
Xiaomi, Ikea TRÅDFRI, Philips Hue and more.

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Re: Zigbee2MQTT and Domoticz on Windows

Post by Bigted »

hoeby wrote: Sunday 23 June 2019 12:50
Smiggel wrote: Sunday 23 June 2019 9:50Yes. You can add z-wave and Zigbee, etc. etc. You can control it all using Domoticz.
Are you sure?
The zigbee2mqtt install instructions is on linux based.
How to install zigbee2mqtt on Windows? Do you have an installation manual?

That the different protocols Works together, that we know. But the question was how to get zigbee2mqtt working on Windows 10
Have you looked at this https://forums.homeseer.com/forum/light ... on-windows
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by Varazir »

I have setup Zigbee2MQTT and I have joined 2 devices, a Ikea lamp and Ikea 5 button remote.
All looks ok in Domoticz but I have started to tinker with DzVents but I notice when I press the same button more then ones ( click) Domoticz just register ones and I need to long press then short press to get a click state again.

I like to use the button to lower the light on the lamp but I need to switch between long and short (click) it will not work.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by StasDemydiuk »

I would suggest to create dzVents script which will set switch state to "Off" after each use. This is how I solved the issue
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Re: reinstalling zigbee2mqtt

Post by johansson »

I had to reinstall my whole Domoticz; most of the stuff was successfully restored from backups, but the zigbee2mqtt caused some issues such as re-pairing the Xiaomi buttons is a pain in the a**, but doable. Two major issues remain:
1) Ikea Control outlet (E1603/1702) is refusing the co-operate, although it was up and running prior the fresh install. According to the log the device is first configured, but no converter available.

Code: Select all

Successfully configured 0x000d6ffffeda0e26 (0x000d6ffffeda0e26)
No converter available for 'E1603/E1702' with cid 'genBasic', type 'devChange' and data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"10":[69,49,54,48,51]}}'
Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html.
No converter available for 'E1603/E1702' with cid 'genIdentify', type 'devChange' and data '{"cid":"genIdentify","data":{"identifyTime":180}}' Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html.
MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6ffffeda0e26', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":60}'
2)No devices in Node-red admin panel or network map in logs
In the past I was able to see and adjust the devices in Node-red admin panel; nothing showing there either. The zigbee2mqtt or Domoticz logs are additionally missing the graphviz -details, so cannot generate a networkmap or anything
=> something's not ok with the installation, but not sure what

Any ideas, anybody?
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by visuel »

I have the same IKEA control Outlet problem as you.
See: https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... 5&start=80


After update of plugin the Outlet control is not supported anymore.
Used to work though.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by johansson »

Indeed, that seems to be case. I was a bit puzzled to notice the outlet worked like a charm before the reinstallation, but no luck after that. Did you face that after updating the python plugin or zigbee2mqtt? I thought it was a Zigbee2mqtt issue, but could be abt plugin as well.

Good to know I'm not the only one with this, though.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by visuel »

The other day I updated both zigbee2mqtt-server and the zigbee2mqtt-domoticz-plugin.
Before the updates everything was working fine.

With MQTT-explorer I managed to communicate the IKEA control Outlets and set them ON and OFF, so it seems that the problem is in the python-plugin.

I (or somebody else )need to investigate further what is going wrong now in this versions.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by visuel »

In "......../domoticz/plugins/zigbee2mqtt/adapters/__init__.py" I added the following line just below the existing IKEA control outlet adapter:

'E1603/E1702': OnOffSwitchAdapter, # IKEA TRADFRI control outlet

So now you get:

'E1603': OnOffSwitchAdapter, # IKEA TRADFRI control outlet
'E1603/E1702': OnOffSwitchAdapter, # IKEA TRADFRI control outlet

Now the E1603/E1702 model is also supported, just like the E1603 model.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by johansson »

You, my man, are a genius 👍 Added the above, did some stopping, starting and rebooting and finally the IKEA outlet is up and running. Perfect stuff, thanks a lot.

The network map is still missing and node-red panel isn't working, but at least my devices are in place.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by visuel »

johansson wrote: Tuesday 06 August 2019 20:33 You, my man, are a genius 👍 Added the above, did some stopping, starting and rebooting and finally the IKEA outlet is up and running. Perfect stuff, thanks a lot.

The network map is still missing and node-red panel isn't working, but at least my devices are in place.
I use MQT-EXPLORER to connect to the zigbee2mqtt-server, and send (=publish) "graphviz" to the "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap" topic.
A second later you can copy the graphviz-graph from the "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap/graphviz" topic.
Then you can paste the graph at the webgraphviz.com website to see your graph.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by hoeby »

Can someone help me with the zigbee2mqtt dashboard, which could be found on this site https://github.com/ben423423n32j14e/zig ... adminpanel

This has 5 steps, but when you never worked with Node-Red, than those 5 steps are not clear what to do.
1. Install Node-Red
2. Create a Flow called "Zigbee2MQTT Admin Panel"
3. Settings > "Manage palette" > Install, search for and install "node-red-dashboard"
4. Import flow into "Zigbee2MQTT Admin Panel" flow
5. Visit: http://ipaddress:1880/ui

Steps 1 and 2 where done.
But after doing step 3. I noticed that i had to set the "deploy" button in step 2. My created flow was not saved.
Installe "node-red-dashboard" and went further with step 4.

On step 4 i got stuck. What to do if you never worked with Node-Red.
Google helped a little bit. I went to the clipboard, but there was no information to import.
Again i googled and found this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ben42 ... aster/flow
Imported that en deployed. The UI works, but looks way different than other people are showing.
Also it doesn't publish information. It looks like buttons and not more of that.

After a search i found the device subflow. I found an issue where the MQTT address needed to be filled in.
Did that, i found that de MQTT broker settings where wrong. Put the correct IP and port in it, saved, but no luck.
Restarted the node, but i can't get it to work. No devices are published

Could somebody help, or have a link for a noob with node-red, to get this working?
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by hoeby »

Got it working.
Because i am a noob of node-red. I made more flows. And deleted them, so i stayed with 1 Zigbee2mqtt dashboard flow.
But the subflow devices are still there.

I changed all subflows with the name "devices" to the correct IP. After the deploy and delete cache, the UI showed the information.
But the buttons don't work.

I would like to remove a device, that is why i installed the dashboard.
Copied the name and placed it in the remove place, pushed on the button, but it doesn't work
Also saw that the zigbee2mqtt goes wild. In the domoticz log i see every 5 seconds the information

Code: Select all

(Zigbee2MQTT) Received available devices list from bridge 
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by snellejellep »

my zigbee2mqtt bridge is full, can i add a second one using a second pi?
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by StasDemydiuk »

snellejellep wrote: Friday 01 November 2019 17:52 my zigbee2mqtt bridge is full, can i add a second one using a second pi?
Yes, you can, but you will need to run additional instance of zigbee2mqtt. Basically after that you will have 2 independent zigbee networks.
Also you could flash additional zigbee stick as a router and in this way extend your network capacity.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by snellejellep »

StasDemydiuk wrote: Sunday 03 November 2019 12:19
Yes, you can, but you will need to run additional instance of zigbee2mqtt. Basically after that you will have 2 independent zigbee networks.
Also you could flash additional zigbee stick as a router and in this way extend your network capacity.
how would i create a second router and pair it to the first one?
raspberry pi | xiaomi vacuum | yeelight | philips hue | zwave | ubiquiti unifi | harmony | sonoff | zigbee2mqtt | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Zidl ... m1OLuNldfQ
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by StasDemydiuk »

You could use this manual as example https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_ ... outer.html
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by RichardBokker »

The Zigbee2MQTT is really awesome plugin, finally getting rid of the Xiaomi Gateway crap!

Has anyone a step-by-step explaination to install the Zigbee2MqttAssistant on a rPI?

Or should i use the Docker installation method in my sitation?
Thats new for me to, so have to figure it out.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by gschmidt »


I am trying to install Zigbee2MQTT on my Domoticz system (Rpi3b).
The CC2531 USB is inserted directly on the same system.
When I run the service with "npm start", I get the error "Not connected to MQTT Server"

I have attached the LOG and the configuration.yaml.

Could somebody help me out with this?
MQTT Server Error.JPG
MQTT Server Error.JPG (133.55 KiB) Viewed 4061 times
Configuration-YAML.JPG (112.44 KiB) Viewed 4061 times
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by snellejellep »

gschmidt wrote: Saturday 16 November 2019 16:44 Hi,

I am trying to install Zigbee2MQTT on my Domoticz system (Rpi3b).
The CC2531 USB is inserted directly on the same system.
When I run the service with "npm start", I get the error "Not connected to MQTT Server"

I have attached the LOG and the configuration.yaml.

Could somebody help me out with this?
do you have authentication enabled on your mqtt server?

checkout my video on this topic, maby it will help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Whi98 ... A&index=17
Last edited by snellejellep on Saturday 16 November 2019 16:57, edited 1 time in total.
raspberry pi | xiaomi vacuum | yeelight | philips hue | zwave | ubiquiti unifi | harmony | sonoff | zigbee2mqtt | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Zidl ... m1OLuNldfQ
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT

Post by snellejellep »

RichardBokker wrote: Friday 15 November 2019 8:38 The Zigbee2MQTT is really awesome plugin, finally getting rid of the Xiaomi Gateway crap!

Has anyone a step-by-step explaination to install the Zigbee2MqttAssistant on a rPI?

Or should i use the Docker installation method in my sitation?
Thats new for me to, so have to figure it out.
the zigbee2mqtt assistant is really hard to use withoud home assistant, i am working on a video about a similar tool but then created in nodered so it can easily be used with domoticz. for now i would like to redirect you to try: https://github.com/ben423423n32j14e/zig ... adminpanel
make sure you have it running on the same machine as your mqtt server.
if you have enabled authentication you may run in to problems but that is a little hard to explain this way. i hope to make a video about it soon.
raspberry pi | xiaomi vacuum | yeelight | philips hue | zwave | ubiquiti unifi | harmony | sonoff | zigbee2mqtt | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Zidl ... m1OLuNldfQ
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