Simple led feedback

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Simple led feedback

Post by doms »


I have a domoticz installation working with zwave and rfc-com avaible protocols. I want to do a simple thing: I would like to have a simple LED (uni-color, I do not care about changing color) to show me in real live state of a sensor (on/off). I do not need to change the color, I do not need to manage intensity, I just want a simple tiny light as a feedback in a small box (the smaller the better) with a battery.

I did not find an existing packaged solution for that, did I miss something?

Thank you. Doms.
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Re: Simple led feedback

Post by randomdune »

How about a very basic mysensor node?

sensor -> domoticz -> mysensor node -> LED

Domoticz has full support for the Mysensors - I use the serial gateway ( as simple as plugging in a USB cable and a 5 line Arduino sketch).

You don't even need an extra node. The serial gateway device can be used as a node itself, and you could make it turn on/off your status LED based on a status message from Domoticz.

If you need battery/wireless communication - look at the Binary node - one hop of radio tx. ( You can turn this backward in communication, so that the serial gateway sends info to the node.
Domoticz: 4.10429 on Ubuntu LTS with Zwave (Aeotech) + Zigbee (Zigbee2MQTT) and Mysensors
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Re: Simple led feedback

Post by doms »


As I thought, no off-the-shelf solution.

Thank you for your reply. Doms.
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