Automatic screens with manual in between

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Automatic screens with manual in between

Post by wouterlet »

I have made an event to make my screens go up and down. But this event runs every few seconds, I would like to have the event run once.
Right now the screens go down, but I want to manually put them back up sometimes, but the screens go down again in a few sec.
I hope my problem is clear, I attached the event to show what I did.
Screen event.png
Screen event.png (33.31 KiB) Viewed 571 times
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Re: Automatic screens with manual in between

Post by DaanT »

Hi Wouterlet,

I have some kind of similar event where I wanted to loop thought a single event, but once run it would not re-trigger.
The way I do it is by using a user variable.

In the first IF, check that the user variable (UV for short now) is not 0. And in the DO, set the UV to 0.
In the second IF set it to check the UV is not 1 and in the DO set it to 1.
And so on...

This way the event will trigger every minute, but no events will runs more than once, unless time or UV Accuweather change.
Best to put an extra if that checks if it is bigger than the max value you used, and let is send you an error message. It should never get triggered but it is good practice in case you make an error somewhere or the events screw up.

Kind regards
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Re: Automatic screens with manual in between

Post by Gerwin »


you can make a selector switch
10 off (up)
20 on (down)
30 automatic (follow your blockly)

I have almost a simular schedule for the airco

blockly1.jpg (95.33 KiB) Viewed 534 times
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Re: Automatic screens with manual in between

Post by wouterlet »

Thanks for your answers guys, I should be able to make it work now!
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Re: Automatic screens with manual in between

Post by wouterlet »

Works great now. I didn't know about the user variables so a whole new world opened up!
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