Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Linux))

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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by joske522 »

I'm using the latest build (I have V1.2015 in the left hand corner) that I installed through the update now function. It even updates the current state so that's really nice. Would like to get my hue working but that seems to be difficult for a beginner ultra noob like me :|

Thanks for the tip!
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by gb160 »

mbliek wrote:
Domoticz should update the switch when using the remote. Take a look at the wiki page again.

There is a script that checked every 10 min for an active activity.
Thanks for the reply...apologies if I'm being a bit stupid but I can't see a mention of this script in the wiki...
Am I looking in the right place mate?
Would it be possible to increase the frequency of the script? Or is it 10 minutes for a reason?
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by mbliek »

gb160 wrote: Thanks for the reply...apologies if I'm being a bit stupid but I can't see a mention of this script in the wiki...
Am I looking in the right place mate?
Would it be possible to increase the frequency of the script? Or is it 10 minutes for a reason?
Oops, sorry.
I'm using that script on my installation.
Didn't wrote it in the wiki.
When I get back home I will post it.
You should be able to do it more that once per 10 min.
But it will be an load for the pi.
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by gb160 »

mbliek wrote:
gb160 wrote: Thanks for the reply...apologies if I'm being a bit stupid but I can't see a mention of this script in the wiki...
Am I looking in the right place mate?
Would it be possible to increase the frequency of the script? Or is it 10 minutes for a reason?
Oops, sorry.
I'm using that script on my installation.
Didn't wrote it in the wiki.
When I get back home I will post it.
You should be able to do it more that once per 10 min.
But it will be an load for the pi.'s appreciated
I'll cancel my appointment with my optician!!
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by mbliek »

As promised. here is the script:

I added this line to the crontab:

Code: Select all

crontab -e
*/10 * * * * /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/

This will execute the script every 10 min, you can do it more often.

The script checks which activity is active and then switch the dummy switch on.
When the switch is already on, it does nothing...

All those echo's where only for me to test, not really needed

Code: Select all


DOMO_IP="*******"    # Domoticz IP Address
DOMO_PORT="*******"      # Domoticz Port

activity=`/home/pi/HarmonyHubControl/HarmonyHubControl email password harmony_IP get_current_activity_id | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | awk "NR==4{print;exit}"`

if [ "$activity" = "5766677" ] ; then		#TV
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=453" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "TV al ingeschakeld"
          echo "TV ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=453&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "5766811" ] ; then		#Apple TV
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=452" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "Apple TV al ingeschakeld"
          echo "Apple TV ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=452&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "5766789" ] ; then		#Bioscoop
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=454" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "Bioscoop al ingeschakeld"
          echo "Bioscoop ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=454&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "7695331" ] ; then		#Muziek
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=455" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "Muziek al ingeschakeld"
          echo "Muziek ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=455&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "5766679" ] ; then		#CDs
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=456" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "CDs al ingeschakeld"
          echo "CDs ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=456&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "5766675" ] ; then		#BR
	ccurl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=457" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "BluRay al ingeschakeld"
          echo "BluRay ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=457&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "5766732" ] ; then		#WDTV
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=458" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "WDTV al ingeschakeld"
          echo "WDTV ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=458&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "5766676" ] ; then		#Radio
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=459" | grep "Status" | grep "On" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "Radio al ingeschakeld"
          echo "Radio ingeschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=459&switchcmd=On"
elif [ "$activity" = "-1" ] ; then			#Uit
	curl -s "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=devices&rid=474" | grep "Status" | grep "Off" > /dev/null
		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
       		echo "AV al uitgeschakeld"
          echo "AV uiteschakeld"
       		# Send data
          	curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=474&switchcmd=Off"
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by gb160 »

Thanks , will try this at the weekend, do I only need to edit the activity codes? (Obviously the IP address and port as well)
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by mbliek »

Also the idx of the switches and add or remove some switches. Depending on how many activists you have.
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by gb160 »

mbliek wrote:Also the idx of the switches and add or remove some switches. Depending on how many activists you have.
Finally got the chance to try this and it works well, thanks for the script......I've managed to increase the frequency to once per minute, with only a slight increase to the load on my pi.
I will stick with this until the native support for the pi actually works reliably.
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by Boefje »

I've been playing with HarmonyHub control. I couldn't find the location where it was included in the Domoticz files so I installed it seperately according to the Domoticz wiki. I know domoticz isn't ready yet for commands but this should be possible in the future :-)

Then I issues the command:

Code: Select all

./HarmonyHubControl email password hub ipaddress password list_devices
This resulted in a list of devices:

Code: Select all

Devices Controllable via Harmony :

20686775 - Device 1
20779809 - Device 2
20686760 - Device 3
20671327 - Device 4
21160666 - Device 5
20674970 - Device 6
20671404 - Device 7
20672634 - Marantz AV Receiver
I wrote down the device Id of my Marantz receiver 20672634

Then I listed the configuration of my Harmony Hub Ultimate

Code: Select all

./HarmonyHubControl email password hub ipaddress password get_config
And got the following (part of it)

Code: Select all

Logitech Harmony Configuration :
"activity":[{"suggestedDisplay":"Default","label":"Raise Screen","id":"13178772","activityTypeDisplayName":"Default","controlGroup":[{"name":"TransportBasic","function":[{"action":"{\"command\":\"Stop\",\"type\":\"IRCommand\",\"deviceId\":\"20674970\"}","name":
Off"},"20674970":{"id":"20674970","isManualPower":true}},"type":"VirtualGeneric","icon":"userdata: 0x4454c8","baseImageUri":"https:\/\/\/"},{"suggestedDisplay":"Default","label":"Lower screen","id":"13178753","activityTypeDispl
Then I looked up the commands of the Marantz receiver by scanning on the device ID.

Code: Select all

{"name":"Volume","function":[{"action":"{\"command\":\"Mute\",\"type\":\"IRCommand\",\"deviceId\":\"20672634\"}","name":"Mute","label":"Mute"},{"action":"{\"command\":\"VolumeDown\",\"type\":\"IRCommand\",\"deviceId\":\"20672634\"}","name":"VolumeDown","label":"Volume Down"},{"action":"{\"command\":\"VolumeUp\",\"type\":\"IRCommand\",
\"deviceId\":\"20672634\"}","name":"VolumeUp","label":"Volume Up"}]},
and using the commands

you can assemble the following commands:

./HarmonyHubControl email password hub ipaddress password issue_device_command 20672634 "Mute"
./HarmonyHubControl email password hub ipaddress password issue_device_command 20672634 "VolumeDown"
./HarmonyHubControl email password hub ipaddress password issue_device_command 20672634 "VolumeUp"

And it works perfectly!
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by tmelon »

This looks great. I have just bought Harmony Hub and see activities in Domoticz on my Synology.
However I have never tried a script.
If you would like to call Volume up command, how should I creat it:
- by creating Dummy switch with VolumeUp and Execute script which will contain:

./HarmonyHubControl email password hub ipaddress password issue_device_command 'activityid number' "VolumeUp" ?
what is the proper syntax for using this script?

Thanks for help.
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by Justintime »

Is it also possible to control it the other way round? So when giving a command on the remote to control the domoticz?

The reason I want to control the light with the Harmony remote. Then I can get rid of the JB light manager.

I know the Harmony sends out IR. But is it possible to catch the RF from Harmony? Or is that too simple thinking.
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by mbliek »

You should can receive the IR from the harmony with a IR receiver connected to you pi. But it should be in range.

You can turn light on/off when an activity is started with the harmony. Domoticz knows when it has started and could execute a script for example.
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by ChayydTayloor »

Bought one few days back so I hope you can help me if I get stuck .. :D

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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by simon_rb »

Hi all,

Just read through this and it's something I might be interested in. Just want to clarify what this project actually allows you to do..

My setup:- domoticz controls house, if I select watch Sky TV in domoticz then it then turns everything on - I have an SQ Blaster for the IR stuff. I was hoping to get a harmony touch remote but realised while it's great for IR stuff it won't be able to tell domoticz to turn everything on.

Am I right in thinking if I had the hub as well as the Touch I'd be able to setup the touch to "watch Sky TV" and it would be ale to send the request to the hub which would tell domoticz to start an event to turn everything on and then the touch remote would be fine for IR commands from then on like changing volume/channels etc...

Does that make sense. It's just to make my setup more wife friendly lol. Thank you
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by gdisselkoen »

Not sure what you want to do.

On the Harmony Touch you can create activities that turns on all devices needed to "watch Sky TV" (e.g. television, sat receiver, AV receiver).
On the Harmony Hub you can create also activities. If you connect your Harmony Touch with the Harmony Hub, all activities from The Touch are also available on the Hub and you can add 15 devices instead of 8. You can add also home devices to the Hub\Touch.

When you add a Harmony Hub to Domoticz, all configured activities are created in Domoticz.
With blockly or scripts you can create actions based on the status of an activity.

In my case, I have created an blockly script that dims several lamps when the activity "Watch TV" or my Home Theater PC is turned on. And when the activity is stopped, the lights will go back to the normal level.

With the HarmonyHubControl script you can add additional options to Domoticz to control your devices, like turning off the sound, switch channels, and so on.
You can also use a scene in Domoticz to turn off all the lights whe you go to bed and also switch off your activity in the Harmony Hub.

BTW The Harmony Hub not only supports IR, it also supports Bluetooth (game consoles) and WiFi. You can the Harmony Hub let do a scan for devices that can be controled by the hub.

Guus Disselkoen
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by simon_rb »

gdisselkoen wrote:Not sure what you want to do.

On the Harmony Touch you can create activities that turns on all devices needed to "watch Sky TV" (e.g. television, sat receiver, AV receiver).
On the Harmony Hub you can create also activities. If you connect your Harmony Touch with the Harmony Hub, all activities from The Touch are also available on the Hub and you can add 15 devices instead of 8. You can add also home devices to the Hub\Touch.

When you add a Harmony Hub to Domoticz, all configured activities are created in Domoticz.
With blockly or scripts you can create actions based on the status of an activity.

In my case, I have created an blockly script that dims several lamps when the activity "Watch TV" or my Home Theater PC is turned on. And when the activity is stopped, the lights will go back to the normal level.

With the HarmonyHubControl script you can add additional options to Domoticz to control your devices, like turning off the sound, switch channels, and so on.
You can also use a scene in Domoticz to turn off all the lights whe you go to bed and also switch off your activity in the Harmony Hub.

BTW The Harmony Hub not only supports IR, it also supports Bluetooth (game consoles) and WiFi. You can the Harmony Hub let do a scan for devices that can be controled by the hub.

Guus Disselkoen
Thank you for your reply. I think I can do what I'd like with this setup.

So basically I can have an activity called Watch Virgin on the remote/touch and when I select that it will switch a switch in domoticz that in turn sets everything up to watch TV (I currently have switches in domoticz called watch TV for example which will switch everything on and switch channels) so I only need the touch to switch a switch and I can use blocky to do the rest.

Would that be possible?
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by carldickson »


Ive got this 90% working, but when I press the buttons I get Unorthirized User

If I go to the HarmonyHub directory and run the command's I get a Success but not if its run from an other directory. Can you help?


pi@MediaPI ~/HarmonyHubControl $ sudo ./HarmonyHubControl xxxxx xxxxx list_devices
Devices Controllable via Harmony :

15980405 - Panasonic TV
20291062 - Amazon Fire TV
27156028 - Mitsubishi Climate Control
15978741 - Arcam AV Receiver

pi@MediaPI ~/HarmonyHubControl $ cd ..
pi@MediaPI ~ $ sudo ./HarmonyHubControl/HarmonyHubControl xxxxx xxxxx list_devices
ERROR : harmonyWebServiceLogin : Logitech web service response does not contain a login authorization token
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by carldickson »

I got it going by copying the harmony token into the domoticz folder
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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by thier »

First of all hello from a frenchie, so sorry if my English is not good enough.
I'm using domoticz to control my harmony hub. I have a problem with the transmission of order. I use srcipt in php or bash like under but my hub receive to much information. Each order is receive 2 or 3 time. It doesn't matter for the sound level but it is more anoying with channel flick.

/home/pi/harmony/HarmonyHubControl email login ip issue_device_command 27244186 "VolumeDown"

or in php
shell_exec('./HarmonyHubControl email login ip issue_device_command 27244186 "ChannelUp"');

If I look the logs in domoticz it seems that there is a problem:
2015-09-28 20:22:55.139 (baisser_son_canal) Lighting 1 (baisser son canal)
2015-09-28 20:22:55.872 Executing script: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/
2015-09-28 20:22:57.206 Error: SQL Query("SELECT ID, SceneType, ListenCmd FROM Scenes WHERE (HardwareID=23 AND DeviceID='65' AND Unit=1 AND Type=16 AND SubType=0)") : no such column: ListenCmd
2015-09-28 20:22:57.206 (baisser_son_canal) Lighting 1 (baisser son canal)

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Re: Control Your Harmony Hub with Domoticz (RaspberryPi (Lin

Post by thier »

Here is the solution. I modified the propertie of the command in myharmony config. By default the order are send two time. I adjust to one time and all is working well.
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