dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
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- beamzer
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
hmm, i was thinking more in the way the devices function works. Making a bash or lua script that lists them is not such a problem. But then i would like to change the values. At the moment i use 0, 1 and 2. A submenu with variables would be beter even. I was hoping someone already coded some of this.
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- beamzer
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
this works for getting the data from all variables
Code: Select all
mapfile -t varia < <(curl --silent 'http://domoticz.local:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariables' | jq '.result[]|{(.Name): .Value}' | egrep -v '[{}\]' | tr -d \" )
for v in "${varia[@]}"
curl --data 'chat_id='$SendMsgTo --data-urlencode 'text='"$v" 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TelegramBotToken'/sendMessage'
Domoticz stable on a Raspberry Pi 3
RFXtrx433E - RFLink - Smartmeter (through RasPi-Zero-W) - Hue - BMP180 - DHT22 - Wemos D1 Mini's with PIR
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- beamzer
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Ok, this is the complete script where i can read and set domoticz variables.
If someone knows how to do this script in a telegram menu structure, i would be very interested. But at the moment this works for me.
the script is named varia.sh and put into dtgbot/bash. So entering varia in Telegram will give you all the variables except for the dtgbot specific variables. I left those out because they are security related, especially the TelegramBotWhiteListedIDs. The script doesn't allow you to change those either.
Using varia variablename value you can change the value of a specific variable.
If someone knows how to do this script in a telegram menu structure, i would be very interested. But at the moment this works for me.
Code: Select all
# Ewald 20190728
# if you would like to display with index in front, use this:
# mapfile -t varia < <(curl --silent 'http://domoticz.local:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariables' | jq -r -c '.result[]| {Name,idx,Value}' | perl -ne '/Name\":\"(\S+?)\".*idx\":\"(\d+).*Value\":\"(\S+?)\"/ && print "\[$2\] $1: $3\n"')
# but display without the index allows for easier copy and paste to set a variable
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
mapfile -t varia < <(curl --silent 'http://domoticz.local:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariables' | jq -r -c '.result[]| {Name, Value}' | perl -ne '/Name\":\"(\S+?)\".*Value\":\"(\S+?)\"/ && print "$1 $2\n"')
for v in "${varia[@]}"
if [[ $v != Telegram* ]]; then # leave out the dtgbot variables that start with Telegram
# another option to display only the variables ending in Alert is: [[ $v == *Alert ]]
curl --silent --data 'chat_id='$SendMsgTo --data-urlencode 'text='"$v" 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TelegramBotToken'/sendMessage'
if [[ "$#" -ne 3 ]]; then
curl --silent --data 'chat_id='$SendMsgTo --data-urlencode 'text='"Sorry, i need TWO arguments, VariableName and Value" 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TelegramBotToken'/sendMessage'
exit 0
VAR=$2; VAL=$3
if [[ $VAR == Telegram* ]]; then
curl --silent --data 'chat_id='$SendMsgTo --data-urlencode 'text='"Sorry, no changing Telegram variables" 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TelegramBotToken'/sendMessage'
exit 0
CHECK=$(curl --silent "http://"$DomoticzIP":"$DomoticzPort"/json.htm?type=command¶m=updateuservariable&vname="$2"&vtype=0&vvalue="$3 | jq -r '.status')
if [[ $CHECK == "OK" ]]; then
curl --silent --data 'chat_id='$SendMsgTo --data-urlencode 'text='"$VAR = $VAL" 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TelegramBotToken'/sendMessage'
curl --silent --data 'chat_id='$SendMsgTo --data-urlencode 'text='"Oops, that didn't work" 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TelegramBotToken'/sendMessage'
the script is named varia.sh and put into dtgbot/bash. So entering varia in Telegram will give you all the variables except for the dtgbot specific variables. I left those out because they are security related, especially the TelegramBotWhiteListedIDs. The script doesn't allow you to change those either.
Using varia variablename value you can change the value of a specific variable.
Domoticz stable on a Raspberry Pi 3
RFXtrx433E - RFLink - Smartmeter (through RasPi-Zero-W) - Hue - BMP180 - DHT22 - Wemos D1 Mini's with PIR
RFXtrx433E - RFLink - Smartmeter (through RasPi-Zero-W) - Hue - BMP180 - DHT22 - Wemos D1 Mini's with PIR
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Ah ok, you mean you like support for variables in DTGMENU like we now have for devices. Well that would required quite some changes in the logic as it currently is using the Room definitions by default with the option to add "specials" via DTGMENU.CFG.
So it would require an update to the code to distinguish between Devices and UserVariables and be able to update those, but anything is possible.
I probably do not really see how this is useful for a large community yet. You stated you want to set a uservariable to 0,1 or 2, so I probably would look at an solution with a selector switch rather than using a user variable, but again, maybe I do not really understand your requirement properly
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Has anyone found the correct way to handle the lua5.2 issues with libssl.so.1.0.0 and lubvrypto.so.1.0.0 etc?
I just installed dtgbot as per the instructions, and it seems that the lus5.2 wants to use libssl.so.1.0.0 and libvrypto.so.1.0.0
# apt list --installed | egrep -i '(ssl|crypto)'
libevent-openssl-2.1-6/stable,now 2.1.8-stable-4 armhf [installed,automatic]
libk5crypto3/stable,now 1.17-3 armhf [installed,automatic]
libmbedcrypto3/stable,now 2.16.0-1 armhf [installed,automatic]
libssl-dev/stable,now 1.1.1c-1 armhf [installed]
libssl1.0.2/stable,now 1.0.2q-2 armhf [installed,automatic]
libssl1.1/stable,now 1.1.1c-1 armhf [installed]
openssl/stable,now 1.1.1c-1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-asn1crypto/stable,now 0.24.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
python-crypto/stable,now 2.6.1-9+b1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-cryptography/stable,now 2.6.1-3 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-openssl/stable,now 19.0.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
python3-asn1crypto/stable,now 0.24.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
python3-crypto/stable,now 2.6.1-9+b1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python3-cryptography/stable,now 2.6.1-3 armhf [installed,automatic]
python3-openssl/stable,now 19.0.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
So there are libssl1.1 ans 1.0.2 installed, not 1.0.0
I just installed dtgbot as per the instructions, and it seems that the lus5.2 wants to use libssl.so.1.0.0 and libvrypto.so.1.0.0
# apt list --installed | egrep -i '(ssl|crypto)'
libevent-openssl-2.1-6/stable,now 2.1.8-stable-4 armhf [installed,automatic]
libk5crypto3/stable,now 1.17-3 armhf [installed,automatic]
libmbedcrypto3/stable,now 2.16.0-1 armhf [installed,automatic]
libssl-dev/stable,now 1.1.1c-1 armhf [installed]
libssl1.0.2/stable,now 1.0.2q-2 armhf [installed,automatic]
libssl1.1/stable,now 1.1.1c-1 armhf [installed]
openssl/stable,now 1.1.1c-1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-asn1crypto/stable,now 0.24.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
python-crypto/stable,now 2.6.1-9+b1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-cryptography/stable,now 2.6.1-3 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-openssl/stable,now 19.0.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
python3-asn1crypto/stable,now 0.24.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
python3-crypto/stable,now 2.6.1-9+b1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python3-cryptography/stable,now 2.6.1-3 armhf [installed,automatic]
python3-openssl/stable,now 19.0.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
So there are libssl1.1 ans 1.0.2 installed, not 1.0.0
- beamzer
- Posts: 19
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Yes, you have to install libssl1.0.0, on my rapsberry pi it has:
I have:
in: /etc/sources.list
and then:
Code: Select all
sudo apt list --installed | egrep -i '(ssl|crypto)'
libgnutls-openssl27/oldoldstable,now 3.3.30-0+deb8u1 armhf [installed]
libio-socket-ssl-perl/oldoldstable,now 2.002-2+deb8u3 all [installed,automatic]
libk5crypto3/oldoldstable,now 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u5 armhf [installed,automatic]
libnet-smtp-ssl-perl/oldoldstable,now 1.01-3 all [installed,automatic]
libnet-ssleay-perl/oldoldstable,now 1.65-1+deb8u1 armhf [installed,automatic]
libssl-dev/oldoldstable,now 1.0.1t-1+deb8u11 armhf [installed]
libssl-doc/oldoldstable,now 1.0.1t-1+deb8u11 all [installed,automatic]
libssl1.0.0/oldoldstable,now 1.0.1t-1+deb8u11 armhf [installed]
openssl/oldoldstable,now 1.0.1t-1+deb8u11 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-cryptography/oldoldstable,now 0.6.1-1+deb8u1 armhf [installed,automatic]
python-openssl/oldoldstable,now 0.14-1 all [installed,automatic]
python-passlib/oldoldstable,now 1.6.1-1 all [installed]
ssl-cert/oldoldstable,now 1.0.35 all [installed,automatic]
in: /etc/sources.list
Code: Select all
deb http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie main contrib non-free rpi
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0
Domoticz stable on a Raspberry Pi 3
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
really? There is no way to make it use 1.1 or 1.0.2?
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Have you seen my post in the previous page of this thread?
And some post above about needing to recompile them?jvdz wrote: ↑Thursday 07 February 2019 11:47 I don't have a RPI3b so can test with that.... maybe others have tested this?
Maybe @simonrg can tell us which sources he used to compile these libraries, but my guess is these:
https://github.com/diegonehab/luasocket -> socket.* stuff
https://github.com/brunoos/luasec -> /usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/ssl.so
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Hi, I hadn't needed dtgbot for a while. Now I tried to use it again after a few months and didn't get any reply to my messages. I tried taking all troubleshootin steps that I found relevant, but no help. In error file there is nothing, in the log file there's just the basic info of the script starting, reading the variables etc. My first assumption was something wrong with TelegramBotOffset and incremented it with one. Then I looked at https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Remote_Co ... use_Errors and checked update_id as suggested and found it to be no where near to what there was in the variable in Domoticz. So I updated it to the correct update_id but that did not help either. So I have dtgbot running, nothing in error log, nothing except the startup message in normal log and no response when I send any command to the bot. I can confirm it worked a couple of months ago and there has not been any major changes in the setup meanwhile. Where should I continue troubleshooting? Can I somehow reset the chat with the bot and start again from TelegramBotOffset = 1?
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Could it be that you are also (like me) running on an older Raspbian OS, as I had also this kind of issue Thursday last week?
Long story short: It seems the the Telegram API site stopped support for “tlsv1” and the older version of LUASEC, which performs the webcalls is using that as default protocol. So I solved that by adding a wrapper function to DTGBOT.lua to set the protocol to “tlsv1_2” and all is working again for me.
The update was committed to https://github.com/steps39/dtgbot/blob/ ... dtgbot.lua . This i s the only file that was modified, so just download it and give it a try.
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- beamzer
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Thanks! it now works again,jvdz wrote: ↑Thursday 13 February 2020 15:46 Could it be that you are also (like me) running on an older Raspbian OS, as I had also this kind of issue Thursday last week?
Long story short: It seems the the Telegram API site stopped support for “tlsv1” and the older version of LUASEC, which performs the webcalls is using that as default protocol. So I solved that by adding a wrapper function to DTGBOT.lua to set the protocol to “tlsv1_2” and all is working again for me.
The update was committed to https://github.com/steps39/dtgbot/blob/ ... dtgbot.lua . This i s the only file that was modified, so just download it and give it a try.
Domoticz stable on a Raspberry Pi 3
RFXtrx433E - RFLink - Smartmeter (through RasPi-Zero-W) - Hue - BMP180 - DHT22 - Wemos D1 Mini's with PIR
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Same here, thanks a lot!beamzer wrote: ↑Thursday 13 February 2020 21:10Thanks! it now works again,jvdz wrote: ↑Thursday 13 February 2020 15:46 Could it be that you are also (like me) running on an older Raspbian OS, as I had also this kind of issue Thursday last week?
Long story short: It seems the the Telegram API site stopped support for “tlsv1” and the older version of LUASEC, which performs the webcalls is using that as default protocol. So I solved that by adding a wrapper function to DTGBOT.lua to set the protocol to “tlsv1_2” and all is working again for me.
The update was committed to https://github.com/steps39/dtgbot/blob/ ... dtgbot.lua . This i s the only file that was modified, so just download it and give it a try.
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Now after browsing through the thread I noticed this and tried it on a channel where I have the same bot. But immediately if I send a command to this channel, the bot sends a message to the 1-on-1 chat that id is not whitelisted. Is this the channel id that should be whitelisted? I guess my id is still the same. I tried adding the channel id to whitelist, but then dtgbot stopped working altogether. Maybe because the channel id is in format "-##########"? Or am I missing some configuration step?
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
A channel has its own ID swhich will be the senderID for DTGBOT, so you need to add that ChannelID to the Whitelist.Nautilus wrote: ↑Friday 14 February 2020 11:47Now after browsing through the thread I noticed this and tried it on a channel where I have the same bot. But immediately if I send a command to this channel, the bot sends a message to the 1-on-1 chat that id is not whitelisted. Is this the channel id that should be whitelisted? I guess my id is still the same. I tried adding the channel id to whitelist, but then dtgbot stopped working altogether. Maybe because the channel id is in format "-##########"? Or am I missing some configuration step?
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Ok, then I did the correct thing, can it be that it doesn't handle the hyphen (-) in the id correctly and therefore breaks?jvdz wrote: ↑Friday 14 February 2020 12:02A channel has its own ID swhich will be the senderID for DTGBOT, so you need to add that ChannelID to the Whitelist.Nautilus wrote: ↑Friday 14 February 2020 11:47Now after browsing through the thread I noticed this and tried it on a channel where I have the same bot. But immediately if I send a command to this channel, the bot sends a message to the 1-on-1 chat that id is not whitelisted. Is this the channel id that should be whitelisted? I guess my id is still the same. I tried adding the channel id to whitelist, but then dtgbot stopped working altogether. Maybe because the channel id is in format "-##########"? Or am I missing some configuration step?
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
It's working fine here. Have you restarted DTGBOT as the whitelist is only read from Domoticz at startup of DTGBOT?
You can see in the DTG.log which id's it found.
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- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
It's working fine here. Have you restarted DTGBOT as the whitelist is only read from Domoticz at startup of DTGBOT?
You can see in the DTG.log which id's it found.
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Here is an actual DTG.LOG example from last night (with the numbers changed for privacy ), where a command was send via a channel.
I use it to connect my google Home to Domoticz by using IFTTT to send a Telegram message to a channel, which is read and processed by DTGBOT to perform the Domoticz command.
I use it to connect my google Home to Domoticz by using IFTTT to send a Telegram message to a channel, which is read and processed by DTGBOT to perform the Domoticz command.
Code: Select all
2020-02-13 18:01:12 - found command <secsystem>
2020-02-13 18:01:12 - Decoded On
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - Decoded 0
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - dtgbotLogLevel set to: 0
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - WLidx 20
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - Decoded 86260000|95070000|-100000890000
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - WLString: 86260000|95070000|-100000890000
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - Getting TelegramBotOffset the previous Telegram bot message offset from Domoticz
2020-02-13 18:01:13 - Decoded 724578503
2020-02-13 18:02:03 -
2020-02-13 18:02:03 - ### In contact with Telegram servers
.................... very long line with dots, one for each longpoll cycle .................
2020-02-13 23:53:17 - WhiteList: 86260000
2020-02-13 23:53:17 - WhiteList: 95070000
2020-02-13 23:53:17 - WhiteList: -100000890000
2020-02-13 23:53:17 - Handle command function started with command-goes-here!On! February 13, 2020 at 11:53PM and -100000890000 Group:-100000890000 channelmsg:true
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Well, I tested again - same issue. The log stayed empty, nothing in errors either after adding the new whitelisted id. But nothing happened either. Then I tried again and put a trailing | after the second id and vóila, it works
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