Somfy (RFXtrx) blinds - 3 positions in group

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Somfy (RFXtrx) blinds - 3 positions in group

Post by pakovec2 »

Hello everybody,

I have Somfy blinds (the external ones, only going up/down, not changing the angle), controlled via RPi (with Domoticz and RFXtrx433XL).

I have the blinds as a "Switch", where they work fine and have 3 positions: On/Off/Stop (Stop=My => stop and/or blind down to ~95%).

When trying to group the blinds, I end up with only On/Off button - so practically no chance to go to "My" position. I understand the "Scene" could help somehow (like press "My" for this group of blinds), but it's still not the solution, as it does not really allow to stop the blinds in movement.

Is there any setup, where I can use all 3 commands on several devices?

See the screenshot of: Scene vs Group vs Switch (from up to down)

PS: sorry if it was discussed already, but I was only able to find fragments of answers in various posts, never complete, so maybe this will help other people too.
Somfy Domoticz.PNG
Somfy Domoticz.PNG (46.04 KiB) Viewed 806 times
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Re: Somfy (RFXtrx) blinds - 3 positions in group

Post by DavidSof »

Also interested in the answer, same question on my side!
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Re: Somfy (RFXtrx) blinds - 3 positions in group

Post by pakovec2 »

Meanwhile I "workaround/solved" it by setting a scenario for each, so need to have a separate button for each position. Not exactly the best way, but it works.

Currently looking into timers and how to optimize those.
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