Garbage module not loading for Rova

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

Moderators: leecollings, htilburgs, robgeerts

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Joined: Wednesday 29 May 2019 14:39
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 4.10717
Location: Zwolle

Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Kranendijk »

Hi all,

As a new registered user I would first and foremost thank all of the people developing Dashticz and all modules/addons/scripts and so on. Until now I am quite new in the domotica scene an learning a lot from all I've been reading overhere. Good job :D

I wouldn't register unless there is a real question, (let's be frank) hoping to find an answer or a hint to the solution. Of course I will try to add as much information as possible.
Running Dashticz v2.5.10, Domoticz Version: 4.10717 on a Rpi3.

The question is regarding the trash section in Dashticz. Despite keying in all correct information (in my opinion at least) and all php config according to the manual, it simply shows me only a trashcan. No more, no less. What am I dong wrong here? The carrier is Rova and for other people it seems to work allright.

Also (different question) I am running circles in how to get the fa icons installed. Can't find a way nor instruction on the world wide wait on how to do that.

Any help appreciated!

Preview of the Dashticz screen with trash module in the upper right corner:

Spoiler: show
////////////////////// GENERAL CONFIG /////////////////////////
var config = {}
config['language'] = 'nl_NL';
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['app_title'] = 'Thuis';
config['default_news_url'] = '';
config['news_scroll_after'] = '10';
config['standby_after'] = 15;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '60';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'slide';
config['standard_graph'] = 'day';
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dd DD.MM HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['calendarurl'] = 0;
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['auto_positioning'] = 1;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
config['last_update'] = 0; //niet noodzakelijk
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds'] = 1;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 0;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 0;
config['static_weathericons'] = 1;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;
config['settings_icons'] = ["settings", "fullscreen"];
config['shortdate'] = 'D MMM';
config['longdate'] = 'D MMMM YYYY';
config['shorttime'] = 'HH:mm';
config['longtime'] = 'HH:mm:ss';
config['weekday'] = 'dddd';
config['no_rgb'] = 1;
config['hide_off_button'] = 1;
config['owm_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['owm_city'] = 'Zwolle';
config['owm_name'] = '';
config['owm_country'] = 'nl';
config['owm_lang'] = 'nl';
config['owm_cnt'] = '5';
config['owm_min'] = true;
config['owm_days'] = true;

config['garbage_company'] = 'rova';
config['garbage_icalurl'] = '';
config['garbage_calendar_id'] = '';
config['garbage_zipcode'] = '8017AR';
config['garbage_street'] = 'Van Laersweg';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = '20';
config['garbage_housenumberadd'] = '';
config['garbage_maxitems'] = '12';
config['garbage_width'] = '12';
config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0;
config['garbage_use_names'] = true;
config['garbage_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = false;
config['garbage'] = {
GFT: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
Plastic: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#5e5d5c', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
Papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#153477', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},

////////////////////// ADDONS ///////////////////////////
var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: '', image: 'tv.png', width:12, channels: [1,2,3,4,31,36,46,37,34,92], maxitems: 10 }

var publictransport = {}

var calendars = {}

////////////////////// FRAMES ///////////////////////////

////////////////////// BUTTONS /////////////////////////
var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = { key: 'buienradar', width:12, isimage:true, refresh:30000,
refreshiframe:6000, forcerefresh:1,
image: ' ... =275&h=230',
url:' ... e=3&voor=1', framewidth:580, frameheight: 520, closebutton:false};
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
//buttons.page1 = { width:9, key:'first', title:'1', slide:1};
//buttons.page2 = { width:9, title:'2', slide:2};
//buttons.page3 = { width:9, title:'3', slide:3};
buttons.calendar = {title: 'Agenda xxxxxxxxxxx', url: 'about:blank'} //'xxxxxxxxxxx'}

////////////////////// BLOCKS AND BLOCK TITLES /////////////////////////
var blocks = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['title'] = 'Weerstation';

blocks['blocktitle_wie'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_wie']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_wie']['title'] = 'Wie is er thuis';

blocks['blocktitle_uitprobeersels'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_uitprobeersels']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_uitprobeersels']['title'] = 'Uitprobeersels';

blocks['blocktitle_slimmemeter'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_slimmemeter']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_slimmemeter']['title'] = 'Meterstanden';

blocks['blocktitle_scenes'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_scenes']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_scenes']['title'] = 'Scenes';

blocks['s1'] = {
width: 6,
title: 'Welterusten',
} //Scene voor slapen gaan

blocks[8] = {
width: 3,
} //Weerstation

blocks[9] = {
width: 3,
} //Weerstation accu

blocks[19] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[20] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[21] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[22] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[23] = {
width: 3,
title: 'TV aan/uit',
} //TV aan/uit

blocks[24] = {
width: 3,
title: 'Dressoir',
} //Lamp dressoir

blocks[25] = {
width: 4,
title: 'Standen elektra',
} //Meterstanden elektra

blocks[29] = {
width: 4,
title: 'Stand gas',
} //Meterstand gas

////////////////////// COLUMNS /////////////////////////
var columns = {}
columns['menu'] = {}
columns['menu']['blocks'] = [
columns['menu'].width = 1;

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = [
columns[1]['width'] = 3;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = [
columns[2]['width'] = 6;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [
columns[3]['width'] = 3;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = [
columns[4]['width'] = 6;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = [
columns[5]['width'] = 6;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [
columns[6]['width'] = 6;

////////////////////// STANDBY /////////////////////////
var columns_standby = {}
columns_standby[1] = {}
columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','123']
columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;

////////////////////// SCREEENS /////////////////////////
var screens = {}
// Background image files must be in the "img" folder
screens[1] = {
background: 'bg2.jpg',
columns: [1,2,3]
screens[2] = {
background: 'bg2.jpg',
columns: [4,5]
screens[3] = {
background: 'bg2.jpg',
columns: [6]
Spoiler: show
.transbg[class*="col-xs"] {
border-radius: 15px; /* Rounded corners */
border: 3px solid rgba(255,255,255,0); /* border: 7px -> 3px - Smaller space between blocks */
.far,.fas,.wi {
font-size:22px !important;
} {
height: 50px !important; /* default height=75px */
padding-top: 3px; /* center text for new height */
Posts: 2262
Joined: Monday 29 August 2016 22:40
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

Kranendijk wrote: Wednesday 29 May 2019 18:17 Hi all,

As a new registered user I would first and foremost thank all of the people developing Dashticz and all modules/addons/scripts and so on. Until now I am quite new in the domotica scene an learning a lot from all I've been reading overhere. Good job :D

I wouldn't register unless there is a real question, (let's be frank) hoping to find an answer or a hint to the solution. Of course I will try to add as much information as possible.
Running Dashticz v2.5.10, Domoticz Version: 4.10717 on a Rpi3.

The question is regarding the trash section in Dashticz. Despite keying in all correct information (in my opinion at least) and all php config according to the manual, it simply shows me only a trashcan. No more, no less. What am I dong wrong here? The carrier is Rova and for other people it seems to work allright.

Also (different question) I am running circles in how to get the fa icons installed. Can't find a way nor instruction on the world wide wait on how to do that.

Any help appreciated!

Preview of the Dashticz screen with trash module in the upper right corner:

Spoiler: show
////////////////////// GENERAL CONFIG /////////////////////////
var config = {}
config['language'] = 'nl_NL';
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['app_title'] = 'Thuis';
config['default_news_url'] = '';
config['news_scroll_after'] = '10';
config['standby_after'] = 15;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '60';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'slide';
config['standard_graph'] = 'day';
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dd DD.MM HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['calendarurl'] = 0;
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['auto_positioning'] = 1;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
config['last_update'] = 0; //niet noodzakelijk
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds'] = 1;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 0;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 0;
config['static_weathericons'] = 1;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;
config['settings_icons'] = ["settings", "fullscreen"];
config['shortdate'] = 'D MMM';
config['longdate'] = 'D MMMM YYYY';
config['shorttime'] = 'HH:mm';
config['longtime'] = 'HH:mm:ss';
config['weekday'] = 'dddd';
config['no_rgb'] = 1;
config['hide_off_button'] = 1;
config['owm_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['owm_city'] = 'Zwolle';
config['owm_name'] = '';
config['owm_country'] = 'nl';
config['owm_lang'] = 'nl';
config['owm_cnt'] = '5';
config['owm_min'] = true;
config['owm_days'] = true;

config['garbage_company'] = 'rova';
config['garbage_icalurl'] = '';
config['garbage_calendar_id'] = '';
config['garbage_zipcode'] = '8017AR';
config['garbage_street'] = 'Van Laersweg';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = '20';
config['garbage_housenumberadd'] = '';
config['garbage_maxitems'] = '12';
config['garbage_width'] = '12';
config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0;
config['garbage_use_names'] = true;
config['garbage_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = false;
config['garbage'] = {
GFT: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
Plastic: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#5e5d5c', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
Papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#153477', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},

////////////////////// ADDONS ///////////////////////////
var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: '', image: 'tv.png', width:12, channels: [1,2,3,4,31,36,46,37,34,92], maxitems: 10 }

var publictransport = {}

var calendars = {}

////////////////////// FRAMES ///////////////////////////

////////////////////// BUTTONS /////////////////////////
var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = { key: 'buienradar', width:12, isimage:true, refresh:30000,
refreshiframe:6000, forcerefresh:1,
image: ' ... =275&h=230',
url:' ... e=3&voor=1', framewidth:580, frameheight: 520, closebutton:false};
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
//buttons.page1 = { width:9, key:'first', title:'1', slide:1};
//buttons.page2 = { width:9, title:'2', slide:2};
//buttons.page3 = { width:9, title:'3', slide:3};
buttons.calendar = {title: 'Agenda xxxxxxxxxxx', url: 'about:blank'} //'xxxxxxxxxxx'}

////////////////////// BLOCKS AND BLOCK TITLES /////////////////////////
var blocks = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['title'] = 'Weerstation';

blocks['blocktitle_wie'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_wie']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_wie']['title'] = 'Wie is er thuis';

blocks['blocktitle_uitprobeersels'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_uitprobeersels']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_uitprobeersels']['title'] = 'Uitprobeersels';

blocks['blocktitle_slimmemeter'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_slimmemeter']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_slimmemeter']['title'] = 'Meterstanden';

blocks['blocktitle_scenes'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_scenes']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_scenes']['title'] = 'Scenes';

blocks['s1'] = {
width: 6,
title: 'Welterusten',
} //Scene voor slapen gaan

blocks[8] = {
width: 3,
} //Weerstation

blocks[9] = {
width: 3,
} //Weerstation accu

blocks[19] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[20] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[21] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[22] = {
width: 3,
} //xxxxxxxxxxx thuis

blocks[23] = {
width: 3,
title: 'TV aan/uit',
} //TV aan/uit

blocks[24] = {
width: 3,
title: 'Dressoir',
} //Lamp dressoir

blocks[25] = {
width: 4,
title: 'Standen elektra',
} //Meterstanden elektra

blocks[29] = {
width: 4,
title: 'Stand gas',
} //Meterstand gas

////////////////////// COLUMNS /////////////////////////
var columns = {}
columns['menu'] = {}
columns['menu']['blocks'] = [
columns['menu'].width = 1;

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = [
columns[1]['width'] = 3;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = [
columns[2]['width'] = 6;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [
columns[3]['width'] = 3;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = [
columns[4]['width'] = 6;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = [
columns[5]['width'] = 6;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [
columns[6]['width'] = 6;

////////////////////// STANDBY /////////////////////////
var columns_standby = {}
columns_standby[1] = {}
columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','123']
columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;

////////////////////// SCREEENS /////////////////////////
var screens = {}
// Background image files must be in the "img" folder
screens[1] = {
background: 'bg2.jpg',
columns: [1,2,3]
screens[2] = {
background: 'bg2.jpg',
columns: [4,5]
screens[3] = {
background: 'bg2.jpg',
columns: [6]
Spoiler: show
.transbg[class*="col-xs"] {
border-radius: 15px; /* Rounded corners */
border: 3px solid rgba(255,255,255,0); /* border: 7px -> 3px - Smaller space between blocks */
.far,.fas,.wi {
font-size:22px !important;
} {
height: 50px !important; /* default height=75px */
padding-top: 3px; /* center text for new height */
In the garbage config setting you have to use lower-case characters only. On my system it works with the following:

Code: Select all

config['garbage'] = {
gft: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
plastic: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#5e5d5c', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#153477', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},
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Joined: Wednesday 29 May 2019 14:39
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Kranendijk »

It works, great! Now only the fa icons remain...
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

Kranendijk wrote: Thursday 30 May 2019 10:30 It works, great! Now only the fa icons remain...
What's you question for the fa icons? They are installed ...
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Kranendijk »

Really? I thought there were more as I can see now. Where do I find them in Dashticz then? In some directory on the Pi? How do I change them? Can't seem to get the hang of that...
Stupid question maybe, but I honestly do not see how :oops:
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

Dashticz uses the icons from Have a look at that site for the icon names.

Sent from my SM-A320FL using Tapatalk

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Location: Zwolle

Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Kranendijk »

Posts: 60
Joined: Wednesday 29 May 2019 14:39
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Location: Zwolle

Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Kranendijk »

All fine except the grey PMD garbage bin. GFT (green) and paper (blue) show up neatly. However when I check the Rova afvalwijzer it indicates pickup for paper at 24-6 and GFT ar 3-7. The PMD scheduled for 26-6 however is not shown in dashticz. Weird. No changes in CONFIG.js done in trash setup, except the changes indicated in this topic. Any ideas? I remember having seen the PMD in the block in the past... I think.
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by bayensf »

Hi, I am also using Dashticz and have rova as garbage company. When opening the dashboard I get sometimes a message that PHP server is not available, after a refresh op the page it's gone and garbage icon and frame are filled. What I am missing the most, the garbage pickup of the day is not shown[/b :? ].

Last Friday we had "Restafval", the day before it had the message, the due day is was gone. I would like it's show also the day of pick up and when possible even highlighted or flashing. Not a must have, but a nice to have. To all whom contributed, may thanks for this great work :D .
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by jaaap »

bayensf wrote: Saturday 01 February 2020 9:25 Hi, I am also using Dashticz and have rova as garbage company. When opening the dashboard I get sometimes a message that PHP server is not available, after a refresh op the page it's gone and garbage icon and frame are filled. What I am missing the most, the garbage pickup of the day is not shown[/b :? ].

Last Friday we had "Restafval", the day before it had the message, the due day is was gone. I would like it's show also the day of pick up and when possible even highlighted or flashing. Not a must have, but a nice to have. To all whom contributed, may thanks for this great work :D .

My dashticz shows the garbage greyed out. However, a day before it has increased size and is displayed bold. On the day of the pickup it is flashing.

Put the following in custom css file:

Code: Select all

/* garbage module */

.trashcan {
    height: 50px !important;

.trash .state div.trashrow {
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #aaaaaa !important;
    padding-left: 10px !important;

.trash .state div.trashtomorrow {
    color: #ffffff !important;  
    font-size: 20px;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding-left: 10px !important;


.trash .state div.trashtoday {
    font-size: 26px;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding-left: 10px !important;
    -webkit-animation: BLINK-ANIMATION 1s infinite;
    -moz-animation: BLINK-ANIMATION 1s infinite;
    -o-animation: BLINK-ANIMATION 1s infinite;
    animation: BLINK-ANIMATION 1s infinite;

@-webkit-keyframes BLINK-ANIMATION {
   0%, 49% {
    text-shadow: -1px 0 white, 0 1px white, 1px 0 white, 0 -1px white;
   50%, 100% {
    text-shadow: -2px 0 white, 0 2px white, 2px 0 white, 0 -2px white;
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by bayensf »

Thanks I will add and see with the next pick-up if resolved.

I wil keep you informed.

In advance many thanks for the fix.
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by bayensf »

Hi Jaap,

Unfortunately it dot not work. I was home late last Friday (23:00) when a trash pickup was scheduled. When I looked at the dashboard it was showing next Friday pickup. I loaded the CSS file and was able to tweak the icon size and color of the letters, so it seems the file is integrated. Any other suggestions?
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

Is the date of the server correct?

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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

bayensf wrote:Hi Jaap,

Unfortunately it dot not work. I was home late last Friday (23:00) when a trash pickup was scheduled. When I looked at the dashboard it was showing next Friday pickup. I loaded the CSS file and was able to tweak the icon size and color of the letters, so it seems the file is integrated. Any other suggestions?
And what is your Dashticz version?

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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by bayensf »

Hi, I have Version 3.3.3. On a Synology DS218Play, with PHP 7.3.

Day before enlarged message is working, not flashing (not sure if this should be)
The same day no message at all, I guess it's because Rova is sending no message the same day either, you can sign up for a e-mail notification.
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by smaus »

I get a error domoticz error! garbage requires a PHP web server, anyone now how to solve this.

i have dashticz and domoticz on a synology
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

Did you already try the installation instructions? ... stall.html

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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by madpatrick »


Is it possible to have the garbage module displaying on the standby screen only when you need to put garbage out tomorrow and on the day itself.
So nothing on the screen when it it longer (>tomorrow)

Second question. Are two configurations possible.
- normal display on the screen with multiple days
- standby with only 1 day (only tomorrow and today)
-= HP server GEN8 Xeon(R) E3-1220L_V2 -=- OZW -=- Toon2 (rooted) -=- Domoticz v2024.7 -=- Dashticz v3.12b on Tab8" =-
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

Currently both are not possible. I'll add it to the feature request list.
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Re: Garbage module not loading for Rova

Post by Lokonli »

madpatrick wrote: Saturday 08 August 2020 18:06 Hi,

Is it possible to have the garbage module displaying on the standby screen only when you need to put garbage out tomorrow and on the day itself.
So nothing on the screen when it it longer (>tomorrow)

Second question. Are two configurations possible.
- normal display on the screen with multiple days
- standby with only 1 day (only tomorrow and today)
In the latest beta (>3.6.9) you can set the garbage block parameter 'maxdays' to limit the number of days forward to show the collection info.

You can define multiple garbage blocks in Config.js. One for the standby screen, and one for your normal screen.

Now the css classes '.trashtoday' and '.trashtomorrow' will be assigned on block level. You can hide the complete block in case there is not trash collection today or tomorrow by adding the following to custom.css:

Code: Select all

.trash:not(.trashtoday):not(.trashtomorrow)  {
    display: none;
or specifically for one garbage block, named 'standbygarbage':

Code: Select all

[data-id='standbygarbage'].trash:not(.trashtoday):not(.trashtomorrow)  {
    display: none;
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