P1 meter last 24 hours strange behaviour

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P1 meter last 24 hours strange behaviour

Post by ruudster »

Hi all,

After some troubles with my RPi 3B+ with Domoticz, I'm up and running again.

A few weeks ago the 'Gas' meter - Last 24 hours is empty. I can see the values in the 'Devices' tab.

As for today, updated to the last bèta version V4.11364, I can only see the return power (solar), but not the usage from phase 1, 2, 3 (combined) in th last 24 hours. Also these variables are available in the Devices tab (eg. Data: 2148348;1442666;29888;74867;107;341 )

Is this a known issue? Anyone else noticed this.

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Joined: Tuesday 15 October 2019 11:05
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Re: P1 meter last 24 hours strange behaviour

Post by ruudster »

Ok, the power did kind of recover itself (gas not, still empty in the 24 hour view).

However, my system has been offline due to power failure for 2 days and in previous versions (seemingly) of Domoticz the 'Total' power was also used to calculate the total power usage. Now it seems that only the current power is used in a cumulative way.
So 'missed ' current data is not compensated in the log, as it did in previous versions.

For example if on Tuesday the measurements are missed (eg. 10kWh), the next day the cumulative value of Wednesday is 10kWh + [usage of Wednesday]. For the long term usage and averaging this is important.
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