.switchOn().forSec(( - newLevel) * upSpeed + delay ).silent()
       = newLevel
            elseif < newLevel and DFrunter.state == 'On' or DFhoch.state == 'On' then
            elseif newLevel < and DFrunter.state == 'On' or DFhoch.state == 'On' then
            if == 'Open' then
            elseif == 'Closed' then
        -- Main..
       if item == velux then
            dz.log('level in data: ' ..,dz.LOG_ERROR  )
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by Doomic »

Not sure if i should start a new thread. But the script in this thread looks pretty the same as the one i have build.
Well not as the last post, but the one above.
It is looping over the difference between current value and prefered value and doing some setLevel statements after x seconds.
But i can't get it to work (not sure if that was the issue here as well).
Only my last setLevel statement is executed.

found something in de doc about scheduled commands within the range of the new scheduled command is automaticly canceled.
Therefore i changed the order by schedule first that command with the highest time. But this isn't working either; at the end, only the last command is executed.

Simple example:

Code: Select all

return {
    on = { 
        devices = { 
    execute = function(domoticz, device) 
        local varTest = domoticz.variables("VarTest")
you should expect that varTest=2 after 2(or more) seconds. But it looks like .set(1) command is also canceling the set(2) command. So i end up with varTest=1 after 2 seconds.

is this a bug? Or can't you schedule multiple commands for 1 device/var? (but in that case the sugested script above would never have worked).
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Re: Need help :Virtual blind percentage for eg. Velux

Post by Doomic »

in case someone read my post:
i started a new topic with the same question here:
conclusion is that it should be scheduled from low to high. (high to low is not working, because the higher ones are canceld by the lower ones)

the issue with my script (i did not post here) was something else... silent() was not respected because of a bug. And therefore it triggered his own script. And because of that a new afterSec was scheduled.. and that one canceled all scheduled commands.
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