so, today i noticed the (dutch) ToonThermostat stopped working. i checked the username and password, stil get this Error. Are there more with the same problem? Is it a bug @ Toon?
Stopped at 14:20... Looks like they've pulled the plug out. I was thinking about hacking the Toon for a while and now the time has come when there is no solution...
Mine stopped also yesterday at around 14:25. I am just building sensors and the logic to control my heating in the rest off the house when I have the fireplace burning in the living room. Mm this is not helping if I can't get domoticz to set the setpoint of toon higher then the actual living room temp anymore.
Running into the same problem too, really to bad, I am using Toon together with 5 "slimme stekkers", measuring most of my power usage and creating graphs. Hope this issue can be solved..
Hier ook hetzelfde probleem.
Had gehoopt op dat het herstarten een oplossing bood maar helaas. Zoals ik het lees zal iedereen hier wel last van hebben.
De vraag is dan: en nu?
Hoop dat iemand een oplossing weet. Misschien een petitie bij Toon inleveren...
Gebruik een aantal jaren deze Domoticz<-->Toon en ben er eigenlijk van afhankelijk...
[sorry I should have written in English]
Does someone have a telephone number or email which we can contact?
Yes, you are at the right place. I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with your connectivity. Unfortunately, the domain you are using has been shut down due to deprecation and security reasons. All further outside communication with Toon can be done with the openAPI. Information about it is available here
My apologies for this unexpected trouble on your end. We tried our best to inform our end users directly, in this case the native applications that this will happen. It seems that the information that the old endpoints are still used by domotics has not been known by the current team.
I am very happy to help in any way by getting you onto the openAPI.
I just called the supportdesk giving me the same answer. They do not know how to help and say they are not obligated to help for non-native toon support.
On the other hand, the openAPI stuff ( does look promising, doesn't it? I guess it should be possible to work with this.
- Running LMS, Domoticz and Dashticz on a windows 11 laptop.
- LMS (11 players) / Hue (26 lights, 2 switches) / Z-wave (14 devices) / Toon (unrooted) / Chromecast
As anyone else off course... same issues.
Due to my lack of IT skills, I’m not sure if (and if so, how) we can benefit from work already done:
For home assistant the earlier api is already used...