move z-wave to another domoticz pi

For Z-Wave related questions in Domoticz

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move z-wave to another domoticz pi

Post by tlansbergen »

Hi all,
I have a raspberry pi with an AONLabs Z-stick USB Controller. In Domoticz some z-wave devices (dimmers and thermostats) all working fine.
Since my pi is giving some problems i prepared a new pi, build from scratch.
What is the best way to transfer the Z-wave stick and configuration. I have no need for historical data so i won't restore the domoticz database to the new pi.
Do i need to remove all nodes from the z-wave controller or leave them there and plug it in the new pi?
Will domoticz (auto)detect all the nodes?
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Joined: Sunday 01 October 2017 17:42
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Re: move z-wave to another domoticz pi

Post by cincuranet »

The Z-Wave network is stored on Z-Stick, so as long as you move the stick too, you'll be fine. It might be a good idea to move also the XML file with OZW cache so you/network don't have query all the devices.
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