Is this a bug?
Hi All
I've seven instances (seven hardware configurations) of SVT running over two rasperry with jessie.
On the raspeberry placed on the first floor are running for instances, here I'm having issues at least once per week randomly on each instances
The behavior is always the same during normal operations the switch in charge to control the boiler start to flip on/off quickly:
Starting at: 16/03/2020 06:31:0 each second the switch receive on/off commands
After few seconds the normal behavior is restored but the rele goes out of sync and I have to fix it manually
This is is the configuration:
Apply minimum heating per cycle: only when heating is required
Calculation cycle...: 15,5,2,1,60
Variables: 'LastOutT': 12.0, 'ConstC': 362.5, 'LastInT': 20.7, 'LastPwr': 100, 'LastSetPoint': 23.5, 'nbCT': 50, 'ALStatus': 1, 'nbCC': 50, 'ConstT': -9.6}
Any idea on what's going on? or troubleshoot the issue?
Code: Select all
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